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Otto LM, Burgos SP, Staffaroni M, et al. (2018) Predicting scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy of mass-produced plasmonic devices Journal of Applied Physics. 123: 183104 |
Ren S, Rong Y, Claussen SA, et al. (2012) Ge/SiGe Quantum Well Waveguide Modulator Monolithically Integrated With SOI Waveguides Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 24: 461-463 |
Ren S, Kamins TI, Miller DAB. (2011) Thin Dielectric Spacer for the Monolithic Integration of Bulk Germanium or Germanium Quantum Wells With Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguides Ieee Photonics Journal. 3: 739-747 |
Schaevitz RK, Edwards EH, Ren S, et al. (2011) Simple electroabsorption calculator for germanium quantum well devices Ieee International Conference On Group Iv Photonics Gfp. 139-141 |
Ren S, Rong Y, Kamins TI, et al. (2011) Selective epitaxial growth of Ge/Si0.15Ge0.85 quantum wells on Si substrate using reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition Applied Physics Letters. 98: 151108 |
Edwards EH, Audet RM, Rong Y, et al. (2010) Si-Ge surface-normal asymmetric Fabry-Perot quantum-confined stark effect electroabsorption modulator 2010 23rd Annual Meeting of the Ieee Photonics Society, Photinics 2010. 514-515 |
Schaevitz RK, Roth JE, Edwards EH, et al. (2010) Simple electroabsorption model for silicon-germanium/germanium quantum well devices 2010 Ieee Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series, Phosst 2010. 219-220 |
Schaevitz RK, Edwards EH, Audet RM, et al. (2010) Simple electroabsorption model for germanium quantum well devices 10th International Conference On Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, Nusod 2010. 109-110 |
Edwards EH, Audet RM, Claussen SA, et al. (2010) Si-Ge surface-normal asymmetric fabry-perot electroabsorption modulator Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: 2010 Laser Science to Photonic Applications, Cleo/Qels 2010 |
Okyay AK, Onbasli MC, Ercan B, et al. (2009) High efficiency monolithic photodetectors for integrated optoelectronics in the near infrared Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-Leos. 303-304 |