Gregory S. Hendricks, Ph.D.

2008 University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Agricultural Engineering, Soil Science Agriculture
"Gregory Hendricks"


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Sanjay Shukla grad student 2008 UF Gainesville
 (Monitoring and modeling the effects of water and nutrient BMPs on water quality and crop production under shallow water table environments.)
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Hendricks G, Shukla S, Roka F, et al. (2019) Economic and environmental consequences of overfertilization under extreme weather conditions Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 74: 160-171
Hendricks GS, Shukla S, Obreza TA, et al. (2014) Measurement and modeling of phosphorous transport in shallow groundwater environments. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 164: 125-37
Hendricks GS, Shukla S, Martinez CJ, et al. (2013) Modified model for simulating hydrologic processes for plastic mulch production systems Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 139: 738-746
Hendricks GS, Shukla S. (2011) Water and nitrogen management effects on water and nitrogen fluxes in Florida Flatwoods. Journal of Environmental Quality. 40: 1844-56
Hendricks GS, Shukla S, Cushman KE, et al. (2007) Florida watermelon production affected by water and nutrient management Horttechnology. 17: 328-335
Hendricks GS, Shukla S, Cushman KE, et al. (2007) Florida watermelon production affected by water and nutrient management Horttechnology. 17: 328-335
Cushman K, Shukla S, Hendricks G, et al. (2006) (3) Comparability of Nutrient and Water Management Strategies for Seepage-irrigated Watermelon in South Florida Hortscience. 41: 1014D-1015
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