Eisa Mohamed Abdellatif | | | | 1985 | Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student) |
Francine R. Abe | Zoology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 2004 | 2010 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student), Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Robin Kurian Abraham | | | | 2016 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Byron Alexander | | | | | George Eickwort (grad student) |
David E. Alexander | Animal flight biomechanics, evolution of animal flight | | | | |
Blythe E. Alexander | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2011 | Rudolf Jander (grad student) |
Helen M. Alexander | Ecology | | | | Mark Rausher (grad student) |
Kaitlin Elizabeth Allen Tapondjou | | | | 2021 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Mabel Alvarado | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2018 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Marina Anciaes | | | | 2006 | Richard Prum (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Michael J Andersen | Systematics and biogeography of birds | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2008 | 2013 | Robert G. Moyle (grad student) |
Marshall Lee Andersen | | | | 1978 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Robert P. Anderson | Biogeography, mammalogy | | | 2001 | Robert M. Timm (grad student) |
Brendan Matthew Anderson | Paleobiology, Evolution, Paleoclimatology, Geosciences, Earth Sciences | Geology | 2011 | 2013 | Alison Olcott Marshall (grad student) |
Lyall I. Anderson | | | | | Paul A. Selden (grad student) |
Temashio Anderson | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Robin Madeline Andrews | | | | 1971 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Ernest Edward Angino | | | | 1961 | Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student) |
Kenneth Barclay Armitage | Ecology Biology | | | | |
David Michael Armstrong | | | | 1971 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
Gloria Arratia | biology of fishes, early teleost diversity, paleontology | | | | |
Peter Ashlock | | | | | |
Sharon M. Ashworth | Ecology Biology | | | 2003 | Kelly Kindscher (grad student) |
William R. Atchley | Computational biology, molecular evolution | | | 1970 | George W. Byers (grad student) |
Stephen M. Baca | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | | Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student) |
Samik Bagchi | | | | 2017 | Sharon A. Billings (post-doc) |
Rollin H. Baker | mammalogy | | | 1948 | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Anthony J. Barley | Herpetology, systematics | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2014 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Brian Lee Beatty | Anatomy, paleobiology, histology, feeding, marine mammals | | 2003 | 2006 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
Robert Beer | | | | | |
William J. Bell | | | | | |
Nasbah Hunter Ben | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Daniel J. Bennett | Entomology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2010 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Bastian Bentlage | Systematic Biology, Zoology Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Paulyn Cartwright (grad student) |
Thomas Joseph Berger | | | | 1985 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Amy Betz | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 2022 | 2024 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Sharon A. Billings | Ecosystem ecology, Terrestrial ecology, Biogeochemistry, Soil Science, Soil microbial ecology | | | | |
Fernando J Bird-Pico | herpetology, population genetics, phylogenetics | Vertebrate Paleontology Systematics and Ecology | 1987 | 1994 | Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student), William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Elmer Clea Birney | | | 1966 | 1970 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
David C. Blackburn | Evolution, amphibian biology | Biodiversity Institute Biodiversity Institute | 2008 | 2011 | Rafe Marion Brown (post-doc), Linda Trueb (post-doc) |
William Louis Bloom | | | | | |
Justin P. Blumenstiel | Evolutionary Genetics, Transposable Elements | | | | |
Daniel T Blumstein | The evolution of behavior and the integration of behavior and conservation biology. | EEB | 1995 | 1998 | Kenneth Barclay Armitage (post-doc) |
Sarah A Bodbyl Roels | Mating system evolution, monkeyflowers | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 2006 | 2012 | John K. Kelly (grad student) |
Elisa A. Bonaccorso | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2007 | Linda Trueb (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Kimberly S. Bostwick | | | | 2002 | Richard Prum (grad student) |
John Bedell Bowles | | | | 1971 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
Brenda Brandon | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
LaRoy S. Brandt | Entomology Biology, Genetics | | 1998 | 2003 | Michael D Greenfield (grad student) |
Marc A. Branham | | | | | |
Michael Breed | social insects, social behavior | | | | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Laura C.V. Breitkreuz | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2018 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Rafe Marion Brown | Herpetology, systematics | | | | |
Kate Buckeridge | | | | 2015 | Sharon A. Billings (post-doc) |
Arthur L. Buikema, Jr. | | | | 1965 | Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student) |
William Leslie Burger | | | | 1971 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Ray Donald Burkett | | | | 1969 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
