Michael E. Kreger

1983-2003 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
 2004-2014 Civil Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
 2014- Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
Civil Engineering
"Michael Eugene Kreger" OR "Michael E Kreger"



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Mete A. Sozen grad student 1983 UIUC
 (An Experimental/analytical Study of the Dynamic Response of Staggered Structural Wall Systems)


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Damon R. Fick grad student 2008 Purdue
Selvarajah Ramesh grad student 2013 Purdue
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Fick DR, Sozen MA, Kreger ME. (2017) Response of Full-Scale Three-Story Flat-Plate Test Structure to Cycles of Increasing Lateral Load Aci Structural Journal. 114: 1507-1517
Eskridge AE, Klahorst JT, Klingner RE, et al. (2009) Mitigation Techniques for Structures with Premature Concrete Deterioration due to ASR/DEF Aci Materials Journal. 106: 273-280
Matsumoto EE, Waggoner MC, Kreger ME, et al. (2008) Development of a precast concrete bent-cap System Pci Journal. 53: 74-99
Salas RM, Schokker AJ, West JS, et al. (2008) Corrosion Risk of Bonded, Post-tensioned Concrete Elements Pci Journal. 53: 89-107
Lüthi T, Diephuis JR, JJIA, et al. (2008) Effects of Duct Types and Emulsifiable Oils on Bond and Friction Losses in Posttensioned Concrete Journal of Bridge Engineering. 13: 100-109
Brena SF, Benouaich MA, Kreger ME, et al. (2005) Fatigue Tests Of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Aci Structural Journal. 102: 305-313
Roberts-Wollmann CL, Kreger ME, Rogowsky DM, et al. (2005) Stresses in External Tendons at Ultimate Aci Structural Journal. 102: 206-213
Ziehl PH, Cloyd JE, Kreger ME. (2004) Investigation of Minimum Longitudinal Reinforcement Requirements for Concrete Columns Using Present-Day Construction Materials Aci Structural Journal. 101: 165-175
Brena SF, Wood SL, Kreger ME. (2003) Full-Scale Tests Of Bridge Components Strengthened Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Aci Structural Journal. 100: 775-784
Brena SF, Bramblett RM, Wood SL, et al. (2003) Increasing Flexural Capacity Of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Aci Structural Journal. 100: 36-46
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