Jitesh Jain, Ph.D.

2007 Electrical and Computer Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Jitesh Jain"


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Cheng K. Koh grad student 2007 Purdue
 (Modeling and simulation of VLSI interconnects.)
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Koh CK, Jain J, Cauley SF. (2009) Synthesis of Clock and Power/Ground Networks Electronic Design Automation. 751-850
Jain J, Koh C, Balakrishnan V. (2007) Corrections to "Exact and numerically stable closed-form expressions for potential coefficients of rectangular conductors" Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems Ii-Express Briefs. 54: 1024-1024
Cauley S, Jain J, Koh CK, et al. (2007) A scalable distributed method for quantum-scale device simulation Journal of Applied Physics. 101
Jain J, Koh CK, Balakrishnan V. (2006) Exact and numerically stable closed-form expressions for potential coefficients of rectangular conductors Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems Ii: Express Briefs. 53: 458-462
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