Jane F. Koretz, Ph.D.

Biology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
Muscle and lens protein structure
"Jane Koretz"
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Li Y, Schmitz KR, Salerno JC, et al. (2007) The role of the conserved COOH-terminal triad in alphaA-crystallin aggregation and functionality. Molecular Vision. 13: 1758-68
Yang C, Salerno JC, Koretz JF. (2005) NH2-terminal stabilization of small heat shock protein structure: a comparison of two NH2-terminal deletion mutants of alphaA-crystallin. Molecular Vision. 11: 641-7
Eifert C, Burgio MR, Bennett PM, et al. (2005) N-terminal control of small heat shock protein oligomerization: changes in aggregate size and chaperone-like function. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1748: 146-56
Strenk SA, Strenk LM, Koretz JF. (2005) The mechanism of presbyopia Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. 24: 379-393
Regini JW, Grossmann JG, Burgio MR, et al. (2004) Structural Changes in α-Crystallin and Whole Eye Lens During Heating, Observed by Low-angle X-ray Diffraction Journal of Molecular Biology. 336: 1185-1194
Salerno JC, Eifert CL, Salerno KM, et al. (2003) Structural diversity in the small heat shock protein superfamily: control of aggregation by the N-terminal region. Protein Engineering. 16: 847-51
Tiffany JM, Koretz JF. (2002) Viscosity of alpha-crystallin solutions International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 30: 179-185
Koretz JF, Cook CA, Kaufman PL. (2002) Aging of the human lens: changes in lens shape upon accommodation and with accommodative loss. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 19: 144-51
Burgio MR, Bennett PM, Koretz JF. (2001) Heat-induced quaternary transitions in hetero- and homo-polymers of α-crystallin Molecular Vision. 7: 228-233
Koretz JF, Cook CA. (2001) Aging of the optics of the human eye: Lens refraction models and principal plane locations Optometry and Vision Science. 78: 396-404
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