Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Michael D Greenfield (post-doc), Otto von Helversen (grad student)
Cynthia (Maddox)Cain
Jessica K. Abbottpolymorphism, sexual conflict20072009 Adam Chippindale (post-doc)
Virginia Abdala Raymond F. Laurent (grad student)
Tokiharu 阿部 宗明 Abe
Karen Adair Biology2019 Brendan Bohannan (research scientist)
Stephen C AdolphPhysiological and evolutionary ecology of lizards Biological Sciences Zoology19901993 Joan Roughgarden (research assistant), Warren Paul Porter (post-doc)
Montserrat AguadéMolecular evolution Richard C. Lewontin (research scientist)
Milenko A. Aguilera María E. Casanueva (grad student)
Charles Edward Howard Aiken1871 Henry Wetherbee Henshaw (research assistant)
Thomas Kenji AkabaneGeosciences, Palynology, Quaternary, Tropical palynology, Charcoal Paulo Eduardo De Oliveira (research scientist)
Wasiu A. AkanniPhylogenetics, supertrees, programming, computational methods, tree of life
Chris K. Akcali David Pfennig (grad student)
Daniel J. Albano
Sylvain Alem20132016 Lars Chittka (post-doc)
Laura R.V. Alencar Tiago B. Quental (post-doc)
Sarah Rose AlewijnseFish otoliths, isotopes Natalie Cooper (grad student)
Matt P. Alexander Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Bethany Allen Erin E. Saupe (grad student)
Michael C. Allen2019 Joanna Burger (grad student)
Eric R. Allenpaleontology, Goniopholidids, crocodyliform systematics
Enrico Alleva Rita Levi-Montalcini (research assistant)
Peter A. Allison Derek Ernest Gilmor Briggs (grad student)
Lila Allou20102015 Jean-louis Guéant (grad student), Stefan Mundlos (post-doc)
Francisca C. AlmeidaMolecular evolution19982001 Héctor Seuanez (grad student)
Lurdes Foresti Almeida-Toledo19721978 Luiz Carlos Gomes-Simões (grad student), Warwick Estevan Kerr (grad student)
Marta Álvarez PresasMolecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography Marta Riutort (grad student)
Alexandra Alvergne
Jaime Anaya-Rojas20172020 Martha Patricia Ramirez-Pinilla (grad student), Theo C M Bakker (grad student), Joseph Anthony Travis (grad student)
Matt L. Anderson
Timothy J.C. Anderson John Jaenike (grad student)
William Russell Anderson
Maydianne C. B. AndradeSexual selection, evolutionary ecology, arachnology19921995 Darryl T. Gwynne (grad student)
Robin Madeline Andrews1967 Daniel H. Janzen (research assistant)
Jennifer ApodacaGenomics
Timothy A. Armstrong
Ellie Armstrong Dmitri Petrov (grad student)
Carlos Asensio19591961 Alberto Sols (post-doc), Bernard L. Horecker (post-doc)
Haleh Ashki20102015 Peter Beerli (grad student)
Nelson Philip Ashmole1961 David Lack (grad student)
Sílvia Atrian
Charles E. Atwood
Guilherme Augusto-AlvesAnimal communication Luís Felipe Toledo (grad student)
Heather Axen Sara Cahan (grad student)
Meraj Aziz
Lutz Bachmann
Jonathan Badger Gary Jay Olsen (grad student)
Ana M Báez Richard D. Estes (grad student), Osvaldo Alfredo Reig (research assistant)
Spencer Fullerton Baird18421847 John James Audubon (research assistant), Louis Agassiz (research assistant)
Susana Balcells
Sandra L. Baldauf Jeffrey D. Palmer (grad student)
Francis Maitland Balfourzoology Felix Anton Dohrn (grad student)
Michelle Balk
Evangeline S. Ballerini20122019 Scott Hodges (post-doc), David Burton Wake (research assistant), Damon R Lisch (research assistant)
Clare R. Baltazar Henry K. Townes (grad student)
Barbara Lee Banbury
María Barberá Andrew Roger (post-doc)
Taciana Barbosa Cavalcanti
Thomas BarbourHerpetology1910 Leonhard Hess Stejneger (research assistant), George Albert Boulenger (research assistant)
Dino Barhoum Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Linda J. Barkley
Kelly Barr
Paul Z. Barrett Clint A. Boyd (grad student)
Alan Bartram Brian George Gardiner (grad student)
Héloïse Bastide John E. Pool (post-doc)
William BatesonGenetics18831884 William Keith Brooks (research assistant)
Lekh Raj Batra Richard P. Korf (grad student), Robert W. Lichtwardt (post-doc)
Aaron M. Bauer Anthony P. Russell (post-doc)
David Baum Peter H. Raven (grad student)
José Ramón Bayascas Dario Renato Alessi (post-doc)
Brian Lee BeattyAnatomy, paleobiology, histology, feeding, marine mammals 19901999 S. David Webb (research assistant), Matthew C. Mihlbachler (collaborator), Shundong Bi (collaborator), Jonathan H. Geisler (collaborator), Morgan Churchill (collaborator)
Eileen Beaumont
Paolo BecciuBehavioral ecology, Ecology, Animal behavior, Avian migration, Ornithology, Marine ornithology, Movement ecology2010 Giacomo Dell'Omo (research assistant)
Megan Behringer Jay T. Lennon (post-doc)
Kara Belinski
Steven Van BelleghemSpeciation, genomics, population genetics20152019 W. Owen McMillan (post-doc)
Clément Bellemer
Carmela Belloch Eladio Barrio (grad student)
Gary E. BelovskyEcology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Conservation Biology Thomas W. Schoener (grad student)
Jeff T. Belrose
Alexandra E. BelyEvolution and Development Biology, Ecology and Evolution David A. Weisblat (post-doc)
Everett S Beneke1952 Constantine John Alexopoulos (research scientist)
Gemma Louise Benevento Matthew (Matt) Friedman (grad student)
Harry J. Bennett Henry Baldwin Ward (grad student)
Staffan Bensch Torbjörn von Schantz (grad student)
Kenneth-Dieter BentonPaleontology
Alejandro BerrioEpigenetics, evolution and Behaviour20052007 Mauricio Camargo (research assistant)
Paul E. Berry Peter H. Raven (grad student)
Nora J. BesanskyMolecular Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Entomology Biology Jeffrey (Jeff) Robert Powell (grad student)
Mairi M.R. BestConservation Paleobiology, Taphonomy, Sediment/Water Interface, Ocean Observing Grant Ferris (post-doc)
Bhart-Anjan Singh BhullarPaleontology, Evolutionary developmental biology Arkhat Rakhatovich Abzhanov (grad student)
Claudio Juan BidauGenetics and evolution20012003 Carolina Isabel Miño (collaborator)
Emily Louise Bierbaum2020 Ronald M. Bonett (grad student)
Gaurav BilolikarEvolutionary Biology, Population Genetics, Systems Biology, Synthetic Biology, Genetic Engineering20162018 Himanshu Sinha (grad student)
Fernando J Bird-Picoherpetology, population genetics, phylogenetics Michael S. Gaines (grad student)
Leonora Bittleston20102016 Naomi E. Pierce (grad student)
Corinthia R. Black Hannah Wood (post-doc)
François Blanquart Sylvain Gandon (grad student)
Devin D. BloomEcology, Evolution, Ichthyology, Systematics, Biodiversity, Conservation Nathan R. Lovejoy (grad student)
Michael S. Blouin1989 Joseph Anthony Travis (grad student)
Almiro Blumenschein Barbara McClintock (grad student), Friedrich Gustav Brieger (grad student)
Curtis A. Boehm
Sílvia Bofill
Charles (Chuck) Mitchill Bogertherpetology1926 Laurence Monroe Klauber (research assistant)
Simon Boitard
Kendra BoltSystematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Aging Aviv Bergman (grad student)
Jason E BondTerrestrial Arthropod Systematics, Evolution, and Diversity1993 Frederick A. Coyle (research assistant)
Sebastian Bonhoeffer Martin Nowak (grad student)
Matthew F. Bonnan J. Michael Parish (grad student)
Lisa Bono David Pfennig (grad student)
Sharon Bontrager
Rui Carlos BorgesPopulation genetics, phylogenetics Carolin Kosiol (post-doc)
Christopher J. Borkent Evert Irving Schlinger (grad student)
Christina Borland
James S BorrellConservation Genetics Richard Buggs (grad student), Richard Alan Nichols (grad student)
Christopher Bosio
Oskar Böttger (Boettger)
Yan Bouchergenome evolution Martin Polz (post-doc)
Janette Boughman
Judith Bouma
Ian A. BoussyMolecular Evolution, Transposable Elements Timothy Prout (grad student)
Jeanne Bovet Charlotte Faurie (grad student)
William D. BowmanEcology Boyd R. Strain (grad student)
Clint A. Boyd Julia A. Clarke (grad student)
Alan Boyden Michael Frederic Guyer (grad student)
Robin C. Brace
Heather D. Bracken-GrissomEvolutionary Biology, Phylogenetics, Decapod Crustacean Taxonomy Darryl L. Felder (grad student)
Robert D. BradleyMammalogy, systematics David Schmidly (grad student), Rodney L. Honeycutt (post-doc)
Cherrie D. Bramwell
William Roy Branch
Cara L. Brand Daven C. Presgraves (grad student)
Carlos Roberto Ferreira Brandão Paulo Emílio Vanzolini (grad student), Edward Osborne Wilson (grad student)
Michael James Braun19831985 James Casey (post-doc)
Luke R. Breitenbach
David D. BreshearsEcology Biology, Botany Biology, Plant Physiology, Climate Change William K. Lauenroth (grad student), Shawki Ibrahim (grad student), Michael Howard Smith (research assistant)
William BrewsterOrnithology, conservation1862 Daniel Chester French (research assistant)
Friedrich Gustav Brieger Carl Erich Franz Joseph Correns (research scientist)
Céline Brochier-Armanet Hervé Philippe (grad student)
Christopher Brochu Wann L. Langston (research assistant)
Zev Brook
Dom Brothwel Frederick Zeuner (grad student)
Jane V. Z. Browerexperimental evidence for butterfly mimicry19581962 Edmund Briscoe Ford (post-doc)
Grover J BrownHerpetology
David Brown
Sam P. Brown19962000 Bryan Thomas Grenfell (grad student), William Donald Hamilton (grad student), James Jeffrey Bull (post-doc)
Valerie Brown
Monty A. Bruner
Richard C. BruscaInvertebrate evolutionary & phylogenetic biology19621967 David H. Montgomery (research assistant)
David L Bruton Harry B. Whittington (grad student)
Janet C Buckner
Sven Cedric BuerkiBotany Philippe Küpfer (grad student)
Vince Buffaloevolutionary genetics, population genetics Graham Coop (grad student)
Eric Buffetaut Phillipe Taquet (grad student)
Concetta Burgarella
Gustavo Burinmacroevolution Tiago B. Quental (grad student)
Robyn J. BurnhamEvolution and Development Biology Estella Leopold (grad student)
Carole Burrow Zoology Richard Anthony Thulborn (grad student)
Austin BurtEvolutionary genetics Graham Bell (grad student)
Chelsea Butcher
Marguerite Butler Jonathan Losos (grad student), Marvalee H. Wake (post-doc), Emília P. Martins (post-doc)
Linda Butler
Seth M. BybeeEntomology Biology, Paleontology, Evolution and Development Biology Adriana Briscoe (post-doc), Keith A. Crandall (post-doc)
