Xibing Gong, Ph.D.

2014 Mechanical Engineering The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 
Mechanical Engineering
"Xibing Gong"


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Kevin Chou grad student 2014 University of Alabama
 (Microstructural characterizations and modeling of Ti-6Al-4V parts made by electron beam additive manufacturing (EBAM).)
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Wang X, Gong X, Chou K. (2015) Scanning Speed Effect on Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Processed by Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing☆ Procedia Manufacturing. 1: 287-295
Gong X, Chou K. (2015) Phase-field modeling of microstructure evolution in electron beam additive manufacturing Jom. 67: 1176-1182
Gong X, Lydon J, Cooper K, et al. (2014) Beam speed effects on Ti–6Al–4V microstructures in electron beam additive manufacturing Journal of Materials Research. 29: 1951-1959
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