Texas Christian University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Onofrio AnnunziataPhysical Chemistry, General Biophysics, Polymer Chemistry
Rainer AppelOptics Physics, Polymer Chemistry, Molecular Physics2000 T Waldek Zerda (grad student)
Edward T. AsburyDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Social Psychology2001 David R. Cross (grad student)
Gisela S. BahrExperimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, General Language2002 Donald F. Dansereau (grad student)
Micheline BejjaniMolecular Physics, Astrophysics Physics College of Science and Engineering2011 William R. M. Graham (grad student)
Yamina BelabassiOrganic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2009 Jean-Luc Montchamp (grad student)
Zhiguo BianOrganic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2010 David E. Minter (grad student)
Kimberly BrienInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2010 Tracy A. Hanna (grad student)
Casey D. CallExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology College of Science and Engineering2012 David R. Cross (grad student)
Jeffery L. CofferInorganic Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering
Katherine O. CourtneyClinical Psychology, Mental Health, Health Care Management2005 Donald F. Dansereau (grad student)
David R. CrossDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies
Donald F. DansereauExperimental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education
Sylvine DepreleOrganic Chemistry2004 Jean-Luc Montchamp (grad student)
Pradeep K. DevulapalliGeneral Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2007 Robert H. Neilson (grad student)
Lixin DingOrganic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2010 David E. Minter (grad student)
Michael N. FanelliAstronomy and Astrophysics
Patrick M. FlynnIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
Julie A. FryPolymer Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2011 Robert H. Neilson (grad student)
Bryan R. GarnerExperimental Psychology2006 Dwayne D. Simpson (grad student)
Michael B. GatchExperimental Psychology
Tracy A. HannaInorganic Chemistry
Xuezhen HuangInorganic Chemistry, Nanoscience College of Science and Engineering2010 Jeffery L. Coffer (grad student)
Sachiyo Ito-JagerGeneral Psychology, Developmental Psychology College of Science and Engineering2011 David R. Cross (grad student)
Benjamin G. JaneskoPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Ke JiangInorganic Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering College of Science and Engineering2009 Jeffery L. Coffer (grad student)
Vincent O. JobandoCondensed Matter Physics2006 Carroll A. Quarles (grad student)
Raymond E. KinzerMolecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics College of Science and Engineering2009 William R. M. Graham (grad student)
Danica K. KnightIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration
Xiaodi KouInorganic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2007 Tracy A. Hanna (grad student)
Demitris A. KourisMechanical Engineering
C Magnus L. RittbyMolecular Physics
Heather A. LabansatExperimental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education College of Science and Engineering2007 Donald F. Dansereau (grad student)
Brittany K. LandrumClinical Psychology, Theory and Methods, Psychometrics Psychology College of Science and Engineering2012 Patrick M. Flynn (grad student)
Tina H. LeCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics College of Science and Engineering2014 William R. M. Graham (grad student)
Willian R. M. GrahamMolecular Physics, Optics Physics
William R. M. GrahamMolecular Physics
Bernat A. Martinez-OrtegaInorganic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2010 Tracy A. Hanna (grad student)
Michele S. McAfeePhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry College of Science and Engineering2014 Onofrio Annunziata (grad student)
Lewis B. McKenzieDevelopmental Psychology College of Science and Engineering2010 David R. Cross (grad student)
Daniel Mendoza-EspinosaInorganic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2009 Tracy A. Hanna (grad student)
Efstathios Emmanoel (Stathis) MichaelidesBiomedical Engineering, Medical Biophysics
David E. MinterOrganic Chemistry
Jean-Luc MontchampOrganic Chemistry
Janis T. MoreyCognitive Psychology, Educational Psychology Education College of Science and Engineering2008 Donald F. Dansereau (grad student)
Stephen E. NauyoksCondensed Matter Physics College of Science and Engineering2009 Waldek Zerda (grad student)
Robert H. NeilsonGeneral Chemistry
Anastasiia NemashkaloMaterials Science Engineering, Molecular Physics, Nanoscience College of Science and Engineering2014 Yuri Strzhemechny (grad student)
Jennifer PankowExperimental Psychology College of Science and Engineering2010 Dwayne D. Simpson (grad student)
Cristian PanteaCondensed Matter Physics2004 T Waldek Zerda (grad student)
Jacquelyn S. PenningsDevelopmental Psychology, Individual and Family Studies College of Science and Engineering2009 David R. Cross (grad student)
Raul M. PetersCondensed Matter Physics College of Science and Engineering2010 Yuri Strzhemechny (grad student)
Salvador PortilloAtomic Physics2002 Carroll A. Quarles (grad student)
Bimal PudasainiPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2014 Benjamin G. Janesko (grad student)
Karyn B. PurvisDevelopmental Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2003 David R. Cross (grad student)
Carroll A. QuarlesAtomic Physics
Erin B. RazuriExperimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology College of Science and Engineering2012 David R. Cross (grad student)
Ryan M. RichNanoscience, Materials Science Engineering College of Science and Engineering2011 T Waldek Zerda (grad student)
Magnus L. RittbyCondensed Matter Physics, Molecular Physics
Darron L. RobbinsMolecular Physics2002 C Magnus L. Rittby (grad student)
Adrian V. RusClinical Psychology College of Science and Engineering2012 David R. Cross (grad student)
Dwayne D. SimpsonExperimental Psychology
Yuri StrzhemechnyCondensed Matter Physics
Kendra L. WallisCondensed Matter Physics College of Science and Engineering2008 T Waldek Zerda (grad student)
Mengjia WangOrganic Chemistry, Pharmacy College of Science and Engineering2012 Jeffery L. Coffer (grad student)
Yuejian WangCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2006 T Waldek Zerda (grad student)
Monika K. WieligorGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics College of Science and Engineering2010 T Waldek Zerda (grad student)
Wyndy L. WiitalaExperimental Psychology, Clinical Psychology2003 Donald F. Dansereau (grad student)
Christopher D. WinslowOrganic Chemistry2000 David E. Minter (grad student)
Xiaoyuan YuanMolecular Physics, Automotive Engineering, Petroleum Engineering2003 T Waldek Zerda (grad student)
T Waldek ZerdaCondensed Matter Physics
Tadeusz W. ZerdaGeneral Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
Waldek ZerdaCondensed Matter Physics
Huixiang ZhangPhysical Chemistry College of Science and Engineering2009 Onofrio Annunziata (grad student)