Sarah-Elizabeth Byosieredog, cognition, behavior, vision, play, training, shelter20152018 Tiffani J Howell (grad student)
Jean Louis Cabanis18451846 Johann Jakob von Tschudi (research assistant)
Carlos Daniel CadenaEvolutionary Biology, Ornithology, Biogeography, Macroecology, Macroevolution Robert Eric Ricklefs (grad student)
Daniel Caetano Luke J. Harmon (grad student)
Lingrui Cai2015 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Aurelie Cailleau
Cristina Aresté Calero Inaki Ruiz-Trillo (post-doc)
Marco CamaitiMorphology, Herpetology20192023 Christy A. Hipsley (grad student)
Javier del Campo
Diogenes de Almeida CamposVertebrate Paleontology Llewellyn Ivor Price (grad student)
Wenqi CaoXCI, Genomic imprinting Xu Wang (grad student)
Adão José Cardoso Ivan Sazima (grad student)
Yohay Carmel Uriel Safriel (grad student)
Celine Carneiro James D. Austin (grad student)
Carlos Carrerasgenetics Marta Pascual (post-doc)
Sean B. Carrollevolution Matthew P. Scott (post-doc)
Erica Cartmillgesture Richard W. Byrne (grad student), Susan Goldin-Meadow (post-doc)
Paulyn Cartwrightinvertebrate zoology Leo W. Buss (grad student)
Caitlin P Casargeobiology, astrobiology D'Arcy R. Meyer-Dombard (grad student)
Susan M. Case
Andrea Case20002002 Tia-Lynn Ashman (post-doc)
Daniel D. Cashmore Philip D. Mannion (grad student), Paul Upchurch (grad student)
Sònia Casillas Antonio Barbadilla (grad student)
Brenda B. CasperEcology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Botany Biology Eric L. Charnov (grad student)
David CastellanoPopulation genetics, molecular evolution Antonio Barbadilla (collaborator), Adam Eyre-Walker (grad student)
Buck Castillo Knute Nadelhoffer (grad student)
Lauren Cator
Jacopo Cecere Luigi Boitani (grad student)
Antonio Netto Cestari Crodowaldo Pavan (grad student)
Ruth Chadab
Bridget N ChalifourMalacology, microbial ecology Jingchun Li (grad student)
Tracey Chapman Linda Partridge (grad student)
David G. Chapple Scott Keogh (grad student)
Eric L. Charnovevolutionary ecology1973 Crawford (Buzz) S. Holling (post-doc)
Huimin Chen2016 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Kuan-Yu Chen2016 Elizabeth A. Marschall (grad student)
Lorraine Cherry
Luis-Miguel Chevin20092011 Russell Lande (post-doc)
Ylenia ChiariEvolutionary Biology, Phenotypic evolution, Conservation, Reptiles Axel Meyer (grad student), Miguel Vences (grad student)
Ghita Chlyeh
Peter Christian
Alexandre Uarth Christoff Yatiyo Yonenaga-Yassuda (grad student)
Edward B. ChuongGenomics, evolution, gene regulation, transposons20132018 Nels C. Elde (post-doc)
Marco Cianchetti-Benedetti Giacomo Dell'Omo (grad student)
Lisa Ciano
Andy Clark Winifred Doane (post-doc), Charles (Chuck) H. Langley (collaborator), Marcus W. Feldman (grad student)
Stephen K Clark Nicholas R. Meyerson (grad student)
Anne Barrett Clark1975 David Sloan Wilson (grad student), Eric L. Charnov (grad student)
James Clark James Hopson (grad student)
Terri J ClearyVertebrae Palaeontology Susan E. Evans (grad student), Paul M. Barrett (grad student)
George Cline
James A. Coffelt
Harold (Hal) George Coggerherpetology
Theodore J. CohenGeophysics
Alex W. Cohen
Paul Colbert
Alison G. Cole20142016 Itai Yanai (research scientist)
Maureen Coleman2008 Sallie W. Chisholm (grad student)
Nicholas C. CollinsEcology Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture Lawrence E. Gilbert (grad student)
Gavin Conant Paul O. Lewis (research assistant), Andreas Wagner (grad student), Peter F. Stadler (post-doc), Kenneth H. Wolfe (post-doc), J. Chris Pires (collaborator)
Kelsey Cone Nels C. Elde (grad student)
Zachary James Cook Marc Tatar (research assistant)
Margery C. CoombsPaleontology Malcolm Carnegie McKenna (grad student)
Alina A Corcoran Rebecca F. Shipe (grad student)
Otto Cordero Martin Polz (post-doc), Paulien Hogeweg (grad student)
Pierre Louis Antoine Cordier Dieudonné Sylvain Guy Tancrède (Déodat) Gratet de Dolomieu (research assistant)
Jaime A Cordovabacterial genomics, evolutionary genomics, astrobiology Nicole T. Perna (grad student)
Tatiana Cornelissen Geraldo Wilson Fernandes (grad student)
Leonila Corpuz-Raros Joseph Camin (grad student)
Fabiana CostaVertebrate Paleontology2014 Fabio Marco Dalla Vecchia (grad student)
Daniel P. CostaConservation Biology, Ecology Biology Gerald Kooyman (grad student)
David Costantini Giacomo Dell'Omo (grad student)
Alexandre Courtiol
Leah E. CowenMicrobiology Biology, Pathology20032007 Susan L. Lindquist (post-doc), James B. Anderson (grad student)
Robert H. CowieZoology Biology, Genetics, Conservation Biology, Evolution and Development Biology Arthur Cain (grad student)
Matthew T. Craig
James Crampton Simon Conway Morris (grad student)
Jorge Crespo
Thomas M. Cronin Stephen J. Gould (grad student)
Nick M A Crouch
James F. CrowEvolutionary Genetics Wilson S. Stone (research assistant)
Jen CrowSocial and Evolutionary Psychology
Cristian Cuevas Marta Riutort (grad student)
Long Cui Liwang Cui (research scientist)
Nicolay Leme da CunhaEvolutionary biology, Ecology, Evolution, Plant Reproduction, Pollination Biology, Plant Breeding System Spencer C.H. Barrett (post-doc), Marcelo Adrian Aizen (post-doc)
Alcide Charles Victor Marie Dessalines d'Orbigny Georges (Jean) Léopold Nicolas Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier (research assistant), Charles Robert Darwin (collaborator)
Iuri Batista da Silva20162020 Rubens Pasa (grad student)
Fernando Rodrigues da Silva20062011 Denise de Cerqueira Rossa-Feres (grad student)
Tal Dagan Dan Graur (grad student), William F. Martin (post-doc)
Fabio Marco Dalla VecchiaVertebrate Paleontology
Mark J. Daly Eric Lander (grad student)
Marymegan DalySystematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Conservation Biology Diana L. Lipscomb (grad student)
Patrick D. DanleySpeciation, Evolution, Genetics, Behavior20012007 Kerry L Shaw (post-doc)
Jonathan M. Darbro
Aparup DasPopulation genetics, ecological genetics, molecular evolution Wolfgang Stephan (post-doc)
Wilbur DavenportProbability and Random Processes Robert Mario Fano (grad student)
Sarah W. Davies Mikhail V Matz (grad student), Peter Vize (grad student), Karl David Castillo (post-doc), Adrian Marchetti (post-doc), Justin B. Ries (post-doc)
Olivia K DaviesEcology, Genetics, Population genetics, Microbiology20162021 Mark Ian Stevens (grad student)
Drew R. Davisamphibian conservation, behavioral ecology, ecotoxicology20102012 Caitlin R. Gabor (grad student)
Samuel Davis
Michael N Dawson William Hamner (grad student)
Troy Day Mathematics and Statistics Peter Taylor (grad student)
Marta de Castro Miróretinal dystrophies Roser Gonzalez-Duarte (grad student)
Maria de Fátima Agra
Thales Renato Ochotorena de Freitas
AP Jason de KoningMolecular evolution, computational genomics, evolutionary genomics, computational statistics Beth Stewart (grad student), David D. Pollock (post-doc)
Jan E. De Laetphylogeny20202003 Victor A. Albert (post-doc), James S. Farris (post-doc), Ward C. Wheeler (post-doc), Pablo Goloboff (collaborator)
Daniel Varajao de LatorreMacroecology and Macroevolution Charles R. Marshall (grad student)
Víctor de Lorenzo19811983 Carlos Asensio (grad student)
Bruno A S de Medeirosevolution, entomology, coevolution, systematics, genomics Brian D. Farrell (grad student), Brian D. Farrell (post-doc), Sérgio Antonio Vanin (grad student)
Miguel de NavascuésPopulation genetics2002 Concetta Burgarella (collaborator), Luis A. Gil Sánchez (post-doc), Raphaël Leblois (collaborator), Simon Boitard (collaborator)
Rosa Lemos de Sawildlife conservation
Rittik Deb Deepa Agashe (post-doc)
Florence Debarre
Vincent Debat19972000 Jean R. David (post-doc), Derek A. Roff (post-doc), Jean Christophe Auffray (grad student)
Eric G. DeChaine
Rafael Delcourtpalaeontology, zoology, biology, evolution, morphometry, archosaurs, dinosaurs, theropods2022 Max Langer (post-doc)
Gaia Dell'Ariccia Hans-Peter Lipp (grad student)
Giacomo Dell'Omo
Amelia Demery Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Brandon Demuth Doug P. Chivers (grad student), Maud C. O. Ferrari (grad student)
Romain Derelle Inaki Ruiz-Trillo (post-doc)
David L. Des Maraisplant genetics, molecular evolution, adaptation, abiotic stress Tom Juenger (post-doc)
Rob DeSalleevolutionary biology Alan Robert Templeton (grad student)
Alivia Deypopulation genetics, evolutionary biology20072013 Asher D. Cutter (grad student)
Christopher W. Dick1999 Richard C. Lewontin (grad student)
John Robin Foster Dick
Odo Diekmann
Michael R. Dietrichhistory of science Laura Lovett (collaborator), C. Robertson McClung (collaborator), Elisabeth Lloyd (grad student)
Myles C. Digby
Hugh DingleEntomology Morris Foster (grad student), Ralph Gerard (grad student)
Graziella DiRenzodisease ecology, amphibian ecology, tropical biology, population modeling Department of Biology20112016 Karen R. Lips (grad student)
Sumit Rangnath Diwanji
Zaykin Dmitri19951999 Bruce S. Weir (grad student)
Keith Dobney Dom Brothwel (grad student)
Deborah Dobson
Theodosius Dobzhansky Thomas Hunt Morgan (post-doc)
Marc DomènechEcology, Evolution, Taxonomy, Phylogenetics, Phylogenomics, Arachnology, Systematics Davide Pisani (grad student)
Bing Dongkin selection Andy Gardner (grad student)
Colin M. DonihueTerrestrial Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Herpetology2015 Jonathan Losos (post-doc)
W. Ford Doolittlegenome evolution1967 Charles Yanofsky (grad student), Sol Spiegelman (post-doc), Norman R. Pace (post-doc)
Antoine Dornier
Evan Michael Doughtypaleontology20142016 Steven C Wallace (grad student), Blaine W. Schubert (grad student), James I. Mead (grad student)
Claudie Doums
Gabriel (Gabby) DoverMolecular drive1072 Ralph Riley (grad student)
Nicolas J. DowdyAnimal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology Jennifer M. Zaspel (grad student)
Olivia T. DreilingerEvo-devo, developmental biology, evolutionary biology, genetics, genomics, molecular biology, cell biology2023 Claudius F. Kratochwil (grad student)
