Year |
Citation |
Score |
2024 |
Ibrahim K, Kahle EM, Christiani Y, Suryani S. Utilization of Social Media for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS: A Scoping Review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 17: 2443-2458. PMID 38799010 DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S465905 |
0.451 |
2024 |
Starks TJ, Kyre K, Castiblanco J, Parker JN, Kahle E, Stephenson R, Cain D. Comparing Repeated (Annual) Couples HIV Testing and Counseling to Individual HIV Testing and Counseling Among Male Couples at High Risk of HIV Infection: Protocol for a Randomized Control Trial. Jmir Research Protocols. 13: e53023. PMID 38349737 DOI: 10.2196/53023 |
0.641 |
2022 |
Iott BE, Loveluck J, Benton A, Golson L, Kahle E, Lam J, Bauermeister JA, Veinot TC. The impact of stigma on HIV testing decisions for gay, bisexual, queer and other men who have sex with men: a qualitative study. Bmc Public Health. 22: 471. PMID 35264132 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-12761-5 |
0.586 |
2021 |
Sharma A, Paredes-Vincent A, Kahle EM. Awareness, Utilization, and Preferences for Traditional and Contemporary HIV Prevention Strategies Among Facebook and Instagram-Using MSM in the United States. Journal of the International Association of Providers of Aids Care. 20: 23259582211024770. PMID 34132144 DOI: 10.1177/23259582211024770 |
0.575 |
2021 |
Sharma A, Paredes-Vincent A, Kahle EM. Awareness, Utilization, and Preferences for Traditional and Contemporary HIV Prevention Strategies Among Facebook and Instagram-Using MSM in the United States. Journal of the International Association of Providers of Aids Care. 20: 23259582211024770. PMID 34132144 DOI: 10.1177/23259582211024770 |
0.575 |
2020 |
Sharma A, Kahle E, Sullivan S, Stephenson R. Sexual Agreements and Intimate Partner Violence Among Male Couples in the U.S.: An Analysis of Dyadic Data. Archives of Sexual Behavior. PMID 32705389 DOI: 10.1007/S10508-020-01783-Y |
0.322 |
2020 |
Rogers E, Mimiaga MJ, Garofalo R, Brown E, Bratcher A, Wimbly T, Hidalgo MA, Hoehnle S, Thai J, Kahle E, Sullivan PS, Stephenson R. A Dyadic Perspective on Sexual Agreements Among Same-Sex Male Couples in the United States. Aids and Behavior. PMID 32300992 DOI: 10.1007/S10461-020-02865-7 |
0.417 |
2020 |
Sullivan PS, Sanchez TH, Zlotorzynska M, Chandler CJ, Sineath RC, Kahle E, Tregear S. National trends in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness, willingness and use among United States men who have sex with men recruited online, 2013 through 2017. Journal of the International Aids Society. 23: e25461. PMID 32153119 DOI: 10.1002/Jia2.25461 |
0.668 |
2020 |
Kahle EM, Sharma A, Sullivan S, Stephenson R. The Influence of Relationship Dynamics and Sexual Agreements on Perceived Partner Support and Benefit of PrEP Use Among Same-Sex Male Couples in the U.S. Aids and Behavior. PMID 31950307 DOI: 10.1007/S10461-020-02782-9 |
0.532 |
2019 |
Stephenson R, Todd K, Kahle E, Sullivan SP, Miller-Perusse M, Sharma A, Horvath KJ. Project Moxie: Results of a Feasibility Study of a Telehealth Intervention to Increase HIV Testing Among Binary and Nonbinary Transgender Youth. Aids and Behavior. PMID 31760536 DOI: 10.1007/S10461-019-02741-Z |
0.604 |
2019 |
Sharma A, Kahle E, Sullivan S, Stephenson R. Relationship Characteristics Associated with Perceptions of Partners' HIV Testing Behavior Among Male Couples. Aids and Behavior. PMID 31758348 DOI: 10.1007/S10461-019-02740-0 |
0.626 |
2019 |
Stephenson R, Sullivan S, Sharma A, Kahle E. Discordant Reporting of Partner Labels, HIV Testing and Sexual Behavior Among a Sample of Partnered Men Who have Sex with Men in the US. Aids and Behavior. PMID 31691044 DOI: 10.1007/S10461-019-02725-Z |
0.582 |
2019 |
Kahle EM, Suarez N, Sharma A, Sullivan S, Stephenson R. Threat and impact of HIV compared to other health conditions among an online sample of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in the U.S. Aids Care. 1-8. PMID 31167542 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2019.1626341 |
0.68 |
2019 |
Sharma A, Kahle E, Todd K, Peitzmeier S, Stephenson R. Variations in Testing for HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections Across Gender Identity Among Transgender Youth. Transgender Health. 4: 46-57. PMID 30805557 DOI: 10.1089/trgh.2018.0047 |
