Salim Hariri
Affiliations: | 1988-1998 | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States | |
1998- | Electrical & Computer Engineering | University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ |
Computer ScienceWebsite:
"Salim Hariri"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorCauligi S. Raghavendra | grad student | 1986 | USC (Computer Science Tree) | |
(Reliability Analysis and Optimization in the Design of Distributed Systems) |
Sign in to add traineeManish Parashar | grad student | 1990-1994 | Syracuse |
Yeliang Zhang | grad student | 2007 | University of Arizona |
Youssif Al-Nashif | grad student | 2008 | University of Arizona |
Huoping Chen | grad student | 2008 | University of Arizona |
Samer Fayssal | grad student | 2008 | University of Arizona |
Bithika Khargharia | grad student | 2008 | University of Arizona |
Byoung U. Kim | grad student | 2008 | University of Arizona |
Yaser Jararweh | grad student | 2010 | University of Arizona |
Miguel A. Soto Santibanez | grad student | 2010 | University of Arizona |
Donald P. Cox | grad student | 2011 | University of Arizona |
Hamid R. Alipour | grad student | 2013 | University of Arizona |
BETA: Related publications
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Razaque A, Amsaad FH, Hariri S, et al. (2020) Enhanced grey risk assessment model for support of cloud service provider Ieee Access. 8: 80812-80826 |
Razaque A, Amsaad F, Khan MJ, et al. (2019) Survey: Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Solutions in the Medical Domain Ieee Access. 7: 168774-168797 |
Pacheco J, Tunc C, Satam P, et al. (2016) Secure and Resilient Cloud Services for Enhanced Living Environments Ieee Cloud Computing. 3: 44-52 |
Chen D, Wang L, Zomaya AY, et al. (2015) Parallel Simulation of Complex Evacuation Scenarios with Adaptive Agent Models Ieee Transactions On Parallel and Distributed Systems. 26: 847-857 |
Alipour H, Al-Nashif YB, Satam P, et al. (2015) Wireless Anomaly Detection Based on IEEE 802.11 Behavior Analysis Ieee Transactions On Information Forensics and Security. 10: 2158-2170 |
Kholidy HA, Baiardi F, Hariri S. (2015) DDSGA: A data-driven semi-global alignment approach for detecting masquerade attacks Ieee Transactions On Dependable and Secure Computing. 12: 164-178 |
Badr Y, Hariri S, Al-Nashif Y, et al. (2015) Resilient and trustworthy dynamic data-driven application systems (DDDAS) services for crisis management environments Procedia Computer Science. 51: 2623-2627 |
Chung K, Boutaba R, Hariri S. (2015) Knowledge based decision support system Information Technology and Management |
Pan Z, Hariri S, Al-Nashif Y. (2014) Anomaly based intrusion detection for Building Automation and Control networks Proceedings of Ieee/Acs International Conference On Computer Systems and Applications, Aiccsa. 2014: 72-77 |
Bai J, Hariri S, Al-Nashif Y. (2014) A Network Protection Framework for DNP3 over TCP/IP protocol Proceedings of Ieee/Acs International Conference On Computer Systems and Applications, Aiccsa. 2014: 9-15 |