André Dreyfus Theodosius Dobzhansky (research scientist)
Morgane Dubied2018 Nicolas Navarro (grad student)
Michele R. Dudash Stephen G. Weller (grad student)
Erica Dunn
Sushil Kumar Dutta1985 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Pierre-François Duyck
Virginia Earl-Mirowski
Mitchell J. Eaton
Malte Ebach20002002 Kenneth J McNamara (grad student)
Gregory Donald EdgecombePalaeontology, Centipedes Niles Eldredge (grad student), Brian D. E. Chatterton (grad student)
Johanna Gabrielle Ottilie "Tilly" Edinger
Robert David EdwardsPhylogenetics, systematics, biogeography, macroecology Pamela S. Soltis (collaborator)
Sean Ehlman Max Wolf (post-doc)
Jonathan A. EisenGenomics, Microbial Diversity, Evolution, Microbial Ecology, Microbiology19911991 Ward Belfield Watt (research assistant), Katherine S. Pollard (collaborator)
David K. Elliott T. Stanley Westoll (grad student)
J.J. Emersonpopulation genetics, genomics, molecular evolution, bioinformatics20062010 Wen-Hsiung Li (post-doc)
Michael S. EngelEntomology Charles Duncan Michener (grad student), James K. Liebherr (grad student), Thomas Seeley (grad student), Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student), David Grimaldi (collaborator), Phillip Barden (collaborator)
Kathleen E. Engelmann Michael Purugganan (post-doc)
Raymond E, EngeszerSocial and mating behavior
Omar Machado Entiauspe-NetoSystematics and Taxonomy Thales de Lema (grad student)
Soo Hyung Eo
Holly B. Ernest
Douglas H. Erwin James F. Valentine (grad student)
Juan Sebastian Escobar
Paula Escuer20182016 Alejandro Sanchez-Gracia (grad student), Marta Álvarez Presas (research assistant)
Sylvie Estrela
John Evans Alvin Nason (grad student)
Serjoscha Evers Paul M. Barrett (grad student)
Adam Eyre-Walker Brandon S. Gaut (post-doc), Brian Charlesworth (grad student)
Daniel Falush Andrew Pomiankowski (grad student)
Li Fan2007 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Bohao FangEvolution Juha Merila (grad student), Scott Vernon Edwards (post-doc)
Mario A. Fares19982002 Andrés Moya Simarro (grad student), Kenneth H. Wolfe (grad student)
Vicente V. faria
James S. Farris
Claude Favarger Georges Mangenot (grad student)
Joseph Felsensteinphylogeny, coalescents19671968 Richard C. Lewontin (grad student), Alan Robertson (post-doc)
Lynna Feng
Vincent FernandezVertebrae Palaeontology, X-ray CT imaging Eric Buffetaut (grad student), Paul Tafforeau (grad student)
Roberto Feudaphylogeny, evo-devo, systems biology Davide Pisani (grad student), Eric H. Davidson (grad student), Peter W H Holland (grad student)
Kent Fiala
Olivia E. Fitch Matthew L. Beckman (grad student)
Rebecca Flanagan
Jonathan Flint
Saoirse Foleyphylogenetics, evolutionary biology, arachnology20162019 William Piel (grad student)
Matthieu Foll20072012 Laurent Excoffier (post-doc)
Peggy FongMarine ecology of coastal ecosystems. Joy Buswell Zedler (grad student)
Kristina M. Fontanez Edward F. DeLong (post-doc)
Hugh Forehead Anya M. Waite (grad student)
Fausto Foresti Almiro Blumenschein (grad student), Rahme Nelly Neder (grad student)
Norma Lee Fowler19781979 John Lander Harper (post-doc)
Richard Carr Fox Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Ben FrableIchthyology, evolutionary biology, speciation Theodore Wells Pietsch, III (research assistant)
Paolo Franchini Axel Meyer (post-doc)
Tony FrankinoEvolutionary Biology David Pfennig (grad student)
Reino (Ray) S. Freemanparasitology1950 Asa Crawford Chandler (research assistant)
Daniel Chester French
Antoine Frénoy20112014 Dusan Misevic (grad student), François Taddei (grad student)
Helene Freville
Urban FribergEvolutionary genetics20072009 William Rice (post-doc)
Jannice Friedman20092012 John H. Willis (post-doc), Spencer C.H. Barrett (grad student), Lawrence D. Harder (grad student)
Bastian FrommmicroRNAs, evolution, parasitism University of Oslo, Natural History Museum20102014 Lutz Bachmann (grad student)
Xin Fu
Yan Fu2005 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Qi Fu2017 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Juares Fuhrmann Sérgio Ide (grad student)
Janice M Fullerton UNSW-Sydney2013 Peter R. Schofield (research scientist), Philip Mitchell (post-doc)
Erik Funk Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Werner Funke19581959 Friedrich Schaller (post-doc)
William Delbert Funkhouser
Stephen David GaimariSystematics, Taxonomy, Diptera Todd P. Livdahl (grad student)
Michael S. Gaines
silvia galanchromatin structure cnag-crg francois serra (grad student)
Pedro M. Galetti, JrPhylogeography, Evolutionary Genetics, Conservation Genetics Fausto Foresti (grad student)
Laura F. GallowayEcological Genetics1996 Maureen L. Stanton (grad student), Charles B. Fenster (post-doc)
Guilherme Siniciato Terra GarbinoMammalogy; Zoology; Taxonomy; Systematics; Linnean nomenclature; Chiroptera; primatology20112013 Valéria C. Tavares (grad student), Mario de Vivo (grad student)
Lauren M Gardinerbotany, plant science, herbaria, systematics, conservation David L. Roberts (grad student)
Joel Gardner Marla Spivak (grad student)
Martin D GarlovskyEvolutionary biology20152019 Rhonda Snook (grad student)
Colin J. Garroway Hugh Broders (grad student), Ben Sheldon (post-doc)
Samuel Gascoigne Irem Sepil (grad student), Flavia Barbosa (grad student), Alexander W. Shingleton (grad student)
John F. GaskinPlant Evolutionary Genetics Peter H. Raven (grad student)
Amber R. Gates
Alexandra Gatsios Jason M. Crawford (grad student)
Ryan MR Gawryluk Michael W. Gray (grad student), Patrick J. Keeling (post-doc)
Susan Gay
R.W. Gerard
Cameron K. GhalamborGeneral Biology, Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology David Norman Reznick (post-doc)
Avazeh GhanbarianGenetics, Evolution20172019 Laurence Hurst (grad student), Shankar Balasubramanian (post-doc)
Avazeh Ghanbarian Laurence Hurst (grad student), Shankar Balasubramanian (post-doc)
Alfred Mathieu Giard1872 Félix Joseph Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers (grad student)
Allen G. Gibbs George N. Somero (post-doc)
Jason Gibbs20102013 Bryan N. Danforth (post-doc)
Kimberly Jane Gibson Paul Gepts (research scientist)
Matthew E. GiffordEcological/Evolutionary Physiology20082010 Kenneth H. Kozak (post-doc)
Norma L Gilinsky
Christophe Girod20072010 Helene Freville (grad student)
Jennifer C. GirónEntomology20072011 Nico Franz (grad student)
Sylvain GléminEvolutionary biology20042004 Isabelle Olivieri (grad student), Deborah Charlesworth (post-doc), Agnes Mignot (grad student)
Tiziana Paola Gobbinevolution, parasites, cichlids, cichlidogyrus2015 Ole Seehausen (grad student)
Charles Godfray Valerie Brown (grad student)
Pedro L. GodoyEvolutionary Biology, Palaeobiology, Macroevolution, Systematics20142018 Roger B J Benson (grad student), Felipe C. Montefeltro (grad student)
Lisa GoeringEvolutionary Developmental Genetics20032007 Greg Gibson (post-doc)
Holger R. Goerlitz Lutz Wiegrebe (grad student), Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler (grad student), Marc Holderied (post-doc), Björn M. Siemers (grad student), Daniel Robert (post-doc)
Loretta Goldberg
Renato Goldenberg John Julius Wurdack (grad student)
Robert Goldman
Maria José Gomes de Andrade
Luiz Carlos Gomes-Simões
Elena Gómez Díaz2007 Jacob González-Solís Bou (grad student)
Richard Gomulkiewicz Mark Kirkpatrick (post-doc)
Roser Gonzalez-Duarte
Mauricio Gonzalez-ForeroEvolutionary biology Sergey Gavrilets (grad student), Laurent Lehmann (post-doc), Andy Gardner (post-doc)
Eben B. Goodale
Morris Goodman Dan Hampton Campbell (post-doc)
Elijah A. Goodwin
Ernst Göppert Carl Gegenbaur (grad student)
Alison L. Gouldmicrobial symbiosis, fish biology, ecology, evolution Paul Vernon Dunlap (grad student)
Alastair Graham Charles Maurice Yonge (research assistant)
Pierre Paul Grassé
Russell Graycomputational phylogenetics, language evolution, cultural evolution Michael Charles Davison (grad student)
Jaimi A Gray Marc E. H. Jones (grad student), Mark Norman Hutchinson (grad student)
Levi N. Graymicroevolution, speciation, biogeography Steve Poe (grad student)
James GrayExperimental Zoology Joseph Barcroft (grad student), John Stanley Gardiner (grad student)
Kenneth Green
Chris Grill
David Grimaldi Quentin D. Wheeler (grad student), William Louis Brown, Jr. (grad student)
Terry L. GriswoldTaxonomy, Systematics, Conservation Frank D. Parker (grad student)
Sebastian S. Groh Paul M. Barrett (grad student), Paul Upchurch (grad student)
Richard K. Grosbergevolution of cooperation Micah J. Horwith (post-doc)
Lawrence I. Grossman Julius Marmur (grad student), Jerome R. Vinograd (grad student)
Arthur Thomas Guard Edwin Jacob Kohl (grad student)
Carlos Eduardo Guerra-Amorim Francisco Mauro Salzano (grad student), Molly Przeworski (grad student), Kirk E. Lohmueller (grad student)
Roderic Guigó i Serra Temple F. Smith (post-doc)
Thomas GuillermePhylogenetics, bioinformatics, disparity, palaeobiology, comparative methods, statistics20172017 Martin D. Brazeau (post-doc), Vera Weisbecker (grad student), Simone P. Blomberg (grad student)
Sarah Guindre-Parker Andrew G. McAdam (post-doc)
Montserrat Corominas Guiu Angel Pellicer (post-doc)
Klaus Günther
Shicheng GuoEpigenetics, Genetics, Diagnosis, Risk, Suscepitbility, DNA Methylation, Precision Medicine Momiao Xiong (grad student), Minghua Wang (collaborator)
Ling Guo Corteva Agriscience2007 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Fuqiang Guo
Animesh Gupta Justin R. Meyer (grad student)
Christopher Gurguisevolutionary biology, quantitative genetics, animal behavior, behavioral ecology, psychiatry Renee A. Duckworth (grad student), John J. Wiens (grad student), Bruce Walsh (grad student)
Kyle Gustafson Holly B. Ernest (post-doc)
Laura Melissa Guzman
Yuki HabaEvolutionary Biology, Population Genetics, Neuroethology Biology20152017 Molly Przeworski (research assistant)
Célio F. B. Haddad
Stephen Hall
Wendy (Fineblum) Hall
Thomas J.D. Halliday Paul Upchurch (grad student)
William J. Hamilton, Jr.
