Martina Gerken, Ph.D.

2003 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
"Martina Gerken"


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David A. B. Miller grad student 2003 Stanford (Physics Tree)
 (Wavelength multiplexing by spatial beam shifting in multilayer thin -film structures.)
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Schardt J, Gerken M. (2023) Electrical characterization of optical resonance effects in laterally-nanostructured organic photodetectors. Optics Express. 31: 36136-36149
Kraft FA, Harwardt K, Schardt J, et al. (2023) Suppressing the mechanochromism of flexible photonic crystals. Optics Express. 31: 6281-6295
Zuo S, Schmalz J, Ozden MO, et al. (2020) Ultrasensitive Magnetoelectric Sensing System for pico-Tesla MagnetoMyoGraphy. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Circuits and Systems
Schmalz J, Kittmann A, Durdaut P, et al. (2020) Multi-Mode Love-Wave SAW Magnetic-Field Sensors. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 20
Titov I, Kopke M, Schneidewind NC, et al. (2020) OLED-OPD Matrix for Sensing on a Single Flexible Substrate Ieee Sensors Journal. 20: 7540-7547
Schmalz J, Krantz MC, Knies A, et al. (2020) Signal-to-noise ratio enhanced electrode configurations for magnetoelectric cantilever sensors Aip Advances. 10: 75314
Krantz MC, Gerken M. (2020) Effect of excitation mode on the magnetic field detection limit of magnetoelectric composite cantilevers Aip Advances. 10: 45108
Özden M, Teplyuk A, Gümüs Ö, et al. (2020) Magnetoelectric cantilever sensors under inhomogeneous magnetic field excitation Aip Advances. 10: 25132
Lüder H, Paulsen M, Gerken M. (2020) Photonic crystal slab between orthogonal polarizers: details on the guided mode resonance wavelength Optical and Quantum Electronics. 52: 1-14
Lüder H, Gerken M. (2019) FDTD modelling of nanostructured OLEDs: analysis of simulation parameters for accurate radiation patterns Optical and Quantum Electronics. 51: 139
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