Michigan State University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
biomechanics Zoology19771980 James Lloyd Edwards (grad student)
Christoph Carl AdamiDarwinian evolution, studied theoretically, experimentally, and computationally Richard E. Lenski (collaborator)
Amy L. AngertEcology Biology, Plant Physiology2005 Douglas W. Schemske (grad student)
Rollin H. Bakermammalogy
Elizabeth Ball Fisheries and Wildlife2008 Andrew G. McAdam (grad student)
Nicholas G. BallewEvolution and Development Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Ecology Biology Zoology2014 Gary G. Mittelbach (grad student)
Bruce Duncan John Batt1976 Walter H. Conley (grad student)
Everett S Beneke
Sarah Benson-AmramBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Evolution and Development Biology Zoology2011 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Anton Bernatskiy20182020 Christoph Carl Adami (post-doc)
Carlos Eduardo Mattos Bicudobotany1965 Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
James Bier1997 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Kevin A. Bird2022 Patrick Edger (grad student), Robert (Bob) VanBuren (grad student)
Brian B. BlackEcology Biology, Genetics, Botany Biology2000 Jeffrey K. Conner (grad student)
Zachary D. BlountEvolution, experimental evolution, historical contingency, innovation, speciation Microbiology and Molecular Genetics2011 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Sarah A Bodbyl RoelsMating system evolution, monkeyflowers2012 Tom Getty (post-doc)
Brendan Bohannan1997 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Christina Borland2004 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Ingo BraaschEvolution, Development, Genomics
Danita S. BrandtPaleontology, Evolution and Development Biology
Alicia M. BrayEntomology Biology2009 Anthony I. Cognato (grad student)
Jonathan M. BrownEvolutionary Biology, Entomology Zoology Stephen J. Tonsor (grad student)
David M. Bryson Computer Science2012 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Alita Burmeister2012 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
John H. Burris2004 Michael Gottfried (grad student)
Guy Bush
Katy J. CaliffGenetics, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Zoology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology Zoology2013 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Rosangela Canino-Koning Computer Science & Engineering2017 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Kyle J Cardexperimental evolution, microbial evolution, cancer evolution Microbiology & Molecular Genetics20152020 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Steven M. CarrMolecular Systematics and Evolution Herman M. Slatis (research assistant)
Stefan CerbinTransposable elements20122020 Ning Jiang (grad student)
Christopher Chandler
Chris H. ChandlerEvolutionary Genetics Zoology20102012 Ian Michael Dworkin (post-doc)
Sudarshan R. ChariEvolutionary Genetics Zoology20072014 Ian Michael Dworkin (grad student)
Jacob Clifford Physics20082015 Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
Jeff CluneEvolving Artificial Intelligence, Evolutionary Computation, Neural Networks, Computational Evolutionary Biology, Digital Evolution, Artificial Life, Robotics20032010 Richard E. Lenski (collaborator), Robert T. Pennock (grad student), Charles Ofria (grad student)
Anthony I. CognatoEntomology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology
Jeffrey K. ConnerEvolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology
Vaughn Cooper2000 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Tim Cooper2003 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Alejandro C. CostamagnaEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology2006 Douglas A. Landis (grad student)
Arthur W. Covert III2010 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Claudia CrowtherPhenotypic plasticity, evolutionary theory, environmental sex determination
Leslie J. CurrenZoology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior - Dual Major2012 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Ben DantzerAnimal behavior, evolutionary ecology, physiological ecology Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior - Dual Major20072012 Andrew G. McAdam (grad student)
Tara L. Darcy-HallEcology Biology, Limnology Biology2004 Gary G. Mittelbach (grad student)
Anita L. Davelos2000 Andrew M. Jarosz (grad student)
Carla Davidson2009 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
H. William Davies Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Jamily Ramos De
Jamily Ramos De
Arjan De Visser1998 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Michael G. DenieuEvolutionary Biology, behavioral genetics Zoology20072014 Ian Michael Dworkin (grad student)
Timothy L. DicksonEcology
James M. DietzEcology Biology, Zoology Biology1981 Rollin H. Baker (grad student)
Stephanie M. DloniakZoology Biology2004 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Stephanie A. DoleEntomology Biology2008 Anthony I. Cognato (grad student)
Nathan J. DornEcology Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture2003 Gary G. Mittelbach (grad student)
Meghan A. DuffyEcology Biology2006 Jeffrey K. Conner (grad student)
Ian Michael DworkinWing Development, Evolutionary Genetics, genetics of shape, Behavioral Genetics, sexual dimorphism, genetic background effects Alexander W. Shingleton (collaborator), Charles Ofria (collaborator)
