Santiago Pujol, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States |
Civil EngineeringGoogle:
"Santiago Pujol"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMete A. Sozen | grad student | 2002 | Purdue | |
(Drift capacity of reinforced concrete columns subjected to displacement reversals.) |
Sign in to add traineeOscar A. Ardila-Giraldo | grad student | 2010 | Purdue |
Kurt W. Henkhaus | grad student | 2010 | Purdue |
Seyed H. Changiz Rezaei | grad student | 2011 | Purdue |
Jeffrey M. Rautenberg | grad student | 2011 | Purdue |
Enrique J. Villalobos Fernandez | grad student | 2014 | Purdue |
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Pujol S, Laughery L, Puranam A, et al. (2020) Evaluation of Seismic Vulnerability Indices for Low-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings Including Data from the 6 February 2016 Taiwan Earthquake Journal of Disaster Research. 15: 9-19 |
Takahashi S, Hotta K, Hirosawa M, et al. (2019) Seismic Damage of a Building Caused by Post-installed Anchors Intended to Increase Shear Strength of Structural Wall Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 17: 138-150 |
Puranam AY, Pujol S. (2019) Reinforcement Limits for Reinforced Concrete Elements with High-Strength Steel Aci Structural Journal. 116: 201-212 |
Ardila-Giraldo OA, Pujol S. (2019) Failure mechanisms of small-scale reinforced concrete beams impacted by soft missiles Structures. 20: 620-634 |
Puranam AY, Irfanoglu A, Pujol S, et al. (2019) Evaluation of seismic vulnerability screening indices using data from the Taiwan Earthquake of 6 February 2016 Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 17: 1963-1981 |
Puranam A, Wang Y, Pujol S. (2018) Estimating Drift Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls Aci Structural Journal. 115: 1563-1574 |
Daluga D, McCain K, Murray M, et al. (2018) Effect of Geometric Scaling on Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams without Stirrups Aci Structural Journal. 115: 5-14 |
Klaboe K, Pujol S, Laughery L. (2018) Seismic Response of Rocking Blocks Earthquake Spectra. 34: 1051-1063 |
Villalobos E, Sim C, Smith-Pardo JP, et al. (2018) The 16 April 2016 Ecuador Earthquake Damage Assessment Survey Earthquake Spectra. 34: 1201-1217 |
Guljaš I, Penava D, Laughery L, et al. (2018) Dynamic Tests of a Large-Scale Three-Story RC Structure with Masonry Infill Walls Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 1-29 |