Valerie M. Weaver

1999-2006 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
 2006- University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
Extracellular matrix tissue mechanics mechanobiology
"Valerie M Weaver"


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Jean Himms-Hagen grad student 1992 University of Ottawa (Chemistry Tree)
JoEllen Welsh grad student 1992 University of Ottawa (Cell Biology Tree)
 (Effect of dietary minerals and diabetes on renal vitamin D hydroxylation and calcium homeostasis)
Mina J. Bissell post-doc LBNL (Chemistry Tree)


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Julie C. Friedland grad student 2006 Penn
Penney M. Gilbert grad student 2006 Penn
Nastaran Zahir grad student 2006 Penn
Kandice R. Levental grad student 2008 Penn
Greg A. Timblin post-doc UCSF (Chemistry Tree)
Matthew J. Paszek post-doc 2012 UCSF (Chemistry Tree)
Kevin M Tharp post-doc 2017-2023 UCSF (Chemistry Tree)


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Carolyn R. Bertozzi collaborator (Chemistry Tree)
Zena Werb collaborator (Chemistry Tree)
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Narain R, Muncie-Vasic JM, Weaver VM. (2024) Forcing the code: tension modulates signaling to drive morphogenesis and malignancy. Genes & Development
Parihar K, Ko SH, Bradley R, et al. (2024) Free energy calculations for membrane morphological transformations and insights to physical biology and oncology. Methods in Enzymology. 701: 359-386
Parihar K, Ko SB, Bradley RP, et al. (2024) Asymmetric crowders and membrane morphology at the nexus of intracellular trafficking and oncology. Mechanobiology in Medicine. 2
Tharp KM, Kersten K, Maller O, et al. (2024) Tumor-associated macrophages restrict CD8 T cell function through collagen deposition and metabolic reprogramming of the breast cancer microenvironment. Nature Cancer
Goyette MA, Stevens LE, DePinho CR, et al. (2024) Cancer-stromal cell interactions in breast cancer brain metastases induce glycocalyx-mediated resistance to HER2-targeting therapies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2322688121
Northey JJ, Hayward MK, Yui Y, et al. (2024) Mechanosensitive hormone signaling promotes mammary progenitor expansion and breast cancer risk. Cell Stem Cell. 31: 106-126.e13
Friedland JC, Lakins JN, Kazanietz MG, et al. (2023) Expression of Concern: α6β4 integrin activates Rac-dependent p21-activated kinase 1 to drive NF-κB-dependent resistance to apoptosis in 3D mammary acini. Journal of Cell Science. 136
Tharp K, Park S, Timblin G, et al. (2023) The microenvironment dictates glycocalyx construction and immune surveillance. Research Square
Pedram K, Shon DJ, Tender GS, et al. (2023) Design of a mucin-selective protease for targeted degradation of cancer-associated mucins. Nature Biotechnology
Stashko C, Hayward MK, Northey JJ, et al. (2023) A convolutional neural network STIFMap reveals associations between stromal stiffness and EMT in breast cancer. Nature Communications. 14: 3561
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