Helen L. Kung, Ph.D.

2003 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics
"Helen Kung"


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David A. B. Miller grad student 2003 Stanford (Physics Tree)
 (Miniaturized optical wavelength sensors.)
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Knipp D, Stiebig H, Bhalotra SR, et al. (2005) Silicon-based micro-fourier spectrometer Ieee Transactions On Electron Devices. 52: 419-426
Stiebig H, Knipp D, Bhalotra SR, et al. (2005) Interferometric sensors for spectral imaging Sensors and Actuators, a: Physical. 120: 110-114
Jiao Y, Bhalotra SR, Kung HL, et al. (2003) Adaptive imaging spectrometer in a time-domain filtering architecturedaptive Imaging Spectrometer in a Time-Domain Filtering Architecture. Optics Express. 11: 1960-1965
Knipp D, Stiebig H, Bhalotra SR, et al. (2003) Thin-film-technology-based micro-Fourier spectrometer Proceedings of Spie. 4983: 127-138
Bhalotra SR, Kung HL, Knipp D, et al. (2003) All-silicon standing-wave microspectrometer with spectral resolution 2003 Ieee/Leos International Conference On Optical Mems. 26-27
Knipp D, Stiebig H, Bhalotra SR, et al. (2003) Thin film technology based micro-Fourier spectrometer Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 4983: 127-138
Bhalotra SR, Roth J, Jiao Y, et al. (2003) Adaptive spectra-selective imaging by real-time photoconductor bias modulation Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-Leos. 2: 692-693
Bhalotra SR, Kung HL, Jiao Y, et al. (2003) Standing-wave microsensor for adaptive analysis of spectral coherence Osa Trends in Optics and Photonics Series. 88: 1367-1369
Bhalotra SR, Kung HL, Jiao Y, et al. (2002) Adaptive time-domain filtering for real-time spectral discrimination in a Michelson interferometer. Optics Letters. 27: 1147-9
Kung HL, Bhalotra SR, Mansell JD, et al. (2002) Standing-wave transform spectrometer based on integrated MEMS mirror and thin-film photodetector Ieee Journal On Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 8: 98-105
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