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Chester P Siess grad student 1962 UIUC
 (Measured and Theoretical Bending Moments in Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs)
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Janghorban F, Hoseini A, Gamble WL. (2020) Effects of Tendon Arrangements on Two-Way Unbonded Post-Tensioned Slab-Edge Column Connections Aci Structural Journal. 117: 33-44
Gamble WL. (2019) Discussion of “Fire Resistance of Gypsum Board Protected Steel Columns with High Load Ratios” by Zheng Peng and Hossein Mostafaei Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 145: 7019007
Gamble WL. (2012) Structural analysis of pretensioned concrete piles American Concrete Institute, Aci Special Publication. 115-130
Gamble WL. (2009) Influence of flexural reinforcement on shear strength of prestressed concrete beams Aci Structural Journal. 106: 909-910
Welch RW, Hall WJ, Gamble WL. (2008) Specializing park's compressive membrane theory Journal of Structural Engineering. 134: 854-858
Gamble WL. (2007) Discussion of "transverse cracking of concrete bridge decks: State-of-the-art" by Rambod Hadidi and M. Ala Saadeghvaziri Journal of Bridge Engineering. 12: 135
Gamble WL, Kodur VKR, Bisby LA. (2006) Discussion of "evaluation of fire endurance of concrete slabs reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer bars" by V. K. R. Kodur and L. A. Bisby Journal of Structural Engineering. 132: 324-325
Naaman AE, Burns N, French C, et al. (2002) Stresses In Unbonded Prestressing Tendons At Ultimate: Recommendation Aci Structural Journal. 99: 518-529
Gamble WL, Ramirez JA. (2000) Recent Approaches to Shear Design of Structural Concrete Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce. 126: 853-853
Gamble WL, Hawkins NM, Kaspar II. (1996) Seismic retrofitting of bridge pier columns International Sampe Symposium and Exhibition (Proceedings). 41: 1004-1014
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