People with institution matching "Bilkent University":
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Adnan Akay (Info) |
NIH, Wayne State, Carnegie Mellon, National Science Foundation, Bilkent University |
Mechanical Engineering |
pq |
2016‑06‑10 |
M. İrşadi Aksun (Info) |
Bilkent University, Koc University, Ozyegin University |
Numerical methods for electromagnetics and optics, printed circuits and antennas, and photonics |
polariton |
2021‑07‑30 |
Ayhan Altıntaş (Info) |
Ohio State, ANU, Bilkent University |
Electromagnetic scattering and diffraction, antennas, wave propagation, RF for wireless communications, fiber and guided wave optics |
polariton |
2023‑12‑26 |
Abdullah Atalar (Info) |
Middle East Technical University, Bilkent University |
Passive and active microwave circuits, micromachined sensors, integrated circuits, acoustic and atomic force microscopy, photoacoustics |
slcm |
2019‑07‑08 |
Koray Aydin (Info) |
Northwestern |
nanophotonics, plasmonics, metamaterials |
korayaydin |
2017‑11‑10 |
A. Enis Çetin (Info) |
University of Toronto, Bilkent University |
Signal and image processing |
polariton |
2021‑08‑03 |
Hilmi Volkan Demir (Info) |
Nanyang Technological University, Stanford, Bilkent University |
Semiconductor LED lighting, nanocrystal optoelectronics, energy transfer phenomena and excitonics, metal nanoparticle and nanowire plasmonics, RF wireless sensors, RF bioimplants, medical devices |
david |
2016‑11‑08 |
Tolga M. Duman (Info) |
Arizona State, Bilkent University |
Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
pq |
2016‑04‑18 |
Vakur B. Ertürk (Info) |
Bilkent University |
Computational electromagnetics, antennas, conformal arrays, random rough surface scattering |
polariton |
2021‑08‑02 |
Engin Erzin (Info) |
Koc University |
Multimedia signal processing, human-computer interaction, pattern recognition |
polariton |
2021‑08‑03 |
Uğur Güdükbay (Info) |
Bilkent University |
ComicAddict |
2021‑06‑21 |
Seymur Jahangirov (Info) |
Bilkent Universitesi (Turkey) |
kerem_kurban |
2020‑12‑22 |
Noyan Kinayman (Info) |
Bilkent University, MACOM Technology Solutions, MIT Lincoln Lab |
polariton |
2022‑10‑13 |
Sedat Nizamoğlu (Info) |
Koc University, Ozyegin University |
Neuron-machine bioelectronics, quantum optoelectronics, light-emitting diodes, luminescent solar concentrators, biolasers, nanomaterials |
polariton |
2021‑08‑02 |
Levent Onural (Info) |
Bilkent University (Turkey) |
fyaras |
2023‑03‑01 |
Haldun M Ozaktas (Info) |
Bilkent University |
hmo91 |
2021‑10‑16 |
Özlem Özgün (Info) |
Hacettepe University |
Computational electromagnetics, finite element method, domain decomposition, transformation electromagnetics, metamaterials, radio propagation |
polariton |
2021‑08‑02 |
Fahri Yaras (Info) |
HP Inc. |
Optics, Camera Engineering, Digital Holography, AR/VR |
fyaras |
2023‑03‑01 |
Tolga Talha YILDIZ (Info) |
Bilkent Universitesi (Turkey) |
ComicAddict |
2019‑02‑24 |
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