Albrecht Bertram, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Affiliations: | 1995- | Institute of Mechanics | Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
1995-2016 | Institute of Mechanics | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany |
"Albrecht Bertram"Bio:
born in Braunschweig as youngest of four children (parents: Heinrich Bertram [dentist] and Hermine Bertram, born Glombitza [trade teacher])
1957 - 1961
Primary school in Wolfenbüttel
1961 - 1969
High school "Große Schule" in Wolfenbüttel
Abitur, 2.6.1969
1969 - 1973
Studies in the field of building and transport at TU Berlin, pre-diploma 14.6.1973
1973 - 1974
Studies in the field of physical engineering at the TU Berlin, diploma 23.12.1974
1975 - 1979
Scientific assistant to Prof. R. Trostel in the 2nd Institute of Mechanics at the TU Berlin
Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at the TU Berlin with the topic: Material systems with internal constraints
1980 - 1988
University assistant in the 2nd Institute of Mechanics at the TU Berlin
1983 - 1985
Lecturer at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia in the Department of Civil Engineering
7. - 9.1986
Guest lecturer at the University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
Habilitation, title of the habilitation thesis: Attempt at an axiomatic introduction to continuum mechanics based on a power functional. Private lecturer at the TU Berlin.
7.1987 - 10.1987
Research stay in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1988 - 1995
Scientific employee of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Department of Computational Materials and Component Analysis
Appointment as university professor (C4) of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Chair of Strength Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Appointment as associate professor at the TU Berlin
Appointment to a professorship for mechanics in the faculty. Mechanical Engineering at the University of Dortmund (not accepted)
2000 - 2016
Managing editor of the technical journal Technische Mechanik
7.2001 - 2.2005
Head of the Institute of Mechanics at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
2002 - now
(Vice) Speaker of the Graduate College Micro-Macro Interactions in Structured Media and Particle Systems (DFG- German Research Foundation)
3.2005 - 9.2005
Visiting professor at the Ecole des Mines in Paris
2004 - 2012
Elected Review Board of the DFG
Febr. - March 2010
Visiting Professor at the University of Havana, Cuba
April - July 2010
Visiting Scholar of the University of California at Berkeley
Retirement at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
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Sign in to add mentorArnold Krawietz | research assistant | 1975-1980 | TU Berlin | |
(second supervisor) | ||||
Rudolf Trostel | research assistant | 1975-1980 | TU Berlin | |
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Peter Haupt | grad student | 1975-1975 | TU Berlin |
Sign in to add traineeMartin Kraska | research assistant | 1994-1998 | TU Berlin |
Thomas Böhlke | research assistant | 1995-2000 | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg |
Rainer Glüge | research assistant | 2005-2009 | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg |
Thomas Böhlke | post-doc | 2000-2006 | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg |
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Reiher JC, Bertram A. (2020) Finite Third-Order Gradient Elastoplasticity and Thermoplasticity Journal of Elasticity. 138: 169-193 |
Bertram A. (2020) On viscous gradient fluids Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 32: 1385-1401 |
Tohidlou E, Bertram A. (2019) Effect of strain hardening on subgrain formation during ECAP process Mechanics of Materials. 137: 103077 |
Weber M, Glüge R, Bertram A. (2019) Distance of a stiffness tetrad to the symmetry classes of linear elasticity International Journal of Solids and Structures. 281-293 |
Reiher JC, Bertram A. (2018) Finite Third-order Gradient Elasticity and Thermoelasticity Journal of Elasticity. 133: 223-252 |
Makvandi R, Reiher JC, Bertram A, et al. (2018) Isogeometric analysis of first and second strain gradient elasticity Computational Mechanics. 61: 351-363 |
Reiher JC, Giorgio I, Bertram A. (2017) Finite-Element Analysis of Polyhedra under Point and Line Forces in Second-Strain Gradient Elasticity Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce. 143: 4016112 |
Tohidlou E, Bertram A. (2017) Effect of initial orientation on subgrain formation in nickel single crystals during equal channel angular pressing Mechanics of Materials. 114: 30-39 |
Weber M, Glüge R, Bertram A. (2017) Material plasticity to track the elastic anisotropy at finite strains Pamm. 17: 481-482 |
Bertram A. (2016) Finite gradient elasticity and plasticity: a constitutive thermodynamical framework Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 28: 869-883 |