B.L Turner

Clark University, Worcester, MA, United States 
Geography, Geodesy, Public Health, Latin American Studies
"B.L Turner"
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Meyfroidt P, de Bremond A, Ryan CM, et al. (2022) Ten facts about land systems for sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119
Turner B, Meyfroidt P, Kuemmerle T, et al. (2020) Framing the search for a theory of land use Journal of Land Use Science. 15: 489-508
Stuhlmacher M, Andrade R, Turner BL, et al. (2020) Environmental Outcomes of Urban Land System Change: Comparing Riparian Design Approaches in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area Land Use Policy. 99: 104615
Chowdhury RR, Turner BL. (2019) The parallel trajectories and increasing integration of landscape ecology and land system science Journal of Land Use Science. 14: 135-154
Sala OE, Boone CG, Turner BL, et al. (2019) The sustainability publication gap and its implications Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 39: 39-43
Zhang Y, Middel A, Turner BL. (2019) Evaluating the effect of 3D urban form on neighborhood land surface temperature using Google Street View and geographically weighted regression Landscape Ecology. 34: 681-697
Meyfroidt P, Roy Chowdhury R, de Bremond A, et al. (2018) Middle-range theories of land system change Global Environmental Change. 53: 52-67
Seto KC, Golden JS, Alberti M, et al. (2017) Sustainability in an urbanizing planet. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Millones M, Rogan J, Turner B, et al. (2017) Fire Data as Proxy for Anthropogenic Landscape Change in the Yucatán Land. 6: 61
Smith JP, Li X, Turner B. (2017) Lots for greening: Identification of metropolitan vacant land and its potential use for cooling and agriculture in Phoenix, AZ, USA Applied Geography. 85: 139-151
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