Eric R. Pardyjak
Affiliations: | Mechanical Engineering | University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT |
Mechanical Engineering, Atmospheric Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Atmospheric ChemistryWebsite:
"Eric Pardyjak"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorHarindra Joseph S. Fernando | grad student | 2001 | Arizona State | |
(Atmospheric boundary layer dynamics in regions of complex terrain) |
Sign in to add traineeHeather A. Holmes | grad student | 2010 | University of Utah |
Prathap Ramamurthy | grad student | 2011 | University of Utah |
Balwinder Singh | grad student | 2012 | University of Utah |
Scott Speckart | grad student | 2013 | University of Utah |
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Wang Y, Decker J, Pardyjak ER. (2020) Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows around Buildings Using the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment–Lattice Boltzmann Model (ABLE-LBM) Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 59: 885-899 |
Margairaz F, Pardyjak ER, Calaf M. (2020) Surface Thermal Heterogeneities and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: The Thermal Heterogeneity Parameter Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 177: 49-68 |
Margairaz F, Pardyjak ER, Calaf M. (2020) Surface Thermal Heterogeneities and the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: The Relevance of Dispersive Fluxes Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 175: 369-395 |
Park S, Kim J, Choi W, et al. (2020) Flow Characteristics Around Step-Up Street Canyons with Various Building Aspect Ratios Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 174: 411-431 |
Dupuy F, Duine G, Durand P, et al. (2019) Local-Scale Valley Wind Retrieval Using an Artificial Neural Network Applied to Routine Weather Observations Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 58: 1007-1022 |
Hayati AN, Stoll R, Pardyjak ER, et al. (2019) Comparative metrics for computational approaches in non-uniform street-canyon flows Building and Environment. 158: 16-27 |
Román-Cascón C, Yagüe C, Arrillaga J, et al. (2019) Comparing mountain breezes and their impacts on CO2 mixing ratios at three contrasting areas Atmospheric Research. 221: 111-126 |
Isabelle P, Nadeau DF, Perelet AO, et al. (2019) Application and Evaluation of a Two-Wavelength Scintillometry System for Operation in a Complex Shallow Boreal-Forested Valley Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 174: 341-370 |
Emeis S, Kalthoff N, Adler B, et al. (2018) High-Resolution Observations of Transport and Exchange Processes in Mountainous Terrain Atmosphere. 9: 457 |
Girard P, Nadeau DF, Pardyjak ER, et al. (2018) Evaluation of the QUIC-URB wind solver and QESRadiant radiation-transfer model using a dense array of urban meteorological observations Urban Climate. 24: 657-674 |