0.605 |
2018 |
Sharma A, Kahle EM, Sullivan SP, Stephenson R. Birth Cohort Variations Across Functional Knowledge of HIV Prevention Strategies, Perceived Risk, and HIV-Associated Behaviors Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States. American Journal of Men's Health. 1557988318790875. PMID 30051744 DOI: 10.1177/1557988318790875 |
0.71 |
2018 |
Sanchez TH, Zlotorzynska M, Sineath RC, Kahle E, Tregear S, Sullivan PS. National Trends in Sexual Behavior, Substance Use and HIV Testing Among United States Men Who have Sex with Men Recruited Online, 2013 Through 2017. Aids and Behavior. PMID 29948340 DOI: 10.1007/S10461-018-2168-4 |
0.686 |
2018 |
Kahle EM, Sharma A, Sullivan SP, Stephenson R. HIV Prioritization and Risk Perception Among an Online Sample of Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States. American Journal of Men's Health. 1557988318776581. PMID 29781331 DOI: 10.1177/1557988318776581 |
0.731 |
2018 |
Suarez NA, Mimiaga MJ, Garofalo R, Brown E, Bratcher AM, Wimbly T, Hidalgo MA, Hoehnle S, Thai J, Kahle E, Sullivan PS, Stephenson R. Dyadic Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence Among Male Couples in Three U.S. Cities. American Journal of Men's Health. 1557988318774243. PMID 29749299 DOI: 10.1177/1557988318774243 |
0.308 |
2018 |
Iott BE, Veinot TC, Loveluck J, Kahle E, Golson L, Benton A. Comparative Analysis of Recruitment Strategies in a Study of Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Metropolitan Detroit. Aids and Behavior. 22: 2296-2311. PMID 29470808 DOI: 10.1007/S10461-018-2071-Z |
0.626 |
2018 |
Kahle EM, Sullivan S, Stephenson R. Functional Knowledge of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention Among Participants in a Web-Based Survey of Sexually Active Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex With Men: Cross-Sectional Study. Jmir Public Health and Surveillance. 4: e13. PMID 29362213 DOI: 10.2196/Publichealth.8089 |
0.604 |
2016 |
Kahle EM, Meites E, Sineath RC, Nasrullah M, Bowles KE, DiNenno E, Sullivan PS, Sanchez T. Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing and Uptake of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in a Large Online Survey of US Men Who Have Sex With Men at Risk for HIV Infection, 2012. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. PMID 27898576 DOI: 10.1097/Olq.0000000000000545 |
0.488 |
2016 |
Sanchez T, Zlotorzynska M, Sineath C, Kahle E, Sullivan P. The Annual American Men's Internet Survey of Behaviors of Men Who have Sex with Men in the United States: 2014 Key Indicators Report. Jmir Public Health and Surveillance. 2: e23. PMID 27244770 DOI: 10.2196/Publichealth.5476 |
0.687 |
2015 |
Sanchez TH, Sineath RC, Kahle EM, Tregear SJ, Sullivan PS. The Annual American Men's Internet Survey of Behaviors of Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States: Protocol and Key Indicators Report 2013. Jmir Public Health and Surveillance. 1: e3. PMID 27227126 DOI: 10.2196/Publichealth.4314 |
0.432 |
2015 |
Patel EU, Manucci J, Kahle EM, Lingappa JR, Morrow RA, Piwowar-Manning E, James A, Maluzi KF, Cheeba MM, Gray G, Delany-Moretlwe S, Inambao M, Vwalika B, Quinn TC, Laeyendecker O. Precision of the Kalon Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 IgG ELISA: an international inter-laboratory assessment. Bmc Infectious Diseases. 15: 398. PMID 26423888 DOI: 10.1186/S12879-015-1130-6 |
0.346 |
2015 |
Kelley CF, Kahle E, Siegler A, Sanchez T, Del Rio C, Sullivan PS, Rosenberg ES. Applying a PrEP Continuum of Care for Men Who Have Sex With Men in Atlanta, Georgia. Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 61: 1590-7. PMID 26270691 DOI: 10.1093/Cid/Civ664 |
0.678 |
2015 |
Siegler AJ, Sanchez T, Sineath RC, Grey J, Kahle E, Sullivan PS. Knowledge and awareness of acute human immunodeficiency virus infection among mobile app-using men who have sex with men: a missed public health opportunity. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2: ofv016. PMID 26034766 DOI: 10.1093/Ofid/Ofv016 |
0.652 |
2015 |
