David Malah
Affiliations: | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Haifa District, Israel |
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"David Malah"
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Benisty H, Katz I, Crammer K, et al. (2018) Discriminative Keyword Spotting for limited-data applications Speech Communication. 99: 1-11 |
Rosen O, Cohen I, Malah D. (2017) FIR-based symmetrical acoustic beamformer with a constant beamwidth Signal Processing. 130: 365-376 |
Benisty H, Malah D, Crammer K. (2016) Grid-based approximation for voice conversion in low resource environments Eurasip Journal On Audio, Speech, and Music Processing. 2016: 81 |
Shoham T, Malah D, Shechtman S. (2012) Quality Preserving Compression of a Concatenative Text-To-Speech Acoustic Database Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 20: 1056-1068 |
Tiomkin S, Malah D, Shechtman S, et al. (2011) A Hybrid Text-to-Speech System That Combines Concatenative and Statistical Synthesis Units Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 19: 1278-1288 |
Kuybeda O, Malah D, Barzohar M. (2010) Anomaly Preserving $\ell _{\scriptscriptstyle 2,\infty }$ -Optimal Dimensionality Reduction Over a Grassmann Manifold Ieee Transactions On Signal Processing. 58: 544-552 |
Tiomkin S, Malah D, Shechtman S. (2010) Statistical Text-to-Speech Synthesis Based on Segment-Wise Representation With a Norm Constraint Ieee Transactions On Audio, Speech, and Language Processing. 18: 1077-1082 |
Vichik A, Keshet R, Malah D. (2010) A general framework for tree-based morphology and its applications to self-dual filtering Image and Vision Computing. 28: 1443-1451 |
Hait N, Malah D. (2009) Model-Based Transrating of H.264 Coded Video Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems For Video Technology. 19: 1129-1142 |
Sagi A, Malah D. (2007) Bandwidth extension of telephone speech aided by data embedding Eurasip Journal On Advances in Signal Processing. 2007: 37-37 |