Ting-Shen Han
Dustin Hancks Nels C. Elde (post-doc), Haig H. Kazazian (grad student)
Joseph J Hanly20202024 Chris D. Jiggins (grad student), W. Owen McMillan (post-doc), Gregory A. Wray (research scientist)
Christine Hanson Anya M. Waite (grad student)
Yuichiro Hara Shigehiro Kuraku (grad student)
Tommy Harding Alastair G B Simpson (grad student)
Emily A. Harmon David Pfennig (grad student)
Heidi Harms
Joshua Grant Harrisonecology, evolutionary ecology, lepidoptera, endophytes, microbial ecology Matthew L. Forister (grad student)
John Harshmanavian molecular phylogenetics
Masami Hasegawa
Gerald Luke Hasty
Marc David Hauserevolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, animal behavior19881992 Peter R. Marler (post-doc), Robert M. Seyfarth (grad student)
Tanya J. Hawley
Jeffrey J Hayes Alan P. Wolffe (post-doc)
Katherine R HayesForest Ecology Brian Buma (grad student)
Jason J. HeadVertebrate paleonotology, evolution, herpetology Christopher Jackson Bell (grad student), Philip D. Gingerich (grad student)
Christian Heck2014 Holly N. Woodward (grad student)
Andrew Heckert Spencer Lucas (grad student)
Heikki Helanterä Liselotte Sundström (grad student)
Michelle Helinski
Spencer M. HellertArchosauria, Modularity and Integration20192022 Kenneth D. Angielczyk (post-doc)
Cory Henderson2021 Christina M. Bergey (post-doc)
Emil Hans Willi HennigCladistics, Systematics Klaus Günther (grad student)
Henry Wetherbee Henshaw1870 Charles Johnson Maynard (research assistant)
Marina Hery Elizabeth Navarro (grad student)
Robert L. Hettich1986 Ben S. Freiser (grad student)
Chan Heu Timothy J. Kurtti (grad student), Ulrike G. Munderloh (grad student)
Evelyne Heyer
R. James Hickey W Hardy Eshbaugh (grad student), Gregory J. Anderson (grad student)
Carole S. Hickmanmalacology, evolutionary biology, paleontology1975 Myra Keen (grad student)
R. Tod Highsmith
Shay E. Hilleary
Robert A. HindeAnthropology Nikolaas (Niko) Tinbergen (grad student)
Martin Hingston Shane D. Lavery (grad student)
Saskia Hinrichs Anya M. Waite (grad student)
William Stewart Hoar1939 Alice Stuart Woodman (grad student), Leland C. Wyman (grad student)
Michael Hochberg
Jennifer R. Hodge2014 David Roy Bellwood (grad student)
Scott Hodges Herbert G. Baker (grad student), Michael L. Arnold (grad student)
Alan Hodgkinson Adam Eyre-Walker (grad student)
Eric A. Hoffman David Pfennig (grad student)
Michel Hofman Harry J. Jerison (grad student)
Olav Hogstad
riyan holder
Peter W H HollandEvolution, development, genomics, homeobox Brigid L. Hogan (grad student)
Bradford Damion Hollingsworth1999 L. Lee Grismer (grad student)
Sydney Ewart Hollingworth Alfred Harker (grad student)
Jesse D. Hollister Stephen I. Wright (post-doc)
Hope Hollocher Alan Robert Templeton (grad student), Chung-I Wu (post-doc)
Sharon E Holte James I. Mead (grad student), Blaine W. Schubert (grad student), David W. Steadman (grad student), Steven C Wallace (grad student)
Fushcia Hoover
Robin Hopkins Mark Kirkpatrick (post-doc)
Gustavo Hormiga19881995 Charles Mitter (grad student)
Hans-Georg Horn
Henry S. HornEcology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Zoology Biology1966 Gordon H. Orians (grad student)
Frederic Hospital
Peter W. Houlihan
Aubrey G. Adam HowardNeural Crest, Developmental Biology
Yuheng HuangEvolutionary genetics and genomics John E. Pool (post-doc), Grace Y. Lee (post-doc), Aneil Agrawal (grad student)
Yinlian Huang2013 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Nicholas P. Huffeldt University of Groningen Barbara Helm (post-doc)
Austin L. Hughesmolecular evolution, immunogenetics, parasite evolution19871990 Masatoshi Nei (post-doc)
Glenys A. Hughes
Vanessa L. Hunt
Dana Hunt Martin Polz (grad student)
Rachelle Huntmicrobiology, chemical biology, immunology Michael Otto (research assistant), Samuel A. Hasson (research assistant)
Samuel John Hunter1898 Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell (grad student)
C. Herbert Hurst Arthur Milnes Marshall (research assistant)
Filip Husnikevolutionary biology, cell biology, microbiology, genomics, biochemistry, marine science2017 John McCutcheon (grad student)
Adam K HuttenlockerPaleontology, Anatomy, Paleohistology Christian A. Sidor (grad student)
Thomas Henry Huxley
Jeremy Hymanavian communication2001 R. Haven Wiley, Jr. (grad student)
Daniel Murad Ibrahim Stefan Mundlos (grad student)
Jeffrey T Ihara Michael J. Wade (grad student)
Jeremy Bradford Cook JacksonEvolutionary Biology, Marine Ecology1971 Donald C. Rhoads (grad student), Thomas Fritz Goreau (grad student)
Raymond Carl Jackson Arthur Thomas Guard (grad student)
John JaenikeEvolutionary Ecology Henry S. Horn (grad student), Robert Helmer MacArthur (grad student)
Israt Jahansocial evolution, multicellularity, major transitions Ecology, Evolution and Population Biology Ecology, Evolution and Population Biology2018 Joan E. Strassmann (grad student), David C. Queller (grad student)
Anthony A. James Richard D. Kolodner (post-doc)
Katrien Gwennola Janin Jason J. Head (grad student)
Sharon A. Jansa Robert S. Voss (post-doc), Priscilla Tucker (grad student)
Vincent Jansen Odo Diekmann (grad student), Hans Metz (grad student), Maurice W. Sabelis (grad student)
Janet K. JanssonMicrobial Ecology James M. Tiedje (grad student)
M. Alejandra Jaramillo
Kodi R. Jeffery
Jonathan Jeffery
Brooke Jeffery Brian A. Link (grad student), Julia Ganz (grad student)
Kelsey M. Jenkins
Evelyn L JensenPopulation genetics; Conservation Adalgisa Caccone (post-doc)
Neal Frederick Jensen Harry Houser Love (grad student)
Harry J. Jerisonbrain evolution William Dewey Neff (grad student), Frank A. Beach (grad student), Johanna Gabrielle Ottilie "Tilly" Edinger (research scientist)
Yanzhu JiGenome Evolution J. Andrew DeWoody (grad student)
Hangxing Jia Yong Edward Zhang` (research scientist)
Michelle St. John2017 Becky Fuller (grad student)
Sheldon Robert Johnson
D. Johnson
Steven L. Johnson
David W. Johnston1950 Eugene Pleasants Odum (grad student)
Andrew G. JonesGeoscience Shaun A. Marcott (grad student)
W. Thomas Jones
Ryan T. Jones Andrew P. Martin (grad student)
Galina Jonsson2018 Andy Purvis (grad student)
Chloe Josefson Wendy Hood (grad student)
Helene Jourdan
Pedro JuárezPlant Speciation, Pollination Ecology, Botany Kathleen M. Kay (grad student)
Nathan A Judpaleobotany Scott Louis Wing (grad student)
Henrycus H. Judo
Tom Juengerplant phenotypic evolution Joy Bergelson (grad student)
Advait Mahesh JukarVertebrate Paleontology, Macroecology, Mammalogy, Herpetology, Evolution Frank R. O'Keefe (grad student)
Glennis Julian Jennifer Fewell (grad student)
Horácio Ferreira Julio Antonio Netto Cestari (grad student)
Junhyong Junhyong Kim
Maryska Kaczmarek Sara L. Sawyer (grad student)
Josef Kälin1930 Karl Hescheler (grad student)
Chinthaka D. KaluthotaEvolution, Behavioural ecology, Ornithology David M. Logue (post-doc)
Roxanne Karimi Carol Folt (grad student)
Georgii Dmitrievich Karpechenkobiology, plant cytology Thomas Hunt Morgan (post-doc), Ernest Brown Babcock (post-doc)
Kris B. Karsten
Lindsay Kasuga
Paul S. KatzCentral pattern generators / neuromodulation / evolution / neuromics / evolution / Connectomics19921997 William N. Frost (collaborator), William N. Frost (research scientist)
Thomas C. Kaufmangenetic basis of development David Suzuki (post-doc)
Phillip Sean Kavanaghsocial psychology, personality psychology, evolutionary psychology, self-esteem, mating, life history theory, clinical psychology20022008 Bruce J. Ellis (grad student)
Kathryn D. Kavanaghevolution, development, marine biology David Roy Bellwood (grad student), Jukka Jernvall (post-doc), Clifford J. Tabin (post-doc), James Hanken (post-doc), Les Kaufman (post-doc)
Mo Kaze Mark Sistrom (grad student)
Thomas Keaney Hanna Kokko (grad student)
Maureen Kearneysystematics/biodiversity James Clark (grad student)
Patrick J. Keeling
Myra Keen
Alon Keinan David Emile Reich (post-doc)
Timothy H. KeittEcology, Biostatistics Bruce T. Milne (grad student)
Thomas E. Keller
Evelyn Fox Keller
Katrin Kellner Jürgen Heinze (grad student), Patrizia d'Ettorre (grad student)
Martin G. KellyPlant Population Biology & Ecology Donald A. Levin (grad student)
Karen Kemirembe Liwang Cui (grad student)
Kevin Kennedy
Tyler V. Kentgenomics, evolutionary genetics, population genetics, plant genetics2022 Daniel R. Schrider (post-doc), Daniel R. Matute (post-doc)
Warwick Estevan Kerr19461952 Friedrich Gustav Brieger (grad student), Theodosius Dobzhansky (research scientist)
Mark Kershner1998 Elizabeth A. Marschall (grad student)
Hilary F. Ketchum
Jane I KhudyakovPhysiology, Marine Mammal Science, Evolution20132016 Daniel E Crocker (post-doc)
Yosef Kiat Ran Nathan (grad student)
Donghun Kim Yoonseong Park (grad student)
Joomyeong Kim Prescott Deininger (grad student)
Gene Kim2007 Elizabeth A. Marschall (grad student)
Jihyun F. Kim
Eshan S. King
Max King1975 Vincent Anthony Strangio (grad student)
Paul Kirchberger
Mark Kirkpatrick1983 Montgomery Slatkin (grad student), Joseph Felsenstein (grad student), David Burton Wake (post-doc)
Angela Kirkton
Benjamin Kirkup Martin Polz (post-doc)
Laurence Monroe Klauberherpetology
ansgar klebes
Ansgar Klebes Thomas B. Kornberg (post-doc)
Nedra Klein
Luiz Carlos Klein-JúniorPharmacognosy Amélia T. Henriques (grad student)
Vanja Klepac-Ceraj Martin Polz (grad student), Roberto Kolter (post-doc)
Luke Klicka Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
John KlickaGenetics, Evolution and Development Biology, Geobiology Robert M. Zink (grad student)
Katy Klymusphylogenetics, population genetics, behavioral ecology Catherine A. Richter (grad student), Craig Paukert (grad student)
Carl Ignaz Leopold Knybotany, fungi, morphology1867 Alexander Heinrich Braun (grad student)
Jacob C KoellaEvolution, parasitology, evolutionary ecology Paul Schmid-Hempel (research scientist), Michael Doebeli (collaborator)
Sander Koenraadt
Artyom KoppOrganization of genetic regulatory circuits Sean B. Carroll (post-doc)
Amy Korman
Severyn Korneyev California Department of Food and Agriculture Stephen David Gaimari (grad student)
Irv Kornfield Richard K. Koehn (grad student)
Jennifer KorstianGenomics, phylogenetics David A. Ray (grad student), Amanda M. Hale (grad student)
Britt KoskellaDisease Ecology and Evolution, Bacteria-phage interactions, Coevolution between hosts and pathogens Curt M. Lively (grad student), Michael Robert Lynch (grad student), John N. Thompson (post-doc), Janis Antonovics (research assistant)
Wencel Jerome Kostir1914 Albert Pitts Morse (grad student)
Vassiliki Koufopanou Graham Bell (grad student)
Liz Koziolmycorrhizae, ecology, restoraiton James Bever (grad student), Peggy A. Schultz (grad student), Tanya E. Cheeke (collaborator)
Alan H. Krakauer
Fernando O. Kravetz Jorge Crespo (grad student), Oliver Pearson (grad student)
Martin KreitmanMolecular population genetics, genetics of speciation Richard C. Lewontin (grad student)
James G. Krenz
Daniel JC KronauerSociobiology, Genomics, Social behavior, Myrmecology Laurent Keller (post-doc)
Donald E. Kroodsmabirdsong1972 John Anthony Wiens (grad student)
Ivan Krukov AP Jason de Koning (grad student)
L.J. KrumenackerVertebrate Paleontology, Taphonomy, Systematics David J. Varricchio (grad student)
Gary A. KrupnickPlant Conservation19851991 Arthur E. Weis (grad student)
Loeske KruukEvolutionary ecology, life history evolution, quantitative genetics Tim H. Clutton-Brock (grad student)
Sergey Kryazhimskiy Joshua B. Plotkin (post-doc), Simon Asher Levin (grad student)
Boris Krystufek
Sudhir KumarMolecular Evolution, Bioinformatics Sandhya Mitra (grad student)
Thure Ludwig Theodor Kumlienbotany; ornithology Elias Magnus Fries (grad student)
Thurston Lacalli Lionel G. Harrison (post-doc)
Justin B. Lack John E. Pool (post-doc)
Bruce T. Lahn David C. Page (grad student)
Eric Lai James W. Posakony (grad student), Gerald M. Rubin (post-doc)
Kevin Laland Henry Charles Plotkin (grad student)