Kahle EM, Bolton M, Hughes JP, Donnell D, Celum C, Lingappa JR, Ronald A, Cohen CR, de Bruyn G, Fong Y, Katabira E, McElrath MJ, Baeten JM. Plasma cytokine levels and risk of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) transmission and acquisition: a nested case-control study among HIV-1-serodiscordant couples. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 211: 1451-60. PMID 25389306 DOI: 10.1093/Infdis/Jiu621 |
0.769 |
2014 |
Kahle EM, Kashuba A, Baeten JM, Fife KH, Celum C, Mujugira A, Essex M, De Bruyn G, Wald A, Donnell D, John-Stewart G, Delany-Moretlwe S, Mugo NR, Farquhar C, Lingappa JR, et al. Unreported antiretroviral use by HIV-1-infected participants enrolling in a prospective research study Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 65: e90-e94. PMID 24442233 DOI: 10.1097/Qai.0B013E3182A2Db02 |
0.763 |
2014 |
Kahle E, Campbell M, Lingappa J, Donnell D, Celum C, Ondondo R, Mujugira A, Fife K, Mugo N, Kapiga S, Mullins JI, Baeten JM. HIV-1 subtype C is not associated with higher risk of heterosexual HIV-1 transmission: a multinational study among HIV-1 serodiscordant couples. Aids (London, England). 28: 235-43. PMID 24413311 DOI: 10.1097/Qad.0000000000000024 |
0.752 |
2013 |
Murnane PM, Celum C, Mugo N, Campbell JD, Donnell D, Bukusi E, Mujugira A, Tappero J, Kahle EM, Thomas KK, Baeten JM. Efficacy of preexposure prophylaxis for HIV-1 prevention among high-risk heterosexuals: subgroup analyses from a randomized trial. Aids (London, England). 27: 2155-60. PMID 24384592 DOI: 10.1097/Qad.0B013E3283629037 |
0.723 |
2013 |
Laeyendecker O, Kulich M, Donnell D, Komárek A, Omelka M, Mullis CE, Szekeres G, Piwowar-Manning E, Fiamma A, Gray RH, Lutalo T, Morrison CS, Salata RA, Chipato T, Celum C, ... Kahle EM, et al. Development of methods for cross-sectional HIV incidence estimation in a large, community randomized trial. Plos One. 8: e78818. PMID 24236054 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0078818 |
0.61 |
2013 |
Pattacini L, Murnane PM, Kahle EM, Bolton MJ, Delrow JJ, Lingappa JR, Katabira E, Donnell D, McElrath MJ, Baeten JM, Lund JM. Differential regulatory T cell activity in HIV type 1-exposed seronegative individuals. Aids Research and Human Retroviruses. 29: 1321-9. PMID 23815575 DOI: 10.1089/Aid.2013.0075 |
0.647 |
2013 |
Campbell MS, Kahle EM, Baeten JM. Reply to Neogi et al. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 208: 867-8. PMID 23757336 DOI: 10.1093/Infdis/Jit259 |
0.683 |
2013 |
Campbell MS, Kahle EM, Celum C, Lingappa JR, Kapiga S, Mujugira A, Mugo NR, Fife KH, Mullins JI, Baeten JM. Plasma viral loads during early HIV-1 infection are similar in subtype C- and non-subtype C-infected African seroconverters. The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 207: 1166-70. PMID 23315322 DOI: 10.1093/Infdis/Jit015 |
0.638 |
2013 |
Kahle EM, Hughes JP, Lingappa JR, John-Stewart G, Celum C, Nakku-Joloba E, Njuguna S, Mugo N, Bukusi E, Manongi R, Baeten JM. An empiric risk scoring tool for identifying high-risk heterosexual HIV-1-serodiscordant couples for targeted HIV-1 prevention. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (1999). 62: 339-47. PMID 23187945 DOI: 10.1097/Qai.0B013E31827E622D |
0.743 |
2012 |
Keating TM, Kurth AE, Wald A, Kahle EM, Barash EA, Buskin SE. Clinical burden of herpes simplex virus disease in people with human immunodeficiency virus. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 39: 372-6. PMID 22504602 DOI: 10.1097/Olq.0B013E318244Ac4C |
0.611 |
2011 |
Lingappa JR, Petrovski S, Kahle E, Fellay J, Shianna K, McElrath MJ, Thomas KK, Baeten JM, Celum C, Wald A, de Bruyn G, Mullins JI, Nakku-Joloba E, Farquhar C, Essex M, et al. Genomewide association study for determinants of HIV-1 acquisition and viral set point in HIV-1 serodiscordant couples with quantified virus exposure. Plos One. 6: e28632. PMID 22174851 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0028632 |
0.768 |
2011 |
Baeten JM, Kahle E, Lingappa JR, Coombs RW, Delany-Moretlwe S, Nakku-Joloba E, Mugo NR, Wald A, Corey L, Donnell D, Campbell MS, Mullins JI, Celum C. Genital HIV-1 RNA predicts risk of heterosexual HIV-1 transmission. Science Translational Medicine. 3: 77ra29. PMID 21471433 DOI: 10.1126/Scitranslmed.3001888 |
0.756 |
2011 |
