Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kathryn L. Amatangelo
David B. Baier Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2006 Stephen M. Gatesy (grad student), Elizabeth L. Brainerd (post-doc)
Alan O. Bergland2010 Marc Tatar (grad student)
Leann M. Biancani Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20092015 David M. Rand (research assistant)
Christopher E. BirdIntertidal Ecology, Larval Transport, Population Genetics, Evolution, Community Ecology19981998 Mark D. Bertness (grad student)
David Boerma Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Alberto Bortoni2023 Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Bianca Regina BrownEvolution, Ecology
Matthew Thomas Carranovertebrate paleontology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology19881991 Christine M. Janis (research assistant)
Melody T. ChanCombinatorics and algebraic geometry, particularly tropical geometry
Andrew B. Clifford2009 Stephen M. Gatesy (grad student)
Zachary James Cook
Weinig Cynthia Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Linda Deegan
Kathleen DonohueEcological genetics Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Lisa Dorn Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Susan Dudleyplant evolutionary ecology Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Casey W. Dunn
Zachary C DunsethArchaeology, microarchaeology, animal dung
Kathleen D. Earls2000 Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Erika J. Edwardsbotany, evolution, systematics
Kory M. EvansIchthyology, morphological evolution, systematics, comparative anatomy, development, and trophic ecology20192020 Elizabeth L. Brainerd (post-doc)
Philip Fahn-Lai2014 Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Wendell Flemingapplied mathematics
Gillian L. Galford2010 Jerry M. Melillo (grad student)
Samantha Gartner Thomas J. Roberts (post-doc)
Stephen M. Gatesy
Anne Giblin
Jacquelyn Lee Gillpaleoecology, climate change, biogeography2012 Dov F. Sax (post-doc)
Roger T. Hanlon
Shane S. Heschel2000 Johanna Schmitt (grad student)
John Eyres Hobbie
Heidrun Huber Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Julie A. Huber
Kristin Hultgrenevolutionary ecology, decorator crabs, synalphid shrimp, marine symbioses19992000 Mark D. Bertness (research assistant)
Jose Iriarte-Diaz2009 Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Christine M. JanisVertebrate Paleontology
Emily B. JosephsEvolutionary genetics Johanna Schmitt (research assistant)
Rachel KalisherBioarchaeology Archaeology20172024 Sharon M. Swartz (grad student), Andrew Scherer (grad student)
Robert Kambicneuroscience, biomechanics, functional morphology, paleontology Stephen M. Gatesy (grad student), Stephen M. Gatesy (grad student)
Peter M. Kareivaecology, conservation biology
James R. Kellner
Margaret Kidwelltransposable element evolution Masatoshi Nei (grad student)
Kealoha Kinney Eleanor Sterling (grad student)
Jennifer Knies2007 Daniel M. Weinreich (post-doc)
Tonia Korves Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Léo F. Laporte
Andrew B. LesliePaleobotany
Wen-Hsiung LiMolecular Evolution1972 Wendell Fleming (grad student), Masatoshi Nei (grad student)
Randy Linder Johanna Schmitt (grad student)
Armita R. Manafzadeh Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20162022 Stephen M. Gatesy (grad student)
Jerry M. Melillo
Kevin M. Middleton2003 Stephen M. Gatesy (grad student)
Kristi L. Montoothevolutionary physiological genetics20052008 David M. Rand (post-doc)
Douglass H. MorseBehavioral Ecology, Life History Evolution
Brook T. Moyerslocal adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, population genetics, quantitative genetics20072008 Johanna Schmitt (research assistant)
James G. NapoliVertebrate paleontology, evolution, morphology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20162017 Christine M. Janis (research assistant), Stephen M. Gatesy (research assistant)
Kimberly Neil Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2013 David M. Rand (grad student)
Christopher Neill
Joaquin C. B. NunezEcological Genomics, Population Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Genomics Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20152020 David M. Rand (grad student)
Pamela O'Neil Johanna Schmitt (grad student)
Alpheus Spring Packard, Jr.Entomology
Tao Pangapplied mathematics2002 Wendell Fleming (grad student)
Jarrod PetersenBiomechanics Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2015 Thomas J. Roberts (grad student)
Stephen Porder
Anton Post
Jonathan B. PuritzPopulation Genomics, Molecular Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology20032005 Jon D. Witman (research assistant)
Colin Purrington Johanna Schmitt (grad student)
Brooke L. Quinnbiomechanics of flight, bats Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Sohini Ramachandran
David M. Rand
Edward Rastetter
Jeremy Rehm Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Dale A. Ritter
Noah H. RoseEvolution, genetics, ecology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20102012 Daniel M. Weinreich (research assistant), Douglass H. Morse (research assistant)
Andrea Rummel Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2021 Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
Tim Sacktonevolutionary genetics19992002 David M. Rand (research assistant)
Johanna SchmittPlant ecological genomics and evolutionary ecology; mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity
Cosima Schunk Engineering20122017 Sharon M. Swartz (grad student)
William Tecumseh Sherman Fitch, IIIevolution of language, evolution of music19891994 Philip Lieberman (grad student)
Katherine F. Smith
Mitchell L. SoginPhylogenetics, Evolution
Kelsey StilsonPaleomammalogy, evo-devo Elizabeth L. Brainerd (post-doc)
John R. StinchcombeEvolutionary genetics, Evolutionary ecology Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Sakthi Swarrup Sharon M. Swartz (post-doc)
Sharon M. Swartz
Marc Tatar Ecology and Evolutionary Biology James R Carey (grad student)
Yuko ToyonagaEcological Genetics2005 Johanna Schmitt (grad student)
Morgan L Turner Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2015 Stephen M. Gatesy (grad student)
Eric J. von WettbergPopulation genetics2007 Johanna Schmitt (grad student)
Daniel M. WeinreichMicrobial experimental evolution, protein evolution, theoretical population genetics
Hannah Weller20172023 Elizabeth L. Brainerd (grad student)
Timothy J. Whitfeld
Amity Wilczekplant ecological genetics Johanna Schmitt (post-doc)
Jon D. Witmansubtidal community ecology