Adriane Lam Kristen St. John (research assistant), Molly O'Rourke Patterson (post-doc)
I Mackenzie Lamb Annie Lorrain Smith (research scientist)
Lisa LambertGenetics, molecular evolution, iron transport Thomas C. Kaufman (grad student)
James C. LamsdellPalaeontology, Paleontology, Palaeobiology, Paleobiology, Macroevolution, Macroecology, Evolution, Arthropods20072008 O. Erik Tetlie (grad student)
Thomas Lamy
Paulo da Cunha Lana Edmundo Ferraz Nonato (grad student)
Russell Lande Richard C. Lewontin (grad student), James F. Crow (post-doc)
Emily Landeen2016 Doris Bachtrog (post-doc)
Candice Landry Michael Travisano (grad student)
Max Langer Mike J. Benton (grad student)
Tracy LangkildeEcology, behavior20002001 Linda (Lin) Schwarzkopf (grad student)
Olivier Larouche20102018 Miriam L. Zelditch (grad student)
Chris P.S. Larsenbiogeography, forest ecology Glen M. MacDonald (grad student)
Amparo Latorre Francisco José Ayala (post-doc)
Pierre André Latreille Georges (Jean) Léopold Nicolas Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier (research assistant), Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck (research assistant)
Raymond F. Laurent
Stefan Laurent Wolfgang Stephan (grad student)
Antonio Lazcano Araujo Stanley Lloyd Miller (grad student), Joan Oró (grad student)
Brian Lazzaro Andy Clark (grad student)
Sarah Lebeer
Paul Leonard LebergWildlife Genetics, Conservation Biology, Evolution Charles Long (research assistant)
Sebastien Leclercq
Dong-Joon Leedevelopmental biology20132018 Han Sung Jung (grad student)
Lorenza Legarreta Brent C. Emerson (grad student)
Niles LehmanOrigins of Life, RNA World, RNA Recombination19901993 Gerald F. Joyce (post-doc)
Harvey Eugene Lehman1944 Donald Paul Costello (grad student)
Aaron R. Leichty David Pfennig (grad student)
Tristan Lemke Roberto Salguero-Gomez (grad student)
Thomas Lenormand Sarah (Sally) P. Otto (post-doc)
Taormina Leporeichnology, coprolites, taphonomy, paleontology, paleoecology2019 Leslea J. Hlusko (grad student)
Brian A Lerch Maria R. Servedio (grad student)
Enrique P. Lessa James Patton (post-doc)
Nicholas A. Levis David Pfennig (grad student)
Alec LewisEvolutionary Biology Angus Davison (grad student)
Paul O. LewisPhylogenetics Bruce S. Weir (post-doc)
Delbert T. Lewis
Claire Jennifer LewisPavona Peter Marko (grad student)
Christian Lexer Loren H. Rieseberg (post-doc)
Siyu LiEvo-devo Neelima Roy Sinha (grad student)
Keyu Li
Zhonghua Li2015 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Lake LiEvolution of Purine Metabolic Pathway Eric A. Gaucher (grad student)
Yuanqing Li Yong Edward Zhang` (grad student)
Eric Libby Leon Glass (grad student), Paul Barton Rainey (post-doc)
Jun Ying LimMacroecology, community ecology, evolutionary biology Integrative Biology Charles R. Marshall (grad student), Rosemary G. Gillespie (grad student)
Hung-Ying Lin
Lora Lindley-Shadwick Inaki Ruiz-Trillo (post-doc)
Ariel B. Lindnersystems biology, evolution, synthetic biology20012008 Zelig Eshhar (grad student), Miroslav Radman (post-doc)
Charlotte Lindqvist
Denise Lindsay
Everett LindsayVertebrate paleontology Ruben Arthur Stirton (grad student)
Amelia R. I. Lindsey Cleber C. Ouverney (research assistant), Richard W. Hardy (post-doc)
Daniel LindsleyDrosophila genetics Alfred Henry Sturtevant (grad student)
Adrian Mark Lister Anthony John Stuart (grad student)
Sean D. Liston2018 Leah E. Cowen (post-doc)
Michael Lee Logan
Kirk E. LohmuellerPopulation genetics; Statistical methods in evolutionary and medical genetics; genetic variation data Carlos D. Bustamante (grad student), Andy Clark (grad student)
Yunbo LongComputer Science
Liz Loos
J. Andrés LópezBiology, Evolution, Ichthyology, Genetics2003 Theodore Wells Pietsch, III (grad student), Gavin J. P. Naylor (grad student)
Jamily Lorena20162018 Igor Schneider (grad student), Patricia N. Schneider (grad student)
Jonathan Losos Marc Mangel (post-doc), Thomas W. Schoener (post-doc)
Scott Loss Jeffrey Brawn (grad student)
Joao Lourenco20072010 Sylvain Glémin (grad student)
Natalie LR Loveurban forestry, urban ecology Susan J. Mazer (grad student)
Pascale LubbeEvolutionary genetics Jacob A. Moorad (grad student)
Francesca Luca Anna Di Rienzo (post-doc)
Kay Lucek
Ernie Lundelius Everett Claire Olson (grad student)
Ileana Luque-MontesInternational Education20112014 James D. Austin (grad student)
Barney Luttbeg Oswald J. Schmitz (post-doc)
Heidi LynLanguage evolution, primate models, comparative cognition Sue Emily Savage-Rumbaugh (grad student)
Ana M. Lyonstardigrades, neuroscience, molecular biology, comparative physiology20242022 Caroline Williams (grad student), Saul Kato (post-doc), Noelle D L'Etoile (post-doc), Rebekah L. Rogers (research assistant), Jay H. Konieczka (research assistant), Ido Braslavsky (collaborator), Ido Braslavsky (research assistant), Frank Wesley Smith (collaborator)
Goia M LyraBotany, Algae, Phylogenetics, phylogenomics, Rhodophyta, Taxonomy Aylton (Aylthon or Aílton) Brandão Joly (grad student)
Rong Ma Christina Maureen Grozinger (post-doc)
Xiaoli Ma2014 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Martine E. Maan Jacques van Alphen (grad student)
Thomas MacCarthy
Fabio A Machado(evolution; mammalogy; morphometrics) Gabriel Marroig (grad student), Liam J. Revell (post-doc), Josef C. Uyeda (post-doc), Hussam Zaher (grad student)
Erin MacKenzie
Kristen A. MacKenzievertebrate paleontology, Arikareean/Hemingfordian biochronology/ecology David Paul Whistler (research assistant)
William Sharp Macleay1820 Pierre André Latreille (research assistant)
Emily C. MacLeod Maydianne C. B. Andrade (grad student)
Hillary Maddin Robert Reisz (research scientist), Jason S. Anderson (research scientist), Anthony P. Russell (research scientist)
Renan MaestriEcology, Evolutionary Biology, Ecomorphology, Macroevolution20132017 Thales Renato Ochotorena de Freitas (grad student)
Elena MaestriniHuman Genetics University of Pavia Orsetta Zuffardi (grad student)
Hoareau-Osman Magali
Kaitlin C. Maguire20052006 Matthew Thomas Carrano (research assistant)
Paul M. Magweneevolutionary genomics, quantitative genetics, computational biology, systems biology Junhyong Kim (post-doc), Barry Chernoff (grad student), Michael LaBarbera (grad student)
Saurabh Mahajanmolecular evolution20132020 Deepa Agashe (grad student)
Jay Malcolm
Akshay Malwade Sutirth Dey (grad student)
Maria Candida Henrique Mamede
Yafei MaoEvolution, Genomics, Ecology, Bioinformatics20192019 Evan P. Economo (grad student), Noriyuki Satoh (grad student), Evan Eichler (post-doc)
Maura Maple
Curtis A. Marantz
Nina MarchiAnthropology, Evolution, Population genetics Museum national d'Histoire naturelle20182024 Evelyne Heyer (grad student), Laurent Excoffier (post-doc)
Therese Ann Markowevolution, speciation, mating systems, ecological genetics19701974 Charles Woolf (grad student)
Christopher Marks Brian P. Bagatto (grad student)
Gabriel Marroig James M. Cheverud (grad student)
Kelly Marsack
Julio C. A. Marsola20152018 Richard J. Butler (grad student)
Guillaume Martin20062007 Jerome Goudet (post-doc)
Andrew P. Martin Stephen R. Palumbi (grad student)
Paul Schultz Martin Edward S. Deevey (post-doc)
Rene P. Martin2023 John Stephen Sparks (post-doc)
Juan Jose Martinezevolutionary ecology, population genetics, small mammals, geometric morphometrics, phenotypic evolution20142016 Jose Priotto (research scientist)
Marcio Martins Ivan Sazima (grad student)
Hideo Masai Tokiharu 阿部 宗明 Abe (grad student)
Ramon Massana Edward F. DeLong (post-doc)
Kenji Matsuura Naomi E. Pierce (post-doc), Fusao Nakasuji (research scientist)
Blake Matthewsevolutionary ecology, limnology Dolph Schluter (grad student)
Daniel R. MatuteSpeciation20102014 Molly Przeworski (post-doc)
William Mauck Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Cassandra J. May2015 Elizabeth A. Marschall (grad student)
Dorothy May Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Charles Johnson Maynard1870 Edward Augustus Samuels (research assistant), Joel Asaph Allen (research assistant)
Douglas Mccauley Fiorenza Micheli (grad student)
Will C. McClatcheyBotany Biology, Systematic Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Development Biology Walter Stephen Judd (grad student)
Roy W. McDiarmid1968 Jay Mathers Savage (grad student)
Colin McDonnell Neil M. Price (grad student)
Doug McElroy19921993 Michael Edward Douglas (post-doc)
Michael McGowan Joseph Camin (grad student)
Stephen McMann Richard Tokarz (grad student), Ann V Paterson (collaborator)
Sarah McMenamin20092015 David Parichy (post-doc)
Greg Mcmillian2021 Bingzhang Chen (grad student)
Kenneth J McNamara Harry B. Whittington (grad student)
James Meadow
Tom Meagher
Vincent Médoc
Jared B. Meekbotany, evolution, phylogenetics, phylogeography, conservation
Sofie Meeus
Wenbin Mei William B. Barbazuk (grad student)
John M. Melack Daniel A. Livingstone (grad student)
Jesyka Meléndez-RosaBehavioral Ecology, Mating Systems, Mate Choice Eileen Lacey (grad student)
Cerney M. Melinda
Maria Clara Melo HurtadoEvolutionary Biology, Entomology
Clinton Hart Merriamzoology, mammalogy
Francois Messier
Hans Metz
GEFERSON FERNANDO METZPlant Biology Filipe de Carvalho Victoria (grad student)
Kyle Matthew Meyer Steven E. Lindow (post-doc)
Axel MeyerSpeciation, Evolution George Webber Barlow (grad student)
Sofiane Mezmouk
Andy P. Michel Biological Sciences Nora J. Besansky (grad student)
Charles Duncan Michenersystematics, social insects, social behavior, evolution Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell (research assistant)
James G. MickleyFloral Evolution, Botany Ecology and Evolution20102013 Lev R. Ginzburg (research scientist)
Alden Holmes Millerornithology, zoology Loye (Padre) Holmes Miller (research assistant)
Angela Milner
Chieka Minakuchi
Shannon Mindeman Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Celine Mir
Fabiola Miranda-Sanchez Martin Polz (post-doc)
Dusan Misevic
Elizabeth Missakian
Patrick Mitchell Michael Emerman (grad student)
D. Rex Mitchell2021 Vera Weisbecker (post-doc)
Philip Mitchell
Rodger Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell-Olds Donald Waller (grad student), Raymond P. Guries (grad student), Carter Denniston (post-doc)
Sandhya Mitra
Tetsuto MiyashitaEvolution, Marine Ecology, Developmental Biology20152016 Marianne E. Bronner (research assistant)
Mehran Moazen
Daniel S. MoenHerpetology, systematics20122014 Hélène Morlon (post-doc)
Antoine Moinet Stephan Peischl (post-doc)
Y. Franchesco Molina-HenaoSpeciation, Adaptation, Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics. Heiber Cárdenas-Henao (grad student), M. Alejandra Jaramillo (grad student)
Stefano Mona20092010 Laurent Excoffier (post-doc)
Anthony P. Monaconeurodevelopmental disorders, autism, specific language impairment, dyslexia, chorea acanthocytosis and menkes disease Louis Kunkel (grad student)
Nicolas Mongiardino KochPhylogenetics, Evolution, Paleontology2015 Derek Ernest Gilmor Briggs (grad student)
Kristi L. Montoothevolutionary physiological genetics Allen G. Gibbs (research assistant)
Daniel Moog John M. Archibald (post-doc)
Rich Mooi Malcolm Telford (grad student)
Kim Moore
Raymond Moranbioinformatics, phylogenetics, mammals, networks
Thomas Hunt MorganFruit Flies Hans Driesch (post-doc)
John Edward Morton Alastair Graham (post-doc)
Timothy A. MousseauEvolution and Development Biology19881990 Hugh Dingle (post-doc), Nicholas C. Collins (grad student)
Monica A Mowery Maydianne C. B. Andrade (grad student)
Richard Moxon
Cristina M. Moya Joseph Henrich (post-doc)
Andrés Moya SimarroPopulation genetics Francisco José Ayala (post-doc)
Josef Karl MüllerBehavioural Ecology Günter Osche (grad student)
Hendrik Müller David J. Gower (grad student)
Stephan B. Munch Marc Mangel (post-doc)
Kasper Munch Rasmus Nielsen (grad student), Montgomery Slatkin (post-doc)
Yasunori Murakami Shigeru Kuratani (post-doc)
Lindy Joell Muse Brad M. Glorioso (research assistant)
