Jay D. Harmon

Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
Agricultural Engineering, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture
"Jay Harmon"
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Jadhav HT, Hoff SJ, Harmon JD, et al. (2018) Swine Finishing Room Air Infiltration: Part 1. Quantification and Prediction Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34: 413-424
Ramirez BC, Hoff SJ, Harmon JD. (2018) Thermal environment sensor array: Part 2 applying the data to assess grow-finish pig housing Biosystems Engineering. 174: 341-351
Ramirez BC, Gao Y, Hoff SJ, et al. (2018) Thermal environment sensor array: Part 1 development and field performance assessment Biosystems Engineering. 174: 329-340
Harmon JD, Hoff SJ, Baas TJ, et al. (2017) Evaluation of Conditions during Weaned Pig Transport Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 33: 901-912
Liu Z, Powers W, Harmon JD. (2016) Estimating ventilation rates of animal houses through CO2 balance Transactions of the Asabe. 59: 321-328
Lammers PJ, Harmon JD, Rossiter LT, et al. (2015) Demonstrating Farrowing Alternatives for Small-Farms:Insulated Tents for Sows and Pigs, Project Summary Animal Industry Report. 661: 82
Lammers PJ, Harmon JD, Rossiter LT, et al. (2014) Demonstrating Farrowing Alternatives for Small-Farms: Insulated Tents for Sows and Pigs, Year One Animal Industry Report. 660: 87
Hanna HM, Harmon JD, Schweitzer DD. (2014) Energy use for field operations, crop drying, and swine housing on university farms American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2014, Asabe 2014. 2: 988-1003
Lammers PJ, Kenealy MD, Kliebenstein JB, et al. (2012) Energy use in pig production: an examination of current Iowa systems. Journal of Animal Science. 90: 1056-68
Van Utrecht DM, Hoff SJ, Harmon JD. (2012) Variable rate heater control for livestock space heating Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 18: 245-253
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