People with institution matching "Bilkent University": Advanced Search
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Adnan Akay (Info) NIH, Wayne State, Carnegie Mellon, National Science Foundation, Bilkent University Mechanical Engineering pq 2016‑06‑10
M. İrşadi Aksun (Info) Bilkent University, Koc University, Ozyegin University Numerical methods for electromagnetics and optics, printed circuits and antennas, and photonics polariton 2021‑07‑30
Ayhan Altıntaş (Info) Ohio State, ANU, Bilkent University Electromagnetic scattering and diffraction, antennas, wave propagation, RF for wireless communications, fiber and guided wave optics polariton 2023‑12‑26
Abdullah Atalar (Info) Middle East Technical University, Bilkent University Passive and active microwave circuits, micromachined sensors, integrated circuits, acoustic and atomic force microscopy, photoacoustics slcm 2019‑07‑08
Koray Aydin (Info) Northwestern nanophotonics, plasmonics, metamaterials korayaydin 2017‑11‑10
‪A. Enis Çetin (Info) University of Toronto, Bilkent University Signal and image processing polariton 2021‑08‑03
Hilmi Volkan Demir (Info) Nanyang Technological University, Stanford, Bilkent University Semiconductor LED lighting, nanocrystal optoelectronics, energy transfer phenomena and excitonics, metal nanoparticle and nanowire plasmonics, RF wireless sensors, RF bioimplants, medical devices david 2016‑11‑08
Tolga M. Duman (Info) Arizona State, Bilkent University Electronics and Electrical Engineering pq 2016‑04‑18
Vakur B. Ertürk (Info) Bilkent University Computational electromagnetics, antennas, conformal arrays, random rough surface scattering polariton 2021‑08‑02
Engin Erzin (Info) Koc University Multimedia signal processing, human-computer interaction, pattern recognition polariton 2021‑08‑03
Uğur Güdükbay (Info) Bilkent University ComicAddict 2021‑06‑21
Seymur Jahangirov (Info) Bilkent Universitesi (Turkey) kerem_kurban 2020‑12‑22
Noyan Kinayman (Info) Bilkent University, MACOM Technology Solutions, MIT Lincoln Lab polariton 2022‑10‑13
Sedat Nizamoğlu (Info) Koc University, Ozyegin University Neuron-machine bioelectronics, quantum optoelectronics, light-emitting diodes, luminescent solar concentrators, biolasers, nanomaterials polariton 2021‑08‑02
Levent Onural (Info) Bilkent University (Turkey) fyaras 2023‑03‑01
Haldun M Ozaktas (Info) Bilkent University hmo91 2021‑10‑16
Özlem Özgün (Info) Hacettepe University Computational electromagnetics, finite element method, domain decomposition, transformation electromagnetics, metamaterials, radio propagation polariton 2021‑08‑02
Fahri Yaras (Info) HP Inc. Optics, Camera Engineering, Digital Holography, AR/VR fyaras 2023‑03‑01
Tolga Talha YILDIZ (Info) Bilkent Universitesi (Turkey) ComicAddict 2019‑02‑24
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