Bruno G. Cateni, Ph.D.

2007 Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, United States 
Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering
"Bruno Cateni"


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Raymond L. Huhnke grad student 2007 Oklahoma State University
 (Effects of feed composition and gasification parameters on product gas from a pilot scale fluidized bed gasifier.)
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Ahmed A, Cateni BG, Huhnke RL, et al. (2006) Effects of biomass-generated producer gas constituents on cell growth, product distribution and hydrogenase activity of Clostridium carboxidivorans P7T Biomass and Bioenergy. 30: 665-672
Datar RP, Shenkman RM, Cateni BG, et al. (2004) Fermentation of biomass-generated producer gas to ethanol. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 86: 587-94
Lewis RS, Huhnke RL, Cateni BG, et al. (2004) Biomass to ethanol: A holistic approach using gasification-fermentation Acs National Meeting Book of Abstracts. 227
Cateni BG, Bellmer DD, Huhnke RL, et al. (2000) Recirculation in a Fluidized Bed Gasifier to Minimize Oxygen Content in Synthesis Gas from Biomass 2000 Asae Annual International Meeting, Technical Papers: Engineering Solutions For a New Century. 2: 305-313
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