Brian Myers Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Philip MyersAnatomy Biology, Biostatistics Biology, Evolution and Development Biology James Patton (grad student)
Rachel Anne MyersComplex Traits, natural selection Philip Awadalla (grad student)
Karim N'DiayeOCD, metacognition, fMRI, Deep Brain Stimulation, Cogntive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, electro/magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG), emotion, time perception20022006 Line Garnero (grad student)
Michael William NachmanEvolutionary genetics and genomics Charles F. Aquadro (post-doc)
Marc Naguibavian vocal behavior Dietmar Todt (post-doc)
Fusao Nakasuji
Diane NashVertebrate Palaeontology John A. Attridge (grad student)
Tania Nasreen
Ran Nathan Simon Asher Levin (post-doc)
Luis Navarro
Bruno A. NavarroVertebrate Paleontology Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo2022 Hussam Zaher (grad student), Jeffrey A Wilson (grad student)
Dipti Nayak William W. Metcalf (post-doc)
Eugenio H. Nearnsentomology, systematics, taxonomy, evolution Entomology & Nematology Biology Biology20072013 Marc A. Branham (grad student), Kelly B. Miller (grad student), Stephen J. Poe (grad student)
Rahme Nelly Neder
Daniel NegreirosEcology, Plants, Phylogeny, Community, Functional traits Geraldo Wilson Fernandes (research scientist)
Joseph NeigelEcology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Molecular Biology John C. Avise (grad student)
Maurine Neiman Curt M. Lively (grad student)
Anton NekrutenkoBioinformatics Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Genetics Robert J. Baker (grad student)
Sterling J. Nesbitt Paul E. Olsen (grad student), Christian A. Sidor (post-doc), Julia A. Clarke (post-doc), Kenneth D. Angielczyk (post-doc)
Irene Newton Colleen Cavanaugh (grad student), Ralph R. Isberg (post-doc), Seth R. Bordenstein (post-doc)
Isabelle Ng David Roy Bellwood (grad student)
Lyna NgorEntomology, bees, environmental science Quinn McFrederick (grad student)
Toai T. Nguyen
Margaret Morse Nice
Sarah Nila Bambang Suryobroto (grad student)
Guodong Niu May Berenbaum (grad student)
Robert (Bob) Edwin Noble
Lisa Nodwell Neil M. Price (grad student)
Val NolanBird behavior, ecology, evolution, endocrinology Margaret Morse Nice (research assistant), Robert Winthrop Storer (research assistant)
Peter NonacsBehavioral ecology and social evolution, using both theoretical and experimental approaches.19781979 Philip H. Crowley (research assistant)
Philip M. Novack-GottshallPaleobiology, Paleoecology19961999 Arnold I. Miller (grad student)
Ronald (Ron) Archie Nussbaumsystematics, evolution, ecology, herpetology, caecilians Edmund Darrell Brodie, Jr. (grad student)
Alivia Nytko2024 Brian Christopher O'Meara (grad student), Joseph K. Bailey (grad student)
Patrick M. O'Connor1993 Peggy Harrigan Ostrom (research assistant)
Eamon B. O'Dea
Kim O'Keefe Biology19992007 Elizabeth A Hadly (grad student)
Brian Christopher O'Mearaevolution, phylogenetics Michael J. Sanderson (grad student), Michael Turelli (grad student), Todd J. Vision (post-doc), Brian D. Farrell (research assistant)
Mark O'Shea
Joan Ferrer Obiol Marta Riutort (grad student)
Dmitri Obruchev
Michelle O. Ochomogo
Thomas Mann Oelrich1953 Alfred Henry Stockard (grad student)
C. Brandon Ogbunuexperimental evolution, virology, evolutionary biology20002002 Susan Gottesman (research assistant)
T. Heath Ogden20002004 Michael F. Whiting (grad student)
Kouichi Ohwada Rita R. Colwell (research scientist)
Classius de Oliveira19911993 Antonio Marcos Orsi (grad student)
Richard G. Olmstead1991 Jeffrey D. Palmer (grad student)
Andrej Ondracka Frederick Cross (grad student)
Øystein H. Opedalplant reproductive biology, floral evolution, community ecology, quantitative genetics Christophe Pelabon (grad student), W Scott Armbruster (grad student)
Fabini Orata
Leon OrbeliBrain Evolution Ewald Hering (research scientist), John Newport Langley (research scientist)
Terry J OrdEvolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, Community Ecology20072009 Emília P. Martins (post-doc), Judy A. Stamps (post-doc), Jonathan Losos (post-doc)
Ellen Ordway Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Maria E. OriveGenetics, Botany Biology Marjorie A. Asmussen (post-doc), Nicholas H. Barton (post-doc)
Kyla Selvig Ost June Round (post-doc)
Marie-France Ostrowski
Jose Ottenwalder
Clint R. V. Otto
Richard Owen1831 Georges (Jean) Léopold Nicolas Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert Cuvier (research assistant)
Ian Owens Des Thompson (grad student)
Gabriel Ponticus Padmawirata
Maria Suely Pagliarini MARGARIDA LOPES RODRIGUES (grad student)
Eduardo Palma Biology19891994 Terry L. Yates (grad student)
Jeffrey D. Palmer
Jackie Palmer1986 Jonathan Coddington (grad student)
Rori A. Paloski
Maria Paniw Roberto Salguero-Gomez (grad student)
John R. PannellMating Systems Institute of evolutionary Biology Brian Charlesworth (post-doc), Spencer C.H. Barrett (post-doc)
Riccardo Papa W. Owen McMillan (grad student)
J. Michael Parish
Joseph ParkerGrowth, patterning, morphological evolution20012005 Peter Lawrence (grad student)
Virginie Party michel renou (grad student)
Rubens Pasa20182019 Trude Schwarzacher (post-doc), Rubens Pazza (collaborator)
Marta Pascual Luis Serra (grad student)
Nicole Pasteur Costas Kastritsis (grad student)
Roberta Louise PatonVertebrate Palaeontology Alick D. Walker (grad student)
David Joseph Patterson
Craig Paukert
Crodowaldo Pavan Theodosius Dobzhansky (research scientist)
Marianne Pearson Paul Upchurch (grad student), Mark Wilkinson (grad student)
Oliver Pearson
Keith W. Pecor2005 Brian A. Hazlett (grad student)
Stephan Peischl Mark Kirkpatrick (post-doc), Reinhard Bürger (grad student)
Vicente Pelechano
Benjamin Pelissie
Rucha Pendke
Amanda W Peng Gregory P. Wilson (research assistant)
Rocio Perez-Barrales W Scott Armbruster (post-doc)
Åsa Pérez-Bercoff Gavin Conant (post-doc)
Timothy Perrineepistemology Adam Joaquim Leite (grad student)
Jennifer C. Perryentomology, behaviour, sexual selection, signaling, sexual conflict, insects, fruit flies, Drosophila2010 Locke Rowe (grad student)
Diego PesceEvolution Arjan De Visser (post-doc), Andreas Wagner (post-doc)
Benjamin M. Peter John Novembre (post-doc)
Megan L. Peterson
Kevin J. Peterson19962000 Eric H. Davidson (post-doc)
Lauren Petrullo20202023 Ben Dantzer (post-doc)
David R. PettiferEvolutionary Biology, Behavioural Ecology, Biomechanics, Chimpanzees2016 Kevin D. Hunt (grad student)
David Pfennig James P. Collins (post-doc), Paul W. Sherman (post-doc)
Hervé Philippe
Ally Phillimorephenology, macroevolution, macroecology20022006 Ian Owens (grad student)
John G. PhillipsBiogeography, Phylogenetics, Speciation20122017 Ronald M. Bonett (grad student)
Ronald L. Phillips Charles Russel Burnham (grad student)
Martin Pickford Robert J.G. Savage (grad student)
Naomi E. Pierce Bert Hölldobler (grad student)
Michiel Dieter PilletConservation ecology20152016 Benjamin Poulter (research scientist)
Silvia Pineda-Munoz Alistair Evans (grad student)
Davide PisaniPhylogenomics Mark Wilkinson (grad student)
Jennie Pistevosshark physiology, climate change, bite force Sean D. Connell (grad student), Marc E. H. Jones (collaborator)
Patricia Jean Polaczyk-Wittkoppgene regulation, development and evolution, pigmentation20022005 Andy Clark (post-doc), Greg Gibson (research assistant)
Patryk PolinskiGenetic engineering Manuel Irimia (grad student)
Martin Polz Colleen Cavanaugh (grad student)
Andrew Pomiankowski John Maynard Smith (grad student), Richard C. Lewontin (grad student), William Donald Hamilton (post-doc)
Alongkot Ponlawat
Mariana Retuci PontesAmphibian diseases Luís Felipe Toledo (grad student)
Violeta Simon Porcar
Megan L. PorterPopulation genetics, evolutionary biology, bioinformatics, crustacean systematics Thomas W. Cronin (post-doc)
Daniel John PovinelliCognitive Evolution and Development, Self-Rep resentation and Action, Evolutionary Theory, Animal Behavior 19831986 Laurie Godfrey (research assistant), Melinda A. Novak (research assistant)
Gareth S PowellSystematics, Evolution, Phylogenetics2017 Jennifer M. Zaspel (grad student), Seth M. Bybee (grad student)
Cynthia Prado Célio F. B. Haddad (grad student)
Kurt S. PregitzerEnvironmental Sciences, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry Burton V. Barnes (grad student)
Sarah Preheim Martin Polz (grad student), Eric J. Alm (post-doc)
Samantha A. PriceMacroevolution, ecomorphology, mammals and teleost fishes20062008 Kathleen K. Smith (post-doc)
Rosalyn Price-Waldman Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Adam Carl Pritchardvertebrate anatomy, paleontology Alan H. Turner (grad student)
Maria Fernanda ProañoPlant Pathology, Population Biology Carla D. Garzon (grad student)
Kristopher J S Purenspaleobiology, extinction, geometric morphometrics, data integration, machine learning20102014 Tomasz K. Baumiller (grad student)
Jonathan B. PuritzPopulation Genomics, Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology20042005 David M. Rand (research assistant)
Michael PuruggananGenomics Biology19931995 Martin Yanofsky (post-doc)
Xinshuai Qievolution genome bioinformatics plant Biology biology biology20132014 Kenneth M. Olsen (post-doc), Douglas E. Soltis (grad student), Pamela S. Soltis (grad student)
Michael A. Quance
Sarh-Ann Quesnel Neil M. Price (grad student)
Rene Quevedo20142020 Trevor Pugh (grad student)
Arul rajvellachery
Subhash RajpurohitSpecies, Climate warming, Evolution Allen G. Gibbs (post-doc), Ravi Parkash (grad student)
Alceu Rancy
Brian Rankin
Jose M. Ranz Alfredo Ruiz (grad student), Daniel L. Hartl (post-doc), Michael Ashburner (post-doc)
Dana J. Rashid Jonathan M. Scholey (grad student)
D. Tab Rasmussen Elwyn L. Simons (grad student)
Oliver Rauhut David Unwin (grad student)
Felix Rawitscherbotanty, plant physiology1912 Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp Pfeffer (post-doc)
Julie Ray
Michel Raymond ISEM, Montpellier, France Nicole Pasteur (grad student)
Simon M. ReaderAnimal behaviour, behavioural ecology Louis Lefebvre (post-doc)
Lucy Reas
Emily Reddington
Benjamin Redelings
Charles Lee RemingtonLepidoptera, Hybridization19451948 Theodosius Dobzhansky (grad student)
Marilyn B. Renfree Australian National University1972 Cecil Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe (grad student)
Diana J. RennisonEvolution, Ecology, Genetics2016 Catherine Peichel (post-doc)
John RensbergerVertebrate Paleontology1967 Ruben Arthur Stirton (grad student)
Theodor Reye1878 Rudolf Clausius (grad student)
Stephen G. Reyes Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
R. Graham ReynoldsWest Indian Herpetology, Evolutionary Genetics EEB20112014 Liam J. Revell (post-doc), Benjamin Minault Fitzpatrick (grad student)
Frank H. Rhodes Harry B. Whittington (grad student)
William Rice Michael Turelli (grad student)
Emilie Richards
Laura M Richards20152021 Trevor Pugh (grad student)
Jonathan Richmond
Maria Humiras Ridyawinarni
Sarah E. Rieboldt
Olivier RieppelPlacodonts, Lepidosauromorpha, Testudines, Squamata, snakes, Serpentes Robert L. Carroll (grad student)
Todd Rigney
Filippo M. Rijli19911996 Pierre Chambon (post-doc), Giuseppina Barsacchi (grad student)
Howard W. Rines Norman Henry Giles (grad student)
Julio Rivera Marguerite Butler (grad student)
David Rivers
James m robertscell cycle, biotechnology Richard Axel (grad student)
George R. Robinson
Douglas M. Robinson
Michael Robson20162016 Eric Schirmer (grad student), Stefan Mundlos (post-doc)
Helen RoddEvolution and Development Biology, Genetics Marla B. Sokolowski (grad student)
Nicolas Rode2012 Howard D. Rundle (post-doc)
Luis Azevedo Rodriguespaleontology, geometric morphometrics, compositional data analysis, morphological disparity, dinosaur
MARGARIDA LOPES RODRIGUES Almiro Blumenschein (grad student), Oswaldo Frota Pessoa (grad student)
Njal Rollinson Locke Rowe (post-doc)
Stephanie S. Romañach
Aldemaro Romero, Jr.
