Fulai Jin

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Heights, OH, United States 
"Fulai Jin"
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Xu W, Kim JS, Yang T, et al. (2024) STAG2 mutations regulate 3D genome organization, chromatin loops, and Polycomb signaling in glioblastoma multiforme. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 107341
Fu C, Ngo J, Zhang S, et al. (2022) Novel correlative analysis identifies multiple genomic variations impacting ASD with macrocephaly. Human Molecular Genetics
Zhang S, Plummer D, Lu L, et al. (2022) DeepLoop robustly maps chromatin interactions from sparse allele-resolved or single-cell Hi-C data at kilobase resolution. Nature Genetics. 54: 1013-1025
Dong C, Simonett SP, Shin S, et al. (2021) INFIMA leverages multi-omics model organism data to identify effector genes of human GWAS variants. Genome Biology. 22: 241
Weng C, Xi J, Li H, et al. (2020) Single-cell lineage analysis reveals extensive multimodal transcriptional control during directed beta-cell differentiation. Nature Metabolism
Karakose E, Wang H, Inabnet W, et al. (2020) Aberrant methylation underlies insulin gene expression in human insulinoma. Nature Communications. 11: 5210
Lu L, Liu X, Huang WK, et al. (2020) Robust Hi-C Maps of Enhancer-Promoter Interactions Reveal the Function of Non-coding Genome in Neural Development and Diseases. Molecular Cell
Fang Z, Weng C, Li H, et al. (2019) Single-Cell Heterogeneity Analysis and CRISPR Screen Identify Key β-Cell-Specific Disease Genes. Cell Reports. 26: 3132-3144.e7
Giusti-Rodriguez P, Lu L, Crowley C, et al. (2019) A Chromatin Catalog For The Interpretation Of Genetic Associations Of Psychiatric Disorders European Neuropsychopharmacology. 29
Li M, Santpere G, Imamura Kawasawa Y, et al. (2018) Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks. Science (New York, N.Y.). 362
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