Auburn University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jason W. AbernathyParasitology Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology2010 Zhanjiang Liu (grad student)
Gabriel Amorim de Albuquerque SilvaBioinformatics, microbiology, genomics, phytopathology Forestry, Wildlife and Environment2023 Janna Willoughby (grad student)
Frank Selman Arant
Jonathan W. ArmbrusterEvolution and Development Biology, Genetics, Ecology Biology
Dale H Arner Zoology-Entomology1959 Frank Selman Arant (grad student)
Richard M. Austin1993 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Brian Baggato1997 Raymond Peter Henry (grad student)
Mark A. Bailey1989 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Susan L. Balengerornithology, behavioral ecology2011 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
Puttharat BaoprasertkulGenetics, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Molecular Biology, Animal Culture and Nutrition Agriculture2006 Zhanjiang Liu (grad student)
Troy L. Bestbat biology, vertebrate ecology, mammalogy
Ricardo Betancur-R.Zoology Biology, Molecular Biology, Oceanography Biology2009 Jonathan W. Armbruster (grad student)
Corinthia R. Black Jonathan W. Armbruster (grad student)
Scott M. BobackPopulation Ecology, Herpetology, Organismal Biology
Jason E BondTerrestrial Arthropod Systematics, Evolution, and Diversity
Daniel Botts1978 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Robert S. BoydBotany, Hyperaccumulation, Conservation Biology
David R. BroussardEcology Biology2005 F Stephen Dobson (grad student)
Ronald Scott Caldwell1977 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Carlos Duane Camp1980 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Wenqi CaoXCI, Genomic imprinting
Carl Scott ClemEntomology Entomology and Plant Pathology20132015 David Held (grad student)
John M. Davidson1971 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Mark Stephen Davis1980 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Lesley S. de SouzaEvolution and Development Biology, Genetics, Ecology Biology2011 Jonathan W. Armbruster (grad student)
Jennifer Deitloff
Alvin R. DiamondBotany, Hyperaccumulation, Conservation Biology2006 Robert S. Boyd (grad student)
James Logie Dobie
F Stephen DobsonEvolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology
Lois Ann Donovan1972 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Stephanie M. Doucet2006 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
Julian L. Dusi
Laura K. Estepornithology, behavioral ecology2011 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
Ronald E. Estridge1970 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Kenneth M. Fahey1987 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Kristy Farmer Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
Shobnom Ferdous20022004 John S. Scheibe (grad student)
George W. Folkerts1968 Julian L. Dusi (grad student)
Temitope R Folorunso Wildlife Sciences2023 Janna Willoughby (grad student)
Charles McGhee Fugler1967 Julian L. Dusi (grad student)
Nalria Wisdon Gaddy1975 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Courtney Gamston
Hui GaoPhylogenetics, invertebrate biology2009 Min Zhong (grad student)
Nicole L Garrisonevolutionary biology, phylogenetic systematics, arachnology, bioinformatics, conservation genetics Biological Sciences20112018 Jason E Bond (grad student)
Robert Gastaldo
William R. Gates1983 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
L Michelle Gilleymammalogy, small mammals, bats, communication Troy L. Best (grad student)
James (Jim) C. Godwin1985 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Scott Goetz Biological Sciences2017 Christina M. Romagosa (grad student)
Sean Patrick Graham Biology, Geology, and Physical Science2011 Craig Guyer (grad student)
Craig GuyerPopulation Ecology, Herpetology, Organismal Biology
Kenneth M. HalanychPhylogenetics, invertebrate biology
Ricki Hamilton Entomology and Plant Pathology Nate Hardy (grad student)
Hugh Grady Hanlin1975 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Nate Hardy
David Held
Raymond Peter Henry
Geoffrey Hillornithology, behavioral ecology1986 John A. Wiens (grad student)
Wendy Hoodnutritional ecology, mammals, birds
G. Edward Hooks1995 James Logie Dobie (grad student)
Edward M. JheeBotany, Hyperaccumulation, Conservation Biology2004 Robert S. Boyd (grad student)
J. Ralph Jordan1975 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Zhenlin JuMolecular Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture2001 Zhanjiang Liu (grad student)
Attila KarsiFisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Molecular Biology2001 Zhanjiang Liu (grad student)
Soonhag KimMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture2000 Zhanjiang Liu (grad student)
Brian T. Klingbeil
Rebecca Elizabeth Kochornithology, sexual selection, plumage coloration
Peter Nicholas Lahanas1982 James Logie Dobie (grad student), Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Alfred (Trip) Colqutt Lamb1980 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Gina F Lamkagenomics, epigenetics, epigenomics, fitness, conservation, agent-based models College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment2020 Janna Willoughby (grad student)
Christopher J. Leary1998 James Logie Dobie (grad student)
Robert Stephen Lishakbioacoustics
Mark Liuornithology, behavioral ecology2009 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
Zhanjiang LiuFisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Genetics, Evolution and Development Biology
Susan K. Lucas1980 James Logie Dobie (grad student)
Nathan K. LujanZoology Biology, Ecology Biology, Physical Geography2009 Jonathan W. Armbruster (grad student)
Theodore G. MannoZoology Biology, Ecology Biology2008 F Stephen Dobson (grad student)
Christopher J. McClureornithology, behavioral ecology2012 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
Gary Miller Entomology and Plant Pathology Michael L. Williams (grad student)
Melissa A. Miller Biological Sciences2017 Christina M. Romagosa (grad student)
Robert Minckley Entomology19951997 James Cane (post-doc)
Andrea Miranda PaezConservation Genetics
Paul R. Moosmanbat ecology20012005 Troy L. Best (grad student)
Hugo B. MoraisViolence, Victimization
Robert (Bob) Hughes Mountherpetology
Christopher Mellace MurrayEndocrinology, Crocodilians, Comparative Morphology, Physiological Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Evolution, Biogeography, Philosophy of Biology, Herpetology Biological Sciences2015 Craig Guyer (grad student)
R. NandiniEvolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology2011 F Stephen Dobson (grad student)
Evi A. PaemelaereEvolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology2010 F Stephen Dobson (grad student)
Eric J. PeatmanFisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Genetics2007 Zhanjiang Liu (grad student)
William Lowell Phillips1977 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Sheryl Prassack1996 Raymond Peter Henry (grad student)
William H. Redmond, Jr.1975 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Robert N. ReedPopulation Ecology, Herpetology, Organismal Biology
Emma Rhodes2020 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
T'ai Roulston Entomology James Cane (grad student)
Christina M. Schmidt2011 Wendy Hood (grad student)
Terry Schwaner1969 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Arthur Floyd ScottDistribution of amphibians and reptiles in Tennessee1976 James Logie Dobie (grad student)
C. Winchester Seyle1980 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Matthew D. Shawkeyornithology, behavioral ecology2005 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
R. Mack Shealy1973 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Lynn Sieffermanornithology, behavioral ecology2005 Geoffrey Hill (grad student)
Lynnette Carlson Sievert1990 Ralph Paxton (post-doc)
Amy Skibiel Wendy Hood (grad student)
Edward Lawrence Spindel1980 James Logie Dobie (grad student)
David A. SteenPopulation Ecology, Herpetology, Organismal Biology
Laurie S. Stevisonspeciation genetics, recombination, population genetics
Paul Alan Stone1990 James Logie Dobie (grad student), Raymond Peter Henry (grad student)
Zachary Szpiech
Milton Tan Biological Sciences20092016 Jonathan W. Armbruster (grad student)
Kelly Thomas1972 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Stanley E. Trauth Biology1980 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Patricia J. Tyler1990 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Margie L. VanBrackle1978 James Logie Dobie (grad student)
Shaolin WangMolecular Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics Biology2009 Zhanjiang Liu (grad student)
Xu WangComparative genomics, DNA methylome, gut microbiome
Haolong WangFish genetic breeding, Comparative genomics Pathobiology20192023 Xu Wang (grad student)
Jerry Craig Waters1974 George W. Folkerts (grad student)
Craig A. Weatherby1982 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Edward E. Wester1986 Robert (Bob) Hughes Mount (grad student)
Jeremy A. Whitemammalogy, small mammals, bats, foraging20022008 Paul R. Moosman (collaborator), Troy L. Best (grad student)
Michael L. Williams
Janna Willoughby
Honggang ZhaoGenomics Fisheries20132019 Eric J. Peatman (grad student)
Min ZhongPhylogenetics, invertebrate biology2009 Kenneth M. Halanych (grad student)
Heather S. Zimbler-DeLorenzoZoology Biology, Ecology Biology2009 F Stephen Dobson (grad student)