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Thomas Böhlke, Dr.-Ing. habil.

1995-2000 Institute of Mechanics Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany 
 2000-2005 Institute of Mechanics Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany 
 2005-2006 Institute of Mechanics University of Kassel, Kassel, Hessen, Germany 
 2006- Institute of Engineering Mechanics Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 
"Thomas Böhlke"

1985 - 1988 Vocational training
1988 - 1990 Military service
1990 - 1995 Studies in Mechanical/Physical Engineering
1995 Dipl.-Ing. (Mechanical Engineering), TU Berlin
2000 Dr.-Ing. (Applied Mechanics), OVGU Magdeburg
2002 - 2005 Junior professorship (Micro-Macro Interactions in Mechanics), OVGU Magdeburg
2007 Dr.-Ing. habil. (Applied Mechanics), OVGU Magdeburg
2005 - 2006 Visiting Associate Professor (Mechanics), University of Kassel
2006 Full Professor (Mechanics), University of Karlsruhe (now KIT)


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Erhard Krempl research assistant 1998-1999 RPI
Albrecht Bertram research assistant 1995-2000 Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Albrecht Bertram post-doc 2000-2006 Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Peter Haupt post-doc 2000-2006
Robert (Bob) Svendsen post-doc 2000-2006 TU Dortmund
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Gajek S, Schneider M, Böhlke T. (2020) On the micromechanics of deep material networks Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 142: 103984
Sabina FJ, Guinovart-Díaz R, Espinosa-Almeyda Y, et al. (2020) Effective transport properties for periodic multiphase fiber-reinforced composites with complex constituents and parallelogram unit cells International Journal of Solids and Structures. 96-113
Zhang R, Wu C, Goh AC, et al. (2020) Estimation of diaphragm wall deflections for deep braced excavation in anisotropic clays using ensemble learning Geoscience Frontiers
Görthofer J, Schneider M, Ospald F, et al. (2020) Computational homogenization of sheet molding compound composites based on high fidelity representative volume elements Computational Materials Science. 174: 109456
Kuhn J, Schneider M, Sonnweber-Ribic P, et al. (2020) Fast methods for computing centroidal Laguerre tessellations for prescribed volume fractions with applications to microstructure generation of polycrystalline materials Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 369: 113175
Wicht D, Schneider M, Böhlke T. (2020) An efficient solution scheme for small-strain crystal-elasto-viscoplasticity in a dual framework Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 358: 112611
Wang Z, Zhang W, Gao X, et al. (2020) Stability analysis of soil slopes based on strain information Acta Geotechnica. 1-14
Krause M, Böhlke T. (2020) Maximum-Entropy Based Estimates of Stress and Strain in Thermoelastic Random Heterogeneous Materials Journal of Elasticity
Prahs A, Böhlke T. (2020) On interface conditions on a material singular surface Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 32: 1417-1434
Prahs A, Böhlke T. (2020) On invariance properties of an extended energy balance Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. 32: 843-859
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