Santiago R. RonEvolution, phylogenetics, systematics, taxonomy, herpetology20022007 David C. Cannatella (grad student), William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Jimi L Rosenkrantz Lucia Carbone (grad student), Shawn L. Chavez (grad student), David Henry Haussler (research assistant)
James Rosindell Luke J. Harmon (post-doc)
Laura Ross
Callum F. RossEvolutionary morphology, neuroscience Matt Cartmill (grad student)
Neil Rosser Ally Phillimore (grad student)
Margaret Rostker
Martin RosvallNetwork theory
John T. RotenberryEcology Biology1978 John J. Wiens (grad student), John Anthony Wiens (grad student)
Liza G Rothkoffcanine behavior, scent detection, contrafreeloading Lynna Feng (grad student)
June Round
Paul Rowley Sara L. Sawyer (grad student)
Dakota M. RowseyMammalogy, Systematics, Evolutionary Biology20192020 Sharon A. Jansa (grad student), Lawrence R. Heaney (post-doc), Nathan S. Upham (collaborator)
Tilottama Roy2015 Charlotte Lindqvist (grad student)
Jose Miguel RubioMalaria, Parasitic diseases, Plasmodium evolution Godfrey M. Hewitt (grad student)
Mikaela R Ruga John W. Huntley (grad student), James D. Schiffbauer (grad student)
Gustavo R.S. Ruiz Antonio D. Brescovit (grad student), Wayne P. Maddison (grad student)
Andrea Rummel2021 Richard L. Marsh (grad student)
Liane B. Russell Sewall Wright (grad student)
Jim Russellanimal behavior
Michael Russello George Amato (grad student), Adalgisa Caccone (grad student)
Marcello Ruta Andrew Milner (grad student)
T. Brandt Ryder Peter Marra (post-doc)
Maurice W. Sabelis
Anne C Sabolsocial behavior, conservation Alessandro Catenazzi (grad student)
Uriel Safriel David Lack (grad student)
Nicolas Salamin Vincent Savolainen (grad student)
Jhan C. SalazarThermalphysiology, Macroevolution20232023 Cristian Roman Palacios (research assistant)
Scott R. SaleskaEcology Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Remote Sensing John Harte (grad student)
Laasya Samhita Deepa Agashe (post-doc)
Gary Sams William J. Bell (grad student)
Edward Augustus Samuels1865 Spencer Fullerton Baird (research assistant)
Ehsan SanaeiEvolution, Microbiology, Entomology, biology20172021 Jan Engelstädter (grad student)
Jose F Sanchez-Herrero Alejandro Sanchez-Gracia (grad student)
Núria Sánchez-Pons Inaki Ruiz-Trillo (post-doc)
P. Martin Sander Olivier Rieppel (grad student)
Darren R. Sandquist
Thomas J. SangerEvo-devo, Herpetology Arkhat Rakhatovich Abzhanov (post-doc)
Pratibha Sanjenbam Deepa Agashe (post-doc)
Nir Sapir Robert Dudley (post-doc), Zvika Abramsky (grad student)
Andres F. SarrazinEvolutionary Developmental Biology Michalis Averof (post-doc), Alain Ghysen (grad student)
Kiyoshi Sasaki
Renae Sattler
Erin E. Saupe20142016 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student), Derek Ernest Gilmor Briggs (post-doc)
Ricardo Jannini SawayaBiology Ivan Sazima (grad student)
Sara L. Sawyerhost-virus interactions, DNA repair Michael Emerman (grad student)
Torbjörn von Schantz
Michael P. Scherrer2013 Claus Wilke (grad student)
Eric Schirmer2004 Larry Gerace (post-doc)
Barney A. SchlingerSteroid hormone synthesis and action in birds; hormonal control of brain and behavior in tropical bird species Psychology Arthur Palmer Arnold (post-doc)
Christian Schlottererpopulation genetics, evolutionary genetics
David Schmidly
Kurt P. Schmidt
Ray C. Schmidtphylogenetics, biodiversity, and species discovery20082014 Henry (Hank) L. Bart, Jr. (grad student), Frank L. Pezold (grad student)
Paul Schmidtecology, evolution, Drosophila David M. Rand (grad student), Walter Eanes (post-doc)
Gerald Dee Schmidt
Dominique Schneider Michel Blot (grad student)
Daniel J. Schoen David G. Lloyd (post-doc)
Christine Schonewald-Cox
Danielle Schreve Adrian Mark Lister (grad student)
Holly Schultz
Tanja Schwander20032007 Laurent Keller (grad student), Bernard J. Crespi (post-doc)
Trude Schwarzacher Dieter Johannes Schweizer (grad student)
Dieter Johannes Schweizer Cyril Dean Darlington (grad student)
Daniella M. SchweizerEnvironmental Studies, Ecology Biology, Environmental Management Environmental Studies2012 Karen D. Holl (grad student)
Ainsley Seagoentomology, systematics, taxonomy, Coleoptera20032008 Kipling W. Will (grad student), Quentin D. Wheeler (research assistant)
Raul E. Sedano Cruz Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Richard Segal Anya M. Waite (grad student)
Carmen Segarra Richard C. Lewontin (post-doc)
Irmgard Seidl-AdamsPlant Physiology, Plant Pathology Agriculture James Homer Tumlinson (research scientist)
Ranka Sekulic
Paul A. SeldenPaleontology, Evolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology Harry B. Whittington (grad student)
Oliver Martin SelzEvolution20092014 Martine E. Maan (grad student)
Ruchira Sen Raghavendra Gadagkar (grad student)
Jack SepkoskiPaleobiology19711975 Stephen J. Gould (grad student)
francois serraComparative Genomics, Adaptive Evolution, Structural Genomics2019 Alfonso Valencia (post-doc)
Laurana Serres-Giardi20082012 Sylvain Glémin (grad student)
Maria R. ServedioEvolution, Mathematical Modeling Russell Lande (post-doc), Michael Turelli (post-doc)
Davin H. E. SetiamargaEvolutionary Biology (molecular phylogenetics, molecular evolution, evo-devo)20092011 Linda Z. Holland (post-doc)
Roger Scott Seymour1972 George A. Bartholomew (grad student)
Erik Sgariglia Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
John Shadwick Inaki Ruiz-Trillo (post-doc)
Bryan Sharp Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Alana Sharp
Ciaran A ShaughnessyPhysiology, Animal Physiology, Comparative Physiology, Cystic Fibrosis Stephen D. McCormick (grad student)
Ben Sheldon Tim Birkhead (grad student)
Nathan D SheldonGeobiology, paleoclimatology, terrestrialization of the biosphere19992003 Gregory John Retallack (grad student)
Xing-Xing Shenevolutionary biology, phylogenetics, evolutionary genomics20142019 Antonis Rokas (post-doc)
Tiffany Shepherd Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Seema Sheth Amy L. Angert (grad student)
Rebecca F. Shipe20012002 Douglas G. Capone (post-doc)
Paul A. Shipman
Vaughn Shireyinsect ecology, biodiversity informatics, global change ecology2023 Robert P. Guralnick (post-doc), Laura Melissa Guzman (post-doc)
Björn M. Siemers Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler (grad student)
Derek S. SikesEntomology, Coleopterology, Taxonomy, Systematics Michael A. Ivie (grad student)
Robert E. Silberglied
Kirsten Mariana Silviuswildlife conservation
Carl SimpsonPaleobiology20122016 Jeremy Bradford Cook Jackson (post-doc), Daniel W. McShea (post-doc), Wolfgang Kiessling (post-doc)
Satinder Singh
Walisson Kenedy SiqueiraEcologia, Comunicação científica2023 Geraldo Wilson Fernandes (post-doc)
Mark Sistrom Mark Norman Hutchinson (grad student)
Gabriel Skiddich
Tore Slagsvold1978 Olav Hogstad (research assistant)
Joshua Stephen SlatteryPaleontology
Joshua S SlatteryPaleontology
Joshua S. SlatteryPaleontology
Sean Sleight
Jozef A SlowikArachnology Derek S. Sikes (grad student), Derek S. Sikes (collaborator), Paula Cushing (collaborator)
Wenke Smetsmicrobial ecology20192021 Britt Koskella (post-doc), Noah G. Fierer (grad student), Sarah Lebeer (grad student), Steven E. Lindow (post-doc)
Tara M. Smiley Catherine Badgley (grad student), Rebecca C. Terry (post-doc)
Aaron D. Smith Anthony I. Cognato (grad student)
Brian Tilston Smith Robb Brumfield (grad student)
Joe Clint Smith
Joel J. Smith
Katheryn K. Smith
Michael Howard Smith
Cedric Austen Bardell SmithStatistics and Genetics1938 Maurice Stevenson Bartlett (research assistant)
Terry Smith-Glaser Michael Breed (grad student)
Tim Smithson
Lindsay E. Snow Maydianne C. B. Andrade (grad student)
Daniel Snyder Ann F. Budd (grad student)
Laura Snyder-Meyer Michael Breed (grad student)
Robert R. Sokal Zoology1952 Sewall Wright (grad student)
Michael J Songpolyploidy, botany, microbiome, transposons
Lucas Santana SouzaEvolutionary biology2023 Sergey Gavrilets (grad student), Eric Libby (post-doc)
Daniel Spalink Kenneth J. Sytsma (grad student)
David A. Spector
Christine Spencer
Erik A. Sperlingpaleobiology20102015 David T Johnston (post-doc)
Marla SpivakEntomology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Orley Robert Taylor (grad student)
Janice Spofford
Angel E. Spotorno James Patton (grad student)
Teri Sprackland
Victor (Vic) Gruschka Springer
Mansi Srivastava Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research Peter W. Reddien (post-doc)
Kristen St. John Lawrence Alan Krissek (grad student)
Christine Staats
Alex Stabell Sara L. Sawyer (grad student)
Veronika Städeleevolutionary biology20112016 Christophe Boesch (grad student)
Judy A. Stamps George Webber Barlow (grad student)
Eleanor J. Stanley
Dietrich Starck Ernst Göppert (grad student)
Robert StarkeMicrobial eology, Stable isotope probing, Functional diversity, multiOmics20172020 Kirsten S. Hofmockel (post-doc), Stephen J. Callister (post-doc), Felipe Bastida (collaborator), Christopher R. Anderton (collaborator)
Philip T.B. StarksSocial Insects, Behavior Hudson Kern Reeve (grad student)
Frank Stephens1874 Charles Edward Howard Aiken (research assistant)
Elizabeth Stevensanimal behavior
Ted Stevensanimal behavior
Frank J. Stewart Edward F. DeLong (post-doc)
Tammy Stiller Michael Breed (grad student)
Jeffery A. Stoltz Maydianne C. B. Andrade (grad student)
Glenn W. StorrsVertebrate Paleontology19911995 Mike J. Benton (post-doc)
Randy Stovall
Vincent Anthony Strangio
Christopher Strelioff
Yi-Hsien Su20052007 Eric H. Davidson (post-doc)
Eunho Suh Stephen L. Dobson (grad student), Matthew B. Thomas (post-doc)
Walter J. Sundburg Kenneth Wells (grad student)
Sherman Suter Paleobiology
Daichi G. Suzuki Sten Grillner (post-doc), Shin-ichi Higashijima (post-doc), Yasunori Murakami (collaborator), Hiroshi Wada (grad student), Shigeru Kuratani (collaborator)
