Syracuse University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Nicole BonusoPaleoecology Cathryn R. Newton (grad student)
J Albert C. UyZoology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology
Thomas CaracoEvolution, Ecology Larry Louis Wolf (grad student)
James (Jim) Scott Coleman
Jannice Friedman
Austin M GarnerAnimal attachment, functional morphology, biomimetics, bio-inspired materials
Georgianna G. Gould2001 Larry Louis Wolf (grad student)
Thomas F Green
Sherri L. Gross2000 Larry Louis Wolf (grad student)
Henrietta Edgecomb Hooker1889 Carl Ignaz Leopold Kny (grad student)
Jorge L. Hurtado-GonzalesBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology Biology2011 J Albert C. Uy (grad student)
Mollie K. Maniersexual selection, evolution
Bruce Charles MeyerPhilosophy and Psychology of Moral Development Graduate School of Education19911995 Thomas F Green (grad student)
Andrew Moura Department of Biology & BioInspired Institute2022 Austin M Garner (grad student)
Cathryn R. Newton
Aditya RaoSperm Motility, Evolution, Sexual Selection, Evolutionary Biology2009 Scott Pitnick (grad student)
Jayashree Ratnam2002 Larry Louis Wolf (grad student)
Matthew J RubinQuantitative genetics, evolutionary biology, high-throughput phenotyping Biology Jannice Friedman (post-doc)
Richard Symanski19651971 David Edward Sopher (grad student)
D. Alexander Wait Biology1997 James (Jim) Scott Coleman (grad student)
Michael T Whalencarbonate sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, mass extinctions Earth Science19851993 Cathryn R. Newton (grad student)
Brian J. WilseyEcology Biology, Range Management Agriculture, Botany Biology, Conservation Biology Samuel J. McNaughton (grad student)
Ellen M. WisnerZoology Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Development Biology Biology2011 J Albert C. Uy (grad student)
Larry Louis Wolf