David A. Burnham | Vertebrate Paleontology | Geology | | 2007 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
Patricia Annabelle Burrowes | | | | 1997 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
William H. Burt | systematics, distribution, and ecology of mammals | | | 1927 | Henry H. Lane (research assistant) |
George W. Byers | | | | | |
Steven Byrum | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2017 | 2019 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
A. Alberto Cadena | | | | 1977 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
Janalee P. Caldwell | | Systematics and Ecology | | 1974 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Sydney A. Cameron | systematics and comparative behavior of bees | | | | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Joseph Camin | | | | | |
Jonathan A. Campbell | Herpetology | | | 1983 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
David C. Cannatella | Evolution and Development Biology, Animal Physiology Biology | Systematics and Ecology | 1979 | 1985 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Anna Carlson | Zoology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2007 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student) |
Teresa M. Carroll | Ecology Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2009 | James H. Thorp (grad student) |
Paulny Cartwright | Evolution and Development Biology, Human Development | | | | |
Paulyn Cartwright | Systematic Biology, Zoology Biology | | | | |
Paulyn Cartwright | invertebrate zoology | | | | |
Michelle Marie Casey | paleobiology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2013 | 2015 | Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc) |
Lisa M. Castle | Ecology | | | 2006 | Bryan L. Foster (grad student) |
Stefan Cerbin | Transposable elements | | 2021 | | Justin P. Blumenstiel (post-doc) |
Kin Onn Chan | | | | 2017 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Joanne Chapman | | Molecular Biosciences | 2017 | | Robert L. Unckless (grad student) |
Pingfu Chen | Zoology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2008 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Jerry R. Choate | mammalogy | | 1965 | 1969 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student), Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
John Chorn | | | | 1984 | Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student) |
Matt Christopher | Vertebrate Paleontology | | 2002 | 2006 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
Joanna J. Cielocha | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | 2013 | Kirsten Jensen (grad student) |
Peter Walter Claassen | | Entomology | | 1915 | Samuel John Hunter (grad student) |
Donald Ray Clark, Jr. | | | | 1968 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Richard Cloutier | | | | 1990 | Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student) |
Kerry Allen Cobb | | | | 2016 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
E. Lendell Cockrum | | Zoology | | 1951 | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Cathy D. Collins | Ecology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2009 | Bryan L. Foster (grad student) |
Joseph (Joe) Thomas Collins | Herpetology | | 1968 | | William Edward Duellman (research assistant), Frank Bernard Cross (research assistant) |
Luis Coloma | | | | 1997 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Curtis R. Congreve | Paleontology, Evolution and Development Biology, Geology | Geology | 2006 | 2013 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Daniel J. Crawford | Plant Systematics | | | | |
Frank Bernard Cross | Ichthyology, conservation | | | | |
Martha (Marty) Lynn Crump | herpetology, behavioral ecology, life history | | | 1974 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Charity L. Cummings | Ecology | | | 2000 | Helen M. Alexander (grad student) |
Helio Ricardo da Silva | Herpetology, Anura, Morphology, Systematics, Natural History | | 1992 | 1998 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Howell Vann Daly, Jr. | systematics of bees | | | 1960 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Bryan N. Danforth | bees | | | | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Steven R. Davis | Entomology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2014 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Matthew P. Davis | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | | Edward O. Wiley (grad student), W. Leo Smith (post-doc) |
Gabriel Augusto Rodrigues de Melo | entomology, systematics | | 1993 | 1998 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Alan Duncan Dean | | | | 1992 | Sally Kay Mason (grad student) |
Shannon C. DeVaney | Zoology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2008 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student) |
Myron Dewey | | Indigemous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Raul Eduardo Diaz, Jr. | Evolution and Development Biology, Zoology Biology, Genetics | Anatomy & Cell Biology | | 2012 | Paul A. Trainor (grad student) |
Timothy L. Dickson | Ecology | | | 2006 | Bryan L. Foster (grad student) |
Laura Lynnette Dornak | Orthithology | | | 2012 | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Matt Downen | Fossil spiders, taphonomy | Geology | 2012 | 2020 | Paul A. Selden (grad student) |
William Edward Duellman | herpetology, systematics | | | | |
Stephen D. Durrant | Phylogeny | | | | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Sushil Kumar Dutta | | | | | |
Andrew R Dzialowski | (Ecology) | | 1999 | 2004 | Val H. Smith (grad student) |
Anthony (Tony) Allan Echelle | Zoology Biology, Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology | | | | Henry S. Fitch (research assistant) |
Alice Fitch Echelle | Ecology, Evolution, Genetics | | | | Henry S. Fitch (research assistant) |
Arthur (Sandy) Charles Echternacht | herpetology | | | 1970 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
David Ray Edds | | | | 1977 | Frank Bernard Cross (research assistant) |
Stephen R. Edwards | | | | 1974 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Paul R. Ehrlich | conservation biology, population ecology | | | 1957 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
K. Taro Eldredege | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2017 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
D. J. Emry | Ecology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2008 | Helen M. Alexander (grad student) |
Michael S. Engel | Entomology | | | | |
Jacob A. Esselstyn | Herpetology, systematics | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2010 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
W. Sue Fairbanks | | | | 1992 | Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student) |
Amanda R. Falk | Ornithology, Paleontology, Functional Morphology, Ichnology | Biology | 2007 | 2013 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
John Peter Farney | | | | 1976 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
Christopher J. Fielitz | | | | | |
James S. Findley | Mammalogy | | 1950 | 1955 | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Henry S. Fitch | | | | | |
Robert C. Fleischer | | | | 1983 | Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student) |
Brandy Fogg | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
George Lawrence Forman | | | | 1969 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
Bryan L. Foster | Ecology | | | | |
Alexandra Fraser | Ecology | | | 2003 | Bryan L. Foster (grad student) |
John S. Frost | Cytogenetics | | | | |
Darrel Richmond Frost | | | | 1988 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Allison Marie Fuiten | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Ian W. Gapp | Paleontology, Paleoecology, Geology | Geology | 2007 | 2014 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Jon Gelhaus | | | | 1989 | George W. Byers (grad student) |
Hugh Howard Genoways | | | | 1971 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student), Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Laci M. Gerhart Barley | Ecology Biology, Climate Change, Botany Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2013 | Joy K. Ward (grad student) |
Michael Ghedotti | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | | Edward O. Wiley (grad student) |
Sarah Z Gibson | paleontology, ichthyology | Geology | 2012 | 2017 | Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student), Paul A. Selden (grad student), Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Cole Gilbert | | | | 1986 | Rudolf Jander (grad student) |
Matthew Girard | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2014 | | W. Leo Smith (grad student) |
Jennifer C. Girón | Entomology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2015 | | Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student) |
Jennifer M. Gleason | Evolutionary behavioral genetics | | | | |
Katrina E. Gobetz | Vertebrate Paleontology | | | 2004 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
Thomas Good | | Systematics and Ecology | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Michael Gottfried | | | | 1992 | Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student) |
Allie M. Graham | Evolutionary Genetics | | | | |
Eli Greenbaum | | | | 2006 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Michael D Greenfield | Evolution and Evolutionary Biology, Animal Behavior, Animal Communication, Evolutionary Genetics, Sexual Selection | | | | |
Jesse L. Grismer | | | | 2016 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Juan M. Guayasamin | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2007 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Grey T. Gustafson | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | | Andrew E. Z. Short (post-doc) |
Russell J. Hall | | | | 1969 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Eugene Raymond Hall | Mammalogy | | | | |
Lawrence R. Heaney | | | | 1979 | Robert S. Hoffmann (grad student) |
Tracy A. Heath | phylogenetics | | 2008 | 2010 | Mark T. Holder (post-doc) |
Claude W. Hibbard | Paleontology | Zoology | | 1934 | Henry H. Lane (grad student) |
David M. Hillis | phylogenetics, molecular evolution, computational biology | | 1981 | 1985 | William Edward Duellman (grad student), John S. Frost (grad student) |
Paul M. Hime | | Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum | 2017 | 2021 | Richard E. Glor (post-doc) |
Ismael A. Hinojosa-Diaz | Entomology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2010 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Robert S. Hoffmann | mammalian ecology, systematics | | | | |
Nancy I. Holcroft Benson | Zoology | | | 2003 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student) |
Mark T. Holder | Phylogenetics | | | | |
Stanley Holder | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Nicholas Hotton, III | Permo-Triassic fauna | | | | |
Katherien Humphrey | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Carl Richard Hutter | | | | 2019 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student), Richard E. Glor (grad student) |
Richard A. J. Williams | Ecology Biology, Virology Biology | | | | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Rudolf Jander | | | | | |
Yikweon Jang | | Entomology | 1991 | 1997 | Michael D Greenfield (grad student) |
Ming-Luen Jeng | Entomology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2008 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Kirsten Jensen | | | | | |
Feng-you Jia | | Entomology | 1995 | 1999 | Michael D Greenfield (grad student) |
J. Knox Jones, Jr | Mammalogy | | | | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Vernon Lyman Kellogg | | Entomology | 1890 | 1892 | Francis (Frank) Huntington Snow (grad student) |
John K. Kelly | quantitative and population genetics, plant mating system evolution | | | | |
Kristina K. Kichler | Population Genetics, Experimental Evolution | | | | |
Jon R. Kieckhefer | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2004 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Julien Kimmig | Paleontology, Sedimentology, Geology | Biodiversity Institute Biodiversity Institute | 2016 | 2019 | Bruce S. Lieberman (research scientist), Bruce S. Lieberman (collaborator) |
Kelly Kindscher | Ecology Biology, Conservation Biology, Botany Biology, Natural Resource Management | | | | |
David Alan Kizirian | | | | 1994 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Daniel A. Kluza | Ecology Biology | | | 2002 | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Vanessa A. Koelling | speciation, plant mating systems | | 2008 | | John K. Kelly (post-doc) |
Kayla Kolis | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2015 | 2017 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Thomas H. Kunz | | | | 1971 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
James C. Lamsdell | Palaeontology, Paleontology, Palaeobiology, Paleobiology, Macroevolution, Macroecology, Evolution, Arthropods | Geology | 2010 | 2014 | Paul A. Selden (grad student) |
Henry H. Lane | Zoology | | | | |
Rhiannon J. LaVine | Paleontology, evolutionary biology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2020 | | Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc) |
Julian C. Lee | | | | 1977 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Edgar Lehr | | | 2005 | 2006 | William Edward Duellman (post-doc) |
Jianwei Li | | | | 2012 | Sharon A. Billings (post-doc) |
Bruce S. Lieberman | Paleontology, Evolution and Development Biology | | | | |
Jason A. Lillegraven | Vertebrate paleontology, mammal evolution | | | | William A. Clemens (grad student) |
Hangkyo Lim | Entomology Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology | | 1999 | 2006 | Michael D Greenfield (grad student) |
Angela Lindsay-Nunn | | American Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Charles W. Linkem | Herpetology, systematics | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Andres Lira Noriega | Ecology Biology, Botany Biology, General Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2014 | Jorge Soberon (grad student) |
Charles Long | | | | | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Quinn Long | Ecology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2010 | Bryan L. Foster (grad student) |
Richard B. Loomis | | | | 1956 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
George H. Lowery | | | | | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
John D. Lynch | Herpetology | | | 1969 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Anne M. Maglia | | | | 2000 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Sean P. Maher | mammals, biogeography, disease | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 2004 | 2010 | Robert M. Timm (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
D. Luke Mahler | | | 2014 | 2015 | Richard E. Glor (post-doc) |
Crystal Maier | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | | Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student) |
Alex J Maile | Phylogenetics, Ichthyology, Deep-sea | | 2023 | | Matthew P. Davis (grad student), W. Leo Smith (grad student) |
Luis Malaret | | | | 1985 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Tara N. Marriage | quantitative and population genetics, plant mating system evolution | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2009 | John K. Kelly (grad student), Maria E. Orive (grad student) |
Larry D. Martin | Vertebrate Paleontology | | | | |
Rene P. Martin | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2017 | 2022 | W. Leo Smith (grad student) |
Enrique Martinez-Meyer | Ecology Biology, Geography, Genetics | | | 2002 | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Ana Mendoza Maya | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 2022 | 2024 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Richard L. Mayden | molecular and morphological traits, systematics, ecology, and historical biogeography of freshwater fishes | | | 1985 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student) |
Leroy Ritter McClenaghan | | | | 1977 | Michael S. Gaines (grad student) |
Clarence Erwin McClung | chromosomal basis of heredity | | | 1902 | Samuel Wendell Williston (grad student) |
David S. McLeod | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2010 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Amy M. McMillan | | Entomology | 1992 | 1998 | Michael D Greenfield (grad student) |
Kristina M. McNyset | Zoology | | | 2005 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Claire A. McPartlin | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2010 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Emily Jane McTavish | Computational biology, genomic evolution, phylogeography | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2013 | 2016 | Mark T. Holder (post-doc) |
Heidi Mehl | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Daniel J. Meinhardt | | | | 2002 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Joseph R. Mendelson, III | Zoology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics | | | 1997 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Anne M. Michels | Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology, Genetics, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture | | | 2000 | Norman A. Slade (grad student) |
Charles Duncan Michener | systematics, social insects, social behavior, evolution | | | | |
Kathryn E. Mickle | Zoology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Edward O. Wiley (grad student), Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student) |
Peter E. Midford | Comparative Methods, Behavior | | | | Mark T. Holder (post-doc) |
Kyungjin Min | | | | 2017 | Sharon A. Billings (grad student) |
Robert Minckley | | Entomology Entomology | 1992 | 1994 | Michael D Greenfield (post-doc), Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Wendell Lee Minckley | Conservation Biology, Aquatic Ecology, Ecological & Systematic Ichthyology | Zoology | 1957 | 1959 | Frank Bernard Cross (grad student) |
Julius Penalba Mojica | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | 2006 | 2011 | John K. Kelly (grad student) |
Richard Roman Montanucci | | | | 1972 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Jennifer Moody-Weis | Ecology | | | 2007 | Helen M. Alexander (grad student) |
Rachel Moore | | Biodiversity Institute | 2005 | 2006 | Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc) |
Randall Lee Morrison | | | | 1993 | Sally Kay Mason (grad student) |
Michael Eugene Morrison | | | | 1994 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Cheryl A. Murphy | Ecology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Bryan L. Foster (grad student) |
Corinne E. Myers | Paleontology, Paleoecology, Geology | Geology | | 2013 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Daniel A. Najera | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2009 | Rudolf Jander (grad student) |
Yoshinori J. Nakazawa Ueji | Ecology Biology, Geography | | | 2009 | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Warrit Natapot | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | 2007 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student), Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Annalise M. Nawrocki | Evolution and Development Biology, Human Development | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Paulny Cartwright (grad student) |
Kathleen R. Nuckolls | Ecology Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Systematics and Ecology | | 2010 | Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student), Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Arpad S. Nyari | Systematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Zoology Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2011 | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Brian J. O'Neill | Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Conservation Biology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | 2014 | James H. Thorp (grad student) |
Jamie R. Oaks | Phylogenetics | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | 2013 | Mark T. Holder (grad student), Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Karen Veronica Olson | | | | 2021 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Maria E. Orive | Genetics, Botany Biology | | | | |
Miguel A. Ortega-Huerta | Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology | | | 2002 | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
William Overal | | | | 1980 | George W. Byers (grad student) |
Robert L. Packard | | | | | Rollin H. Baker (grad student), Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Gary C. Packard | | | | 1966 | Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student) |
Monica Papes | Ecology Biology | | | 2009 | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
David Pennock | | Systematics and Ecology | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Walker Pett | Molecular Evolution | | 2017 | 2018 | Mark T. Holder (post-doc) |
Amanda A. Pierce | behavioral genetics | | | | Jennifer M. Gleason (research assistant) |
Raymond Pierotti | Marine mammals, seabirds, ecology, behavior, evolutionary ecology, behavioral ecology, Indigenous knowledge | | | | |
Dwight Rich Platt | | | | 1966 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Michael Van Plummer | | | | 1976 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Alexis F. Powell | | | | | A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Jennifer B. Pramuk | | | | 2004 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Gregory K. Pregill | | | | 1979 | William Edward Duellman (grad student), Larry D. Martin (grad student), Edward O. Wiley (grad student), Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Richard Prum | | | | | |
Lourdes A. Pugener | | | | 2002 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Rebecca Ann Pyles | | | | 1988 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Erin J. Questad | Ecology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2008 | Bryan L. Foster (grad student) |
Dennis Grant Rainey | | | | 1955 | Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student) |
Alexis S. Reed | Ecology Biology, General Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Climate