Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California at San Diego

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Felipe S. BarretoMarine biology, speciation, sexual selection, mating systems Marine Biology Research Division20092015 Ronald S. Burton (post-doc)
Lyall Bellquist Marine Biology Marine Biology Brice X. Semmens (grad student), Jeffrey B. Graham (grad student)
Kayla Blincow Brice X. Semmens (grad student)
Jordan DiNardo Brice X. Semmens (grad student)
Holly H. GanzEcology Biology, Entomology Biology19921994 Ronald S. Burton (grad student)
Peter Kuriyama Brice X. Semmens (post-doc)
Hongbin Liu Michael R. Landry (grad student)
Erica Mason Brice X. Semmens (grad student)
Brice X. Semmensfisheries management, conservation biology, stable isotope mixing models
Joshua Stewart Marine Biology2012 Brice X. Semmens (grad student)
Brian Stock Marine Biology2013 Brice X. Semmens (grad student)