University of Montana

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Fred W. Allendorfpopulation genetics, conservation genetics
Daniel C. Barton Organismal Biology & Ecology2012 Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
Lisa K. Belden1995 Colin Bergeson Henderson (research assistant)
Andy J Boyceornithology, life-history, physiology, community ecology, movement, conservation Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
Thomas D Brekke Division of Biological Sciences20102016 Jeffrey M Good (grad student)
Kerry Bright Mark Rausher (grad student)
Shane C. Campbell-Staton Zac Cheviron (post-doc)
Anna D. Chalfoun2006 Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
Zac Cheviron
Brandon S. Cooperevolutionary genetics, evolutionary physiology, host-Wolbachia interactions, speciation
Charles Daugherty Division of Biological Sciences19761980 (grad student)
Lisa Dorn Thomas Mitchell-Olds (grad student)
Douglas J. EmlenSexual Selection, Animal Weapons, evolution of developmental mechanisms, plasticity
Lila Fishman
Joseph J. Fontaine2006 Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
William C. Funkpopulation genetics, conservation genetics2004 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
W. Chris Funkpopulation genetics, evolutionary ecology, conservation biology19972004 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
Cameron K. GhalamborGeneral Biology, Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology1998 Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
Dylan G.E. GomesAnimal Behaviour, Sensory Ecology Biological Sciences20132014 Douglas J. Emlen (research assistant)
Jeffrey M Good
Jennifer R. GremerPlant physiological ecology and population ecology; life history evolution; ecological and evolutionary responses to variable and changing environments Organismal Biology & Ecology2010 Elizabeth Crone (grad student)
Michael Hague Division of Biological Sciences2018 Brandon S. Cooper (post-doc)
Kim Hastingspopulation genetics, conservation genetics2005 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
Robert S. Hoffmannmammalian ecology, systematics
Martin D. Kardospopulation genetics, conservation genetics Biomedical Sciences2013 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
John D. Lloyd2003 Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
Tara L. MaginnisSexual Selection, Animal Weapons, evolution of developmental mechanisms, plasticity2005 Douglas J. Emlen (grad student)
Thomas E. Martin
Erin L. McCulloughSexual Selection, Animal Weapons, evolution of developmental mechanisms, plasticity Organismal Biology & Ecology2014 Douglas J. Emlen (grad student)
John K. McKayEvolutionary Genetics Thomas Mitchell-Olds (grad student)
Christine W. MillerSexual Selection, Animal Weapons, evolution of developmental mechanisms, plasticity Organismal Biology & Ecology2007 Douglas J. Emlen (grad student)
Wendy Parson2000 Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
Jennifer C. Piersonpopulation genetics, conservation genetics Fish & Wildlife Biology2009 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
Kristina M. Ramstadpopulation genetics, conservation genetics2006 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
Nitin Ravikanthacharilocal adaptation, plant-insect interactions, insect-microbe interactions, population genetics Division of Biological Sciences2023 Brandon S. Cooper (post-doc)
David A. Tallmonpopulation genetics, conservation genetics2001 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
Joshua J. Tewksbury2000 Thomas E. Martin (grad student)
Paula A. TrilloSexual Selection, Animal Weapons, evolution of developmental mechanisms, plasticity Organismal Biology & Ecology2008 Douglas J. Emlen (grad student)
Jody M. Tuckerpopulation genetics, conservation genetics Fish & Wildlife Biology2013 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)
Jesse N. WeberEcological genomics20152017 Douglas J. Emlen (post-doc)
Andrew R. Whiteleypopulation genetics, conservation genetics2005 Fred W. Allendorf (grad student)