Lin Sha, Ph.D.

2003 University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Chemical Engineering
"Lin Sha"


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Jane P. Chang grad student 2003 UCLA
 (Plasma etching chemistries and reaction mechanisms for patterning high dielectric constant materials on silicon.)
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Sha L. (2007) Characteristics of HF CVD diamond thin films on cemented carbides Surface Review and Letters. 14: 451-459
Sha L, Chang JP. (2004) Plasma etching of high dielectric constant materials on silicon in halogen chemistries Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology a: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 22: 88-95
Ni D, Lou Y, Christofides PD, et al. (2004) Real-time carbon content control for PECVD ZrO/sub 2/ thin-film growth Ieee Transactions On Semiconductor Manufacturing. 17: 221-230
Huang TJ, Tseng HR, Sha L, et al. (2004) Mechanical shuttling of linear motor-molecules in condensed phases on solid substrates Nano Letters. 4: 2065-2071
Sha L, Chang JP. (2003) Plasma etching selectivity of ZrO2 to Si in BCl3/Cl2 plasmas Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology a: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 21: 1915-1922
Sha L, Cho BO, Chang JP. (2002) Ion-enhanced chemical etching of ZrO2 in a chlorine discharge Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology a: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 20: 1525-1531
Cho BO, Wang J, Sha L, et al. (2002) Tuning the electrical properties of zirconium oxide thin films Applied Physics Letters. 80: 1052-1054
Cho BO, Lao S, Sha L, et al. (2001) Spectroscopic study of plasma using zirconium tetra-tert-butoxide for the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of zirconium oxide Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Part a: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films. 19: 2751-2761
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