Adam Hoover
Affiliations: | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States |
Electronics and Electrical EngineeringGoogle:
"Adam Hoover"Children
Sign in to add traineeLi Yu | grad student | 2007 | Clemson University |
Salil P. Banerjee | grad student | 2012 | Clemson University |
Yujie Dong | grad student | 2012 | Clemson University |
William C. Suski | grad student | 2012 | Clemson University |
Raul I. Ramos Garcia | grad student | 2014 | Clemson University |
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Shen Y, Salley J, Muth E, et al. (2016) Assessing the Accuracy of a Wrist Motion Tracking Method for Counting Bites across Demographic and Food Variables. Ieee Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics |
St. Pierre ME, Banerjee S, Hoover AW, et al. (2015) The effects of 0.2 Hz varying latency with 20-100 ms varying amplitude on simulator sickness in a helmet mounted display Displays. 36: 1-8 |
Dong Y, Scisco J, Wilson M, et al. (2014) Detecting periods of eating during free-living by tracking wrist motion. Ieee Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 18: 1253-60 |
Banerjee S, Suski W, Hoover A. (2014) Identifying and filtering noise caused by sensor set switching in UWB indoor position tracking International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems. 3: 8-18 |
Wu W, Dong Y, Hoover A. (2013) Measuring Digital System Latency from Sensing to Actuation at Continuous 1-ms Resolution Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 22: 20-35 |
Suski W, Banerjee S, Hoover A. (2013) Using a map of measurement noise to improve UWB indoor position tracking Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation and Measurement. 62: 2228-2236 |
Dong Y, Hoover A, Scisco J, et al. (2012) A new method for measuring meal intake in humans via automated wrist motion tracking. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 37: 205-15 |
Suski W, Banerjee S, Hoover A. (2012) System-level noise of an ultra-wideband tracking system 2012 11th International Conference On Information Science, Signal Processing and Their Applications, Isspa 2012. 634-639 |
Banerjee S, Suski W, Hoover A. (2012) Sensor set switching noise in UWB indoor position tracking Proceedings - Ieee International Conference On Ultra-Wideband. 297-301 |
Scisco JL, Muth ER, Dong Y, et al. (2011) Slowing bite-rate reduces energy intake: an application of the bite counter device. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 111: 1231-5 |