Campbell MS, Mullins JI, Hughes JP, Celum C, Wong KG, Raugi DN, Sorensen S, Stoddard JN, Zhao H, Deng W, Kahle E, Panteleeff D, Baeten JM, McCutchan FE, Albert J, et al. Viral linkage in HIV-1 seroconverters and their partners in an HIV-1 prevention clinical trial. Plos One. 6: e16986. PMID 21399681 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0016986 |
0.77 |
2009 |
Lingappa JR, Kahle E, Mugo N, Mujugira A, Magaret A, Baeten J, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Katabira E, Ronald A, Kiarie J, Farquhar C, Stewart GJ, Makhema J, Essex M, et al. Characteristics of HIV-1 discordant couples enrolled in a trial of HSV-2 suppression to reduce HIV-1 transmission: the partners study. Plos One. 4: e5272. PMID 19404392 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0005272 |
0.785 |
2009 |
Kahle EM, Barash EA, Page LC, Lansky A, Jafa K, Sullivan PS, Buskin SE. Evaluation of the impact of news coverage of an HIV multiclass drug-resistant cluster in Seattle, Washington. American Journal of Public Health. 99: S131-6. PMID 19218180 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.2007.126656 |
0.575 |
2008 |
Uhlenkott MC, Buskin SE, Kahle EM, Barash E, Aboulafia DM. Causes of death in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy: a retrospective analysis of a hybrid hematology-oncology and HIV practice and the Seattle/King county adult/adolescent spectrum of HIV-related diseases project. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. 336: 217-23. PMID 18794615 DOI: 10.1097/Maj.0B013E31815D4408 |
0.614 |
2007 |
Kahle E, Zhang Q, Golden M, Goldbaum G, Buskin S. Trends in evaluation for sexually transmitted infections among HIV-infected people, King County, Washington. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 34: 940-6. PMID 18077843 DOI: 10.1097/Olq.0B013E31813E0A48 |
0.575 |
2007 |
Barclay LR, Buskin SE, Kahle EM, Aboulafia DM. Clinical and immunologic profile of AIDS-related lymphoma in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Clinical Lymphoma & Myeloma. 7: 272-9. PMID 17324334 DOI: 10.3816/Clm.2007.N.002 |
0.518 |
2007 |
Uhlenkott MC, Kahle E, Buskin S, Barash E, Aboulafia DM. 405 Causes Of Death In The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Era: A Retrospective Comparison Between A Hybrid Hiv And Hematology/Oncology Practice And The Adult And Adolescent Spectrum Of Hiv-Related Diseases (Asd) Project. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 55. DOI: 10.1097/00042871-200701010-00412 |
0.56 |
2006 |
Barclay LR, Buskin SE, Kahle EM, Aboulafia DM. 49 The Clinical And Immunological Profile Of Aids-Related Lymphoma In The Era Of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 54. DOI: 10.2310/6650.2005.X0004.48 |
0.539 |
2006 |
Uhlenkott MC, Kahle E, Buskin S, Barash E, Aboulafia DM. Causes of Death in the Highly Active Antiretroviral (HAART) Era: A Retrospective Comparison between a Hybrid HIV and Hematology/Oncology Practice and the Adult & Adolescent Spectrum of HIV-Related Diseases (ASD) Project. Blood. 108: 3865-3865. DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V108.11.3865.3865 |
0.515 |
2006 |
Buskin S, Barash E, Kahle E, Lynch C, Kent J, Goldbaum G. Additional Uses of Cd4 Tests at Initial Hiv Diagnosis to Model Timing of Hiv Diagnosis American Journal of Epidemiology. 163: S199-S199. DOI: 10.1093/Aje/163.Suppl_11.S199-C |
0.646 |
2006 |
Barash E, Kahle E, Buskin S. Continuation of Haart Postpartum in Women with HIV: Seattle Adult/Adolescent Spectrum of Hiv-Related Diseases (ASD) Project American Journal of Epidemiology. 163. DOI: 10.1093/Aje/163.Suppl_11.S193-A |
0.631 |
2005 |
Kahle EM, Freedman MS, Buskin SE. HIV risks and testing behavior among Asians and Pacific Islanders: results of the HIV Testing Survey, 2002-2003. Journal of the National Medical Association. 97: 13S-18S. PMID 16080452 |
0.624 |
2005 |
Hopkins SG, Gelfand SE, Buskin SE, Kent JB, Kahle EM, Barkan SE. HIV testing behaviors and attitudes after adoption of name-to-code HIV case surveillance in Washington State. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice : Jphmp. 11: 25-8. PMID 15692289 DOI: 10.1097/00124784-200501000-00005 |
0.73 |
Show low-probability matches. |