Konstantin Naumenko, apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.

1996-2011 Center of Engineering Sciences Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany 
 2011- Institute of Mechanics Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany 
"Konstantin Naumenko"

1989 Diploma in Dynamics and Strength of Machines, National University of Kharkiv (Ukraine)
1995 Dr.-Ing. in Mechanics, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany)
2006 Habilitation in Mechanics, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)
2011 Adjunct Professor, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany)
2012 Adjunct Professor, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (Germany)
2014 Visiting Professor, Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy)

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Naumenko K, Gariboldi E, Nizinkovskyi R. (2020) Stress-regime-dependence of inelastic anisotropy in forged age-hardening aluminium alloys at elevated temperature: Constitutive modeling, identification and validation Mechanics of Materials. 141: 103262
Nordmann J, Naumenko K, Altenbach H. (2019) A Damage Mechanics Based Cohesive Zone Model with Damage Gradient Extension for Creep-Fatigue-Interaction Key Engineering Materials. 794: 253-259
Krüger M, Kauss O, Naumenko K, et al. (2019) The potential of mechanical alloying to improve the strength and ductility of Mo–9Si–8B–1Zr alloys – experiments and simulation Intermetallics. 113: 106558
Bagheri B, Schulze S, Naumenko K, et al. (2019) Identification of traction-separation curves for self-adhesive polymeric films based on non-linear theory of beams and digital images of T-peeling Composite Structures. 216: 222-227
Kauss O, Tsybenko H, Naumenko K, et al. (2019) Structural analysis of gas turbine blades made of Mo-Si-B under transient thermo-mechanical loads Computational Materials Science. 165: 129-136
Javanbakht Z, Aßmus M, Naumenko K, et al. (2019) On thermal strains and residual stresses in the linear theory of anti‐sandwiches Zamm-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik. 99
Eisenträger J, Naumenko K, Kostenko Y, et al. (2019) Thermo‐Mechanical Analysis of a Steam Turbine rotor Pamm. 19
Nordmann J, Thiem P, Cinca N, et al. (2018) Analysis of iron aluminide coated beams under creep conditions in high-temperature four-point bending tests: Journal of Strain Analysis For Engineering Design. 53: 255-265
Eisenträger J, Naumenko K, Altenbach H. (2018) Calibration of a phase mixture model for hardening and softening regimes in tempered martensitic steel over wide stress and temperature ranges Journal of Strain Analysis For Engineering Design. 53: 156-177
Rößler C, Schmicker D, Naumenko K, et al. (2018) Adaption of a Carreau fluid law formulation for residual stress determination in rotary friction welds Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 252: 567-572
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