Nicolas SvetecEvolution20052009 Wolfgang Stephan (grad student)
Brian SwartzIntegrative Biology; Earth and Planetary Science
Andrea L. Sweigart Allen Orr (post-doc)
Kyle W SwentowskyGenetics, plant biology, cell biology, developmental biology Ruth Finkelstein (grad student)
Kristen S SwithersEvolutionary Biology Johann Peter Gogarten (grad student)
Val J. P. Syversonevolution of trophic interactions, sessile crinoids, citizen science20062008 Donald Ross Prothero (research assistant), Donald Ross Prothero (collaborator)
Zachary Szpiech Laurie S. Stevison (post-doc)
François Taddei John Maynard Smith (post-doc)
Catarina Satie Takahashi Warwick Estevan Kerr (grad student)
Daniel TamaritMicrobial evolution, Symbiosis, Eukaryogenesis, Evolutionary genomics Andrés Moya Simarro (grad student), Amparo Latorre (grad student)
Shigeho 田中茂穂 Tanakaichthyology1913 David Starr Jordan (research scientist)
Ho Man Tang2011 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Phillipe Taquet
Beryl Morris Tarlo
Christopher Allan Taylor Lawrence (Larry) Merle Page (grad student), Brooks M. Burr (grad student)
Michael Taylor2004 Michael E Hellberg (grad student)
Richard H. Tedford Ruben Arthur Stirton (grad student)
Maximilian J Telford19891993 Peter W H Holland (grad student)
Malcolm Telford
Alan Tennyson Marc E. H. Jones (collaborator), Trevor Worthy (collaborator)
O. Erik Tetlie20012004 Simon J. Braddy (grad student), Derek Ernest Gilmor Briggs (grad student)
Loukas Theodosiouevolutionary biology Paul Barton Rainey (post-doc), Dieter Ebert (research scientist)
Stefan Thiele Martin Polz (post-doc)
Gavin H. Thomasphylogeny,macroevolution,birds Ian Owens (post-doc), Arne O. Mooers (collaborator), Walter Jetz (collaborator)
Sarah A. Tishkoffhuman evolution, African genomics, African population history Kenneth K. Kidd (grad student)
Pascal O. Titlemacroevolution Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Orlin S. TodorovBrains, Macroecology, Macroevolution Alexandra A. de Sousa (grad student), Vera Weisbecker (grad student), John Alroy (grad student), Simon M. Reader (grad student), Simone P. Blomberg (grad student)
Luís Felipe ToledoAmphibians Célio F. B. Haddad (grad student), Carlos Guilherme Becker (collaborator), Kelly R. Zamudio (collaborator)
Henry K. Townes
Jill M. Trainer
Michael Travisano Valeria Souza (collaborator), Paul Barton Rainey (post-doc)
Linda B. Travland
Eric Triezenberg
David Troupin Ran Nathan (grad student)
Sarah Trubovitz20162021 David B. Lazarus (grad student)
Clive N. Trueman
Isheng Jason TsaiEcological genomics, Population genetics, yeast, nematodes, fungi20142015 Austin Burt (grad student), Matthew Berriman (post-doc), Wen-Hsiung Li (post-doc)
Anne Tsitrone
Priscilla Tucker
Ted Turlings James Homer Tumlinson (grad student)
Sue Turner
Alex Twyford20122014 Jannice Friedman (post-doc)
Cecil Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe
Eric J UnderwoodAnimal Nutrition Thomas Barlow Wood (grad student)
Nathan S. Upham2016 Walter Jetz (post-doc)
Marcy Uyenoyama Marcus W. Feldman (grad student)
Mario Vallejo-MarinPlant Evolution20062008 Spencer C.H. Barrett (post-doc), Paul A. De Luca (collaborator)
Eric J. Vallender Gregory M. Miller (post-doc), Yi Lu (research assistant)
Lothar Herbert Vallon
Collin VanBurenVertebrate Palaeontology
Kathryn A. VandenBoschBotany Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Genetics John G. Torrey (grad student)
Ceferino Varón González Vincent Debat (post-doc)
Farida V. Vasi
Nikolai Vavilovbiology Ernst Heinrich Haeckel (post-doc), William Bateson (post-doc)
Isabelle M Veagenetic systems, phylogenetics, metamorphosis, sex determination, sexual dimorphism, fossils, scale insects, entomology University of Illinois at Chicago Nagoya University The University of Edinburgh20192019 Alexander W. Shingleton (post-doc), Chieka Minakuchi (post-doc), Laura Ross (post-doc)
Jeffrey VedanayagamEvolutionary Genetics; Developmental Biology; Genomics; Bioinformatics Daniel Garrigan (grad student), Eric Lai (post-doc)
Meera Venkatesan Christopher V. Plowe (post-doc)
Stella Sage Venn
Sonja C. Vernes Simon E. Fisher (grad student)
Paula Veverica
Robert K. Vickery Jens Christian Clausen (grad student), Ira Loren Wiggins (grad student)
Marcus Vinicius Vieira Robert Dan Holt (grad student)
Amanda Vieira da Silvaecology, evolution, mutualisms Marjorie G. Weber (grad student)
Karen Vincent
Nicholas T. Vinciguerra Kevin J. Burns (grad student)
Todd J. Visionevolutionary genetics, bioinformatics1998 Hope Hollocher (grad student)
Joel Vizueta Alejandro Sanchez-Gracia (grad student)
Gwyneth Volkmann20152017 Holly N. Woodward (grad student)
Johann Jakob von Tschudi1838 Louis Agassiz (research assistant)
Hiroshi Wada Noriyuki Satoh (grad student), Peter W H Holland (post-doc)
Andreas Wagner19911995 Günter Paul Wagner (grad student)
Jason H. Walker
Kelly J. Wallacecognition, animal behavior, neurobiology Michael J. Ryan (grad student), Aubrey M. Kelly (post-doc)
Alfred Russel Wallace18441848 Henry Walter Bates (research assistant)
Gordon Lynn Walls1931 John Frederick Shepard (grad student)
John Walton19181921 Hugh Hamshaw Thomas (grad student)
Silu WangSpeciation20202020 Molly E. Cummings (grad student), Alison Sarah Fleming (research assistant), Darren E. Irwin (grad student), Doris Bachtrog (post-doc)
Ing-Nang Wang Daniel Dykhuizen (grad student)
Gaojie Wang2017 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
John P. Waresmolecular ecology, diversity20002002 Thomas Fredrick Turner, II (post-doc)
Rachel Warnock Mike J. Benton (grad student)
Gordon Warwick
Aaron Osias Wasserman
Robert Week Biology20222024 Brendan Bohannan (post-doc)
Harry Milton Wegeforth1916 Frank Stephens (research assistant)
Isaac P WeinbergSocial Insects, Behavior, Nutritional Ecology Steve McGaraughty (research scientist), Philip T.B. Starks (grad student)
Bruce S. Weir C. Clark Cockerham (grad student)
Jason T. WeirOrnithology, Biogeography, Speciation, Genomics University of Chicago20072010 Trevor Price (post-doc)
Gabrielle Welsh Robin M. Tinghitella (research assistant), Kimberly A. Paczolt (grad student), Gerald S. Wilkinson (research assistant)
Tsui-Jung Wen1998 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Ingmar WerneburgVertebrate Morphology20072010 Torsten M. Scheyer (grad student)
Franz Josef Maria Werner George Albert Boulenger (research assistant), Oskar Böttger (Boettger) (research assistant)
Tracey K. Werner
Susan R Wesslerplant transposable element evolution Barbara McClintock (post-doc)
Stuart A. WestBehavioural ecology Charles Godfray (grad student)
Briana K. WhitakerEcology, Evolution Keith Clay (grad student)
Jeremy A. Whitemammalogy, small mammals, bats, foraging
Chris WidgaPaleontology; Archaeology; Paleoecology; Stable isotopes Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Richard G. Wiegert Francis Evans (grad student)
Jason B. Wiesner
Rupert Wild Emil Eduard Kuhn-Schnyder (grad student)
Hans K. Wildschutte Martin Polz (post-doc)
Christopher S. Willett19992002 Ronald S. Burton (post-doc)
Janna Willoughby20152019 Mark R. Christie (post-doc)
Johanna Francisca Nanik Winarni
Francis A. Windram20192024 Van Savage (grad student)
Donald M. WindsorEntomology Evolutionary Biology Behavioral Ecology1973 Daniel H. Janzen (post-doc)
Dale Winkler Philip D. Gingerich (grad student)
Christopher C Wirthentomology, taxonomy, systematics,
Michael J. Wise
Edward Woo Neil M. Price (grad student)
Bradley M Wood Jeffrey W. Roland (grad student), Boyd Ernest Kynard (grad student), David J. Ellerby (post-doc)
Carroll E. Wood Jr. Lincoln Constance (grad student)
Cary Woodruff Jack R. Horner (grad student)
Tyler (Brock) Woolridge Hopi E. Hoekstra (grad student)
Trevor Worthy Michael S. Y. Lee (collaborator), Marc E. H. Jones (collaborator), Jenny Worthy (collaborator)
Jenny Worthy
Dominic Wright Roger K Butlin (grad student)
Daniel M WuitchikGene expression, coral biology, transcriptomics, marine ecology Peter Vize (grad student)
Leland C. Wyman
Brenen Wynd Josef C. Uyeda (grad student)
Louise Wynn2011 John G Bishop (grad student)
Vero Copner Wynne-Edwards1929 James Herbert Orton (research assistant)
Jingzhong Xie2016 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Dongliang Xiong
Xiaojie Xu1997 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Yu Yang2018 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Cindy Shih Yu Yang20142021 Trevor Pugh (grad student)
Jeffrey Yee
Guillem YllaEvolution, Genomics, Transcriptomics, Insects20132018 Xavier Belles (grad student), Maria Dolors Piulachs (grad student)
Curtis Robert YoungDeep Sea Biology, Ecology, Evolution, Genomics2014 Edward F. DeLong (post-doc)
Jiaye Yu
Xiaoqian (Annie) Yu Eric J. Alm (grad student)
Andrew V. Z. BrowerEntomology Biology, Molecular Biology19871993 Richard Gerald Harrison (grad student)
Marta ZaherVertebrate Palaeontology, Functional Morphology20172021 Mike J. Benton (grad student)
Katerina L. Zapfe Alex Dornburg (research assistant)
Amro Zayed Charles W. Whitfield (post-doc), Gene E. Robinson (post-doc)
Rosana Zenil-Ferguson Emma E. Goldberg (post-doc), Jose Miguel Ponciano (grad student), John G. Burleigh (grad student)
Peng Zhangamphibians, phylogenetics David Burton Wake (grad student)
Ting Zhang2016 Patrick Schnable (grad student)
Yong Edward Zhang` Manyuan Long (grad student), Liping Wei (grad student)
Yongfeng ZhouPopulation Genetics, Evolutionary Genomics, Plant domestication, Forest Genetics, Grape, Rice, Genomics and breeding20152015 Outi Savolainen (grad student), Brandon S. Gaut (post-doc)
Martine M. ZilversmitEvolutionary Genetics, Evolution of Infectious Disease, Malaria, Natural History Philip Awadalla (post-doc)
Elizabeth A. Zimmer
David Zonana Michael Breed (grad student), Daniel F. Doak (grad student)
Orsetta Zuffardi
George Robert ZugHerpetology Albert Schwartz (grad student)