Eduardo Castillo, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States |
Mechanical Engineering, General Engineering, Materials Science EngineeringGoogle:
"Eduardo Castillo"Parents
Sign in to add mentorTheodorian Borca-Tasciuc | grad student | 2012 | RPI | |
(Characterization of Thermoelectric Materials and Contacts by an Enhanced Harman Method.) |
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Yavari F, Castillo E, Gullapalli H, et al. (2012) High sensitivity detection of NO 2 and NH 3 in air using chemical vapor deposition grown graphene Applied Physics Letters. 100 |
Zhang Y, Castillo EE, Mehta RJ, et al. (2011) A noncontact thermal microprobe for local thermal conductivity measurement. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 82: 024902 |
Karthik C, Mehta RJ, Jiang W, et al. (2011) Threshold conductivity switching in sulfurized antimony selenide nanowires Applied Physics Letters. 99 |
Castillo EE, Hapenciuc CL, Borca-Tasciuc T. (2010) Thermoelectric characterization by transient Harman method under nonideal contact and boundary conditions. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 81: 044902 |
Zhang Y, Hapenciuc CL, Castillo EE, et al. (2010) A microprobe technique for simultaneously measuring thermal conductivity and Seebeck coefficient of thin films Applied Physics Letters. 96 |
Castillo E, Ramanath G, Borca-Tasciuc T. (2009) Analysis of nanowire heat pumps for local hot spot cooling Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 13: 821-824 |
Castillo E, Kuppers J, Choudhury S, et al. (2009) Thermal characterization of silicon carbide nanowire films Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 10: 1975-1978 |