David W. Pershing

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering
"David Walter Pershing" OR "David W. Pershing"


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Jost O. L. Wendt grad student 1976 University of Arizona
 (Nitrogen Oxide Formation in Pulverized Coal Flames)
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Kelly KE, Wang D, Hradisky M, et al. (2016) Underground coal thermal treatment as a potential low-carbon energy source Fuel Processing Technology. 144: 8-19
Kelly KE, Wilkey JE, Spinti JP, et al. (2014) Oxyfiring with CO2 capture to meet low-carbon fuel standards for unconventional fuels from Utah International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 22: 189-199
Kelly KE, Silcox GD, Sarofim AF, et al. (2011) An evaluation of ex situ, industrial-scale, aqueous CO2 mineralization International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 5: 1587-1595
Molina A, Eddings EG, Pershing DW, et al. (2004) Nitric oxide destruction during coal and char oxidation under pulverized-coal combustion conditions Combustion and Flame. 136: 303-312
Spinti JP, Pershing DW. (2003) The fate of char-N at pulverized coal conditions Combustion and Flame. 135: 299-313
Molina A, Eddings EG, Pershing DW, et al. (2002) Reduction of nitric oxide on the char surface at pulverized combustion conditions Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 29: 2275-2281
Henderson T, McMurtry P, Smith P, et al. (2000) Simulating accidental fires and explosions Computing in Science & Engineering. 2: 64-76
Molina A, Eddings EG, Pershing DW, et al. (2000) Char nitrogen conversion: implications to emissions from coal-fired utility boilers Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 26: 507-531
Veranth JM, Fletcher TH, Pershing DW, et al. (2000) Measurement of soot and char in pulverized coal fly ash Fuel. 79: 1067-1075
Spinti JP, Pershing DW, Brouwer J, et al. (1997) Influence of near burner combustion modifications on NOx formation from an all-axial multifuel burner Combustion Science and Technology. 126: 1-21
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