Ian Gibbs-Seymour

2014-2017 Oxford University UK 
"Ian Gibbs-Seymour"
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Sharma AB, Ramlee MK, Kosmin J, et al. (2023) C16orf72/HAPSTR1/TAPR1 functions with BRCA1/Senataxin to modulate replication-associated R-loops and confer resistance to PARP disruption. Nature Communications. 14: 5003
Foster B, Attwood M, Gibbs-Seymour I. (2021) Tools for Decoding Ubiquitin Signaling in DNA Repair. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 9: 760226
Prokhorova E, Zobel F, Smith R, et al. (2021) Serine-linked PARP1 auto-modification controls PARP inhibitor response. Nature Communications. 12: 4055
Kwasna D, Abdul Rehman SA, Natarajan J, et al. (2018) Discovery and Characterization of ZUFSP/ZUP1, a Distinct Deubiquitinase Class Important for Genome Stability. Molecular Cell
Schuller M, Riedel K, Gibbs-Seymour I, et al. (2017) Discovery of a selective allosteric inhibitor targeting macrodomain 2 of poly-adenosine-diphosphate-ribose polymerases 14. Acs Chemical Biology
Bonfiglio JJ, Fontana P, Zhang Q, et al. (2017) Serine ADP-Ribosylation Depends on HPF1. Molecular Cell
Staples CJ, Barone G, Myers KN, et al. (2016) MRNIP/C5orf45 Interacts with the MRN Complex and Contributes to the DNA Damage Response. Cell Reports
Gibbs-Seymour I, Fontana P, Rack JGM, et al. (2016) HPF1/C4orf27 Is a PARP-1-Interacting Protein that Regulates PARP-1 ADP-Ribosylation Activity. Molecular Cell. 62: 432-442
Gibbs-Seymour I, Markiewicz E, Bekker-Jensen S, et al. (2015) Lamin A/C-dependent interaction with 53BP1 promotes cellular responses to DNA damage. Aging Cell. 14: 162-9
Gibbs-Seymour I, Mailand N. (2015) SLX4: not SIMply a nuclease scaffold? Molecular Cell. 57: 3-5
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