Kyeong Ook Lee

1997 Mechanical Engineering University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States 
"Kyeong Lee"
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Seong H, Choi S, Lee K. (2014) Examination of nanoparticles from gasoline direct-injection (GDI) engines using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) International Journal of Automotive Technology. 15: 175-181
Chong HS, Aggarwal SK, Lee KO, et al. (2013) Experimental investigation on the oxidation characteristics of diesel particulates relevant to DPF regeneration Combustion Science and Technology. 185: 95-121
Kameya Y, Lee KO. (2013) Ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering characterization of diesel/gasoline soot: sizes and particle-packing conditions Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 15: 2006
Kameya Y, Lee KO. (2013) Soot Cake Oxidation on a Diesel Particulate Filter: Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy Observation and Thermogravimetric Analysis Energy Technology. 1: 695-701
Chong HS, Aggarwal SK, Lee KO, et al. (2011) Measurements Of Heat Release Of Diesel Pm For Advanced Thermal Management Strategies For Dpf Regeneration Combustion Science and Technology. 183: 1328-1341
Lee KO, Zhu J, Song J. (2008) Effects of exhaust gas recirculation on diesel particulate matter morphology and NOx emissions International Journal of Engine Research. 9: 165-175
Zhu J, Lee K. (2005) Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Particulate Morphology for a Light-Duty Diesel Engine Sae Transactions. 114: 99-105
Lee KO, Zhu J. (2005) Effects of Exhaust System Components on Particulate Morphology in a Light-duty Diesel Engine Sae Transactions. 114: 52-60
Zhu J, Lee K, Panov A, et al. (2004) An Investigation of Particulate Morphology, Microstructures, and Fractal Geometry for ael Diesel Engine-Simulating Combustor Sae Transactions. 113: 2062-2069
Lee KO, Zhu J. (2004) Evolution in size and morphology of diesel particulates along the exhaust system Sae Transactions. 113: 1332-1338
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