James Lloyd Edwards
Edward Milton Eisenstein
Santiago Elena Fito 1997 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Nate C. EmeryPlant Ecology
Anne L. EnghZoology Biology2002 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Douglas H. Erwin
Jeffrey A. Evanspopulation ecology, weed ecology Plant Biology20062009 Douglas A. Landis (grad student), Douglas W. Schemske (grad student)
Jeffrey L. FederEvolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology, Genetics zoology Guy Bush (grad student)
Anna K. FiedlerEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology2010 Douglas A. Landis (grad student)
Roland L. Fischer
Frank E. Fish Zoology Zoology Zoology19771980 James Lloyd Edwards (grad student), Richard Hill (grad student), Rollin H. Baker (grad student)
Olivia E. Fitch2019 Ingo Braasch (grad student)
Andrew S. FliesImmunology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology Zoology2012 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Herman S. Forest Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Bryan L. FosterEcology1996 Katherine L. Gross (grad student)
Jason R. GallantElectric Fish, Neuroethology, Development, Evolution
Erica A. GarciaEcology Biology, Zoology Biology2006 Gary G. Mittelbach (grad student)
Philip J. Gerrish1998 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Tom Gettybehavior, evolutionary ecology
J. Whitfield Gibbonsherpetology, ecology, natural history1967 Marvin Max Hensley (grad student)
Jason Gibbs
Ian S. Gilmanbotany, phylogenetics Robert (Bob) VanBuren (post-doc)
Jennifer R. Glick Physics20122017 Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
Adam Goble Zoology2008 Andrew G. McAdam (grad student)
Sherri Goings2010 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Heather J. Goldsby Computer Science2011 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Carol Goodwillieplant evolution, plant community ecology Douglas W. Schemske (grad student)
Michael Gottfried
Laura M. GrabowskiEvolution of Intelligene20062009 Robert T. Pennock (grad student), Charles Ofria (grad student)
Herbert Graffius Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Matthew J. GrieshopEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology
Michael A. GrilloGenetics, Evolution and Development Biology, Botany Biology Plant Biology2013 Douglas W. Schemske (grad student)
Annat HaberEvolutionary Biology, Morphometrics, Modularity, Integration Zoology20132015 Ian Michael Dworkin (post-doc)
Travis J. Hagey BEACON BEACON20152018 Louise S. Mead (post-doc), Danielle J. Whittaker (post-doc)
John R. HaightBrain Evolution19651971 John I. Johnson (grad student)
Neerja Hajela Richard E. Lenski (collaborator)
Dehua HangDigital Evolution2005 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Eugene Hansmann Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Marvin Max Hensley
Kristina Linnea Hilleslandcoevolution, mutualism, sulfate reducers, methanogen, myxobacteria2005 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Deborah R. Himes2005 Lee Raymond Kroos (grad student)
Paul R. Himes2009 Lee Raymond Kroos (grad student)
Arend Hintze20072012 Christoph Carl Adami (post-doc)
Ronald W. Hoham Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Kay E. HolekampZoology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology
J. Alan Holman
Daniel J. HowardSpeciation Guy Bush (post-doc)
Wei HuangDigital Evolution, Information Theory2005 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Jiri HulcrEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology2009 Anthony I. Cognato (grad student)
Elaine Hurst Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Hiroshi T. Ichikawa2000 Lee Raymond Kroos (grad student)
A.K.M. Nural Islam Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Chandra Nicole JackSocial Evolution; Tripartite interactions, mutualisms Maren Friesen (grad student)
Dennis C. Jackson Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Andrew M. Jarosz Richard E. Lenski (collaborator)
Brooke Jeffery2021 Ingo Braasch (grad student)
Ning Jiang
Ryan Taylor JohnsonNeuroanatomy, Sexual Differentiation, Amygdala, Autism Neuroscience20052011 S Marc Breedlove (grad student), Cynthia Jordan (grad student)
Mark Kauth2011 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Kathleen M. KayBotany Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture2004 Douglas W. Schemske (grad student)
David Kidd Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Frances N. KnapczykBotany Biology, Ecology Biology, Genetics2007 Jeffrey K. Conner (grad student)
Joseph M. KolowskiZoology Biology, Ecology Biology2007 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Ryzard Korona1994 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Lee Raymond Kroos Richard E. Lenski (collaborator)
Russell Kullberg Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Suzanne La CroixZoology Biology, Anatomy Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Zoology2011 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Thomas LaBar Microbiology & Molecular Genetics20132018 Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
Alycia R. Lackey Department of Integrative Biology Janette Boughman (grad student)
Thomas C. LaDuke1983 J. Alan Holman (grad student)
Devin Michael LakeExperimental Evolution Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Alexander M Lalejinievolution, artificial life, evolutionary computation, digital evolution, phenotypic plasticity, genetic programming Computer Science20152021 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Douglas A. Landis
Amy M. LarkPhilosophy of Science, Evolutionary Biology Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education2014 Robert T. Pennock (grad student)
Jennifer A. Lau
Kenna D. S. Lehmanncommunication, cooperation, sociality Integrated Biology20122020 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Mathew Leiboldcommunity ecology Earl E. Werner (grad student)
Richard E. LenskiEvolution, microbial ecology, microbiology
Xosé López Goldarplant-insect interactions, local adaptation, chemical ecology, evolution, environmental gradients
Jamily Lorena2021 Ingo Braasch (grad student)
Emily J Lyonsmalaria, HIV, TB genetics Botany19931996 Andrew M. Jarosz (grad student)
Rohan Maddamsetti2009 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Terry Marsh Richard E. Lenski (collaborator)
Christopher J. Marx2005 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Andrew G. McAdam
Jay E. McPherson Frederick Stehr (grad student), Roland L. Fischer (grad student)
Justin R. Meyer Zoology2012 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Andrea L. Miehls Fisheries and Wildlife2012 Andrew G. McAdam (grad student)
Adalto Milanez19631967 Everett S Beneke (grad student)
Elizabeth T Miller Kellogg Biological Station20092016 Christopher A. Klausmeier (grad student)
Masoud Mirmomeni Computer Science and Engineering20102015 Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
Dusan Misevic2006 Charles Ofria (grad student), Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Sheenu Mittal2008 Lee Raymond Kroos (grad student)
Gary G. MittelbachEvolution and Development Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Ecology Biology1980 Earl E. Werner (grad student)
Judith Mongold1995 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Francisco Moore19962001 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc), Stephen J. Tonsor (grad student)
J. Jeffrey MorrisExperimental Evolution, Phytoplankton Physiology, Marine Microbiology2011 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Eva-Maria MueckeZoology Biology, Ecology Biology2005 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Glene MynhardtEvolution and Development Biology, Entomology Biology Anthony I. Cognato (grad student)
David Herman Nelson1974 Marvin Max Hensley (grad student)
Robert (Bob) Edwin Noble Wildlife Ecology1969 George A. Petrides (grad student)
Matthew E. O'NealEntomology Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture, Agronomy Agriculture2003 Douglas A. Landis (grad student)
Christopher G OakleyPlant ecological genetics Douglas W. Schemske (post-doc)
Charles OfriaArtificial Life, Evolution2002 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Gabriel J. Ording2008 J. Mark Scriber (grad student)
Christian Orlic2009 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Craig W. OsenbergPopulation, Community, and Aquatic Ecology Kellogg Biological Station19861988 Earl E. Werner (grad student), Gary G. Mittelbach (grad student)
Bjørn Ostman
Elizabeth A. Ostrowski2005 Charles Ofria (grad student), Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Summer A. Ostrowski Geological Sciences2012 Michael Gottfried (grad student)
Shujun Outransposable element, population genetics, genomics, plant biology Horticulture20132018 Ning Jiang (grad student)
Anuraag Pakanati Computer Science & Engineering2015 Charles Ofria (grad student), Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
Anurag Pakanati
Wiline M. PangleEcology Biology, Zoology Biology2008 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Robert T. PennockPhilosophy of Science, Evolutionary Biology Richard E. Lenski (collaborator)
George A. Petrides
Dean Barrette Premo1985 Marvin Max Hensley (grad student)
Gerald Webber Prescottphycology
Roger Lyons ReepEvolutionary Neuroscience1979 Charles David Tweedle (grad student), Edward Milton Eisenstein (grad student)
Susanna Remold2002 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Noah Ribeck2011 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Angela J. RolesGenetics2007 Jeffrey K. Conner (grad student)
Anne M. RoyerEvolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology Plant Biology2014 Jeffrey K. Conner (grad student)
Daniel RozenEvolutionary Biology2000 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Matthew Rupp Computer Science2011 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Heather F. SahliEcology Biology, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology Agriculture2006 Jeffrey K. Conner (grad student)
Scott Edward Sattler Biochemistry Dean DellaPenna (post-doc)
Douglas W. Schemskeplant evolutionary ecology, plant-animal interactions
John Schindler Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Harold E. Schlichting Jr.phycology Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Jory Schossau Computer Science and Engineering20112017 Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
John Arthur Sealander, Jr.Zoology
Kathryn C. ShawZoology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Zoology2012 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Thassyo da Silva Electrical and Computer Engineering20142020 Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
Herman M. Slatis
Sean Sleight2007 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Aaron D. Smith
Sarah M SmithSystematic Entomology, Taxonomy Entomology20062009 Anthony I. Cognato (grad student)
Paul D SniegowskiPopulation and Evolutionary Genetics1996 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
James M. SobelEcology Biology2010 Douglas W. Schemske (grad student)
Anne SonnenscheinEvolutionary Genetics, Genetics of transcriptional regulation Biochemistry20112017 Ian Michael Dworkin (grad student), David Arnosti (grad student)
Valeria Souza1993 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Joshua C. Springer Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior|Plant Biology2013 Andrew M. Jarosz (grad student)
Jack Stack Michael Gottfried (grad student)
Frederick Stehr
Christopher F. SteinerEcology Biology, Limnology Biology2001 Gary G. Mittelbach (grad student)
Nejc StopnisekMicrobiology Microbiology and Molecular Genetics20172021 Ashley Shade (post-doc)
Jason StredwickEvolutionary Computation2005 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Christopher Strelioff2010 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Eli M. SwansonZoology Biology Zoology - Doctor of Philosophy2013 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Micaela SzykmanZoology Biology2001 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Jaime B. TannerZoology Biology, Ecology Biology2007 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Douglas R. TaylorEvolutionary Biology; Molecular Evolution1994 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)
Ryan W. TaylorEvolutionary ecology, genomics, animal personality Zoology20062012 Andrew G. McAdam (grad student)
Ali Tehrani-Saleh Computer Science and Engineering20152021 Christoph Carl Adami (grad student)
Casey P. terHorstCommunity Ecology, Evolution20102013 Jennifer A. Lau (post-doc)
Kevin R. TheisZoology Biology2008 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Robin M. TinghitellaSexual Selection and Signaling
Alan Ray Tipton1975 Walter H. Conley (grad student)
Matteo TomasiniArchaeology, agent-based modelling, scientific visualization Department of Integrative Biology20192020 Gideon Bradburd (post-doc)
Lauri Torgerson Zoology2010 Andrew G. McAdam (grad student)
Michael Travisanohttp://micropop.org1993 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Yasemin I. Tulu20052010 Michael Gottfried (grad student), William G. Parker (research assistant)
Paul E. Turnerexperimental evolution, virology, evolutionary biology1995 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Caroline Turner2009 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Charles David Tweedle1970 Charles Stead Thornton (grad student)
Flordilez Uyenco Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Russell C. Van HornZoology Biology, Genetics2003 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Page E. Van MeterZoology Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2009 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Judson J Van WykPezizales genomics Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences2020 Gregory M. Bonito (grad student)
Robert (Bob) VanBurenPlant resilience, computational biology, physiology, genomics
Farida V. Vasi2000 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Gregory Jon Velicerevolutionary biology, microbiology Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
William C. Vinyard Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Anya Vostinar20122017 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Jervis Winn Wacasey1961 Marvin Max Hensley (grad student)
Brian Wade2006 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
William E. Wade Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Aaron Wagner Charles Ofria (post-doc)
Sofia A. WahajZoology Biology, Ecology Biology2004 Kay E. Holekamp (grad student)
Bess L. Walker Computer Science2012 Charles Ofria (grad student)
Nathaniel J. WaltonEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior - Dual Major2013 Matthew J. Grieshop (grad student)
William David Webster Zoology1978 Rollin H. Baker (grad student)
Emily Weigelbehavior, evolution
Diana Lynne Weigmann1982 Louis Anthony Helfrich (grad student)
Bernard E. Wetherall Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Danielle J. WhittakerAnimal behavior, chemical communication, birds
David Sloan WilsonEvolution Zoology1976 Donald J. Hall (grad student)
Christopher C Wirthentomology, taxonomy, systematics, Department of Entomology Aaron D. Smith (grad student)
Michael James WiserEvolutionary Biology; Experimental Evolution20062015 Jeffrey E. Barrick (collaborator), Richard E. Lenski (grad student), Brendan Bohannan (grad student)
Jeremy M. WojdakEcology Biology, Zoology Biology, Limnology Biology2004 Gary G. Mittelbach (grad student)
Jessica M. WoltzEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology, General Agriculture Entomology2013 Douglas A. Landis (grad student)
Robert Woods2005 Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Bernard Woodson Gerald Webber Prescott (grad student)
Gabriel Yedid2007 Charles Ofria (grad student), Richard E. Lenski (grad student)
Hao Yuan GGS2021 Ingo Braasch (grad student), Arjun Krishnan (grad student)
Luis ZamanDigital Evolution, Host-Parasite Coevolution, Phage Computer Science20082014 Richard E. Lenski (grad student), Charles Ofria (grad student)
Clifford Wesley Zeyl1997 Richard E. Lenski (post-doc)