Jiming Song

Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, IA, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Jiming Song"


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Weiwei Shu grad student 2008 Iowa State
Sanyi Zhan grad student 2008 Iowa State
Fu-Gang Hu grad student 2010 Iowa State
Sidharath Jain grad student 2011 Iowa State
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Liu J, Li Z, Luo L, et al. (2019) An Efficient Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm to Solve Volume Integral Equation for Arbitrary Inhomogeneous Bi-Anisotropic Objects Ieee Access. 7: 135780-135789
Bao Y, Liu Z, Bowler JR, et al. (2019) Multilevel adaptive cross approximation for efficient modeling of 3D arbitrary shaped eddy current NDE problems Ndt & E International. 104: 1-9
Bao Y, Liu Z, Song J. (2018) Adaptive Cross Approximation Algorithm for Accelerating BEM in Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluation Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 37: 1-8
Zhuang X, Bai W, Song J, et al. (2015) Multiatlas whole heart segmentation of CT data using conditional entropy for atlas ranking and selection. Medical Physics. 42: 3822
Zhao T, Song J, Kamgaing T, et al. (2015) HOMOGENIZATION OF PERIODIC OBJECTS EMBEDDED IN LAYERED MEDIA Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. 51: 95-99
Chen K, Song J. (2015) Singularity Subtraction for Nearly Singular Integrals on Curvilinear Triangular Elements Ieee Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 14: 1435-1438
Xu H, Jain S, Song J, et al. (2015) Acceleration of spectral domain immitance approach for generalized multilayered shielded microstrips using the levin's transformation Ieee Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 14: 92-95
Qu Z, Song J, Zhan S, et al. (2014) A Novel Broadly Applicable Risk Score for Predicting Mortality of Patients with Circulatory System Diseases within Hospitalization Duration. Value in Health : the Journal of the International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. 17: A727
Jain S, Song J, Kamgaing T, et al. (2013) Acceleration of spectral domain approach for generalized multilayered shielded microstrip interconnects using two fast convergent series Ieee Transactions On Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 3: 401-410
Hu FG, Song J, Kamgaing T. (2013) IE analysis of multilayered doubly periodic array of 3-D general objects using equivalence principle and connection scheme Radio Science. 48: 158-166
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