Mark Sacchetti

1992 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
"Mark Sacchetti"

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George D Zografi grad student 1992 UW Madison
 (In-plane Steady Shear Viscosity of Monolayers at the Air/water Interface.)
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Sacchetti M. (2014) Thermodynamics of water-solid interactions in crystalline and amorphous pharmaceutical materials. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 103: 2772-83
Dawson KJ, Kearns KL, Ediger MD, et al. (2009) Highly stable indomethacin glasses resist uptake of water vapor. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 113: 2422-7
Sacchetti M. (2006) The nitrogen adsorption isotherm of alpha-lactose monohydrate. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. 11: 351-8
Sacchetti M. (2004) Determining the relative physical stability of anhydrous and hydrous crystal forms of GW2016. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 273: 195-202
Zhu HJ, Sacchetti M. (2002) Solid state characterization of an neuromuscular blocking agent--GW280430A. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 234: 19-23
Sacchetti M. (1998) Thermodynamic Analysis of Moisture Sorption Isotherms Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 87: 982-986
Sacchetti M, Yu H, Zografi G. (1993) Hydrodynamic coupling of monolayers with subphase The Journal of Chemical Physics. 99: 563-566
Sacchetti M, Yu H, Zografi G. (1993) A canal surface viscometer for the in‐plane steady shear viscosity of monolayers at the air/water interface Review of Scientific Instruments. 64: 1941-1946
Sacchetti M, Yu H, Zografi G. (1993) In-plane steady shear viscosity of monolayers at the air/water interface and its dependence on free area Langmuir. 9: 2168-2171
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