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Mete A. Sozen grad student 1973 UIUC
 (Shear Strength Decay in Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Large Deflection Reversals)
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Fargier-Gabaldón LB, Parra-Montesinos GJ, Wight JK. (2020) Seismic Behavior of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Wide- Column-to-Steel Beam Joints Aci Structural Journal. 117: 117-128
Dam TX, Wight JK, Parra-Montesinos GJ. (2016) Behavior of Monotonically Loaded Slab-Column Connections Reinforced with Shear Studs Aci Structural Journal. 114: 221-232
Lequesne RD, Parra-Montesinos GJ, Wight JK. (2016) Seismic response of fiber-reinforced concrete coupled walls Aci Structural Journal. 113: 435-445
Dam TX, Wight JK. (2016) Flexurally-triggered punching shear failure of reinforced concrete slab-column connections reinforced with headed shear studs arranged in orthogonal and radial layouts Engineering Structures. 110: 258-268
Parra-Montesinos GJ, Wight JK, Kopczynski C, et al. (2014) High-performance fiber reinforced concrete coupling beams: From research to practice Ncee 2014 - 10th U.S. National Conference On Earthquake Engineering: Frontiers of Earthquake Engineering
Lequesne RD, Parra-Montesinos GJ, Wight JK. (2013) Seismic behavior and detailing of high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete coupling beams and coupled wall systems Journal of Structural Engineering (United States). 139: 1362-1370
Parra-Montesinos GJ, Dinh HH, Wight JK. (2013) Effect of fiber reinforcement on the shear behavior of reinforced concrete beams Proceedings of the 8th International Conference On Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Framcos 2013. 1131-1140
Parra-Montesinos GJ, Wight JK, Lequesne RD, et al. (2012) A summary of ten years of research on HPFRC coupling beams Rilem Bookseries. 2: 355-362
Burg RG, Mlutkowski KP, Sordyl DJ, et al. (2012) American activities toward development of a unified front to advance concrete sustainability and resilience Fib Symposium 2012: Concrete Structures For Sustainable Community - Proceedings. 15-19
Dinh HH, Parra-Montesinos GJ, Wight JK. (2011) Shear strength model for steel fiber reinforced concrete beams without stirrup reinforcement Journal of Structural Engineering. 137: 1039-1051
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