Emily Helen Lakes
Affiliations: | 2013- | BME | University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States |
"Emily Lakes"
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Wachs RA, Wellman SM, Porvasnik SL, et al. (2022) Apoptosis-Decellularized Peripheral Nerve Scaffold Allows Regeneration across Nerve Gap. Cells, Tissues, Organs. 1-11 |
Yarmola EG, Shah YY, Lakes EH, et al. (2019) Use of magnetic capture to identify elevated levels of CCL2 following intra-articular injection of monoiodoacetate in rats. Connective Tissue Research. 1-13 |
Reiter A, Kivitz G, Castile RM, et al. (2019) Functional Measures of Grip Strength and Gait Remain Altered Long-term in a Rat Model of Post-traumatic Elbow Contracture. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering |
Ham TR, Farrag M, Soltisz AM, et al. (2019) Automated Gait Analysis Detects Improvements after Intracellular σ Peptide Administration in a Rat Hemisection Model of Spinal Cord Injury. Annals of Biomedical Engineering |
Jacobs BY, Lakes EH, Reiter AJ, et al. (2018) The Open Source GAITOR Suite for Rodent Gait Analysis. Scientific Reports. 8: 9797 |
Lakes EH, Allen KD. (2018) Quadrupedal rodent gait compensations in a low dose monoiodoacetate model of osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture. 63: 73-79 |
Lakes E, Haus S, Pacheco Y, et al. (2018) Male and female gait compensations in a mouse model of medial meniscus destabilization Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 26: S366-S367 |
Yarmola E, Shah Y, Lakes E, et al. (2017) CCL2 detection in a rat monoiodoacetate osteoarthritis model using magnetic capture Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 25: S102 |
Lakes EH, Allen KD. (2016) Gait analysis methods for rodent models of arthritic disorders: reviews and recommendations. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage / Oars, Osteoarthritis Research Society |
Lakes EH, Matuska AM, McFetridge PS, et al. (2016) Mechanical Integrity of a Decellularized and Laser Drilled Medial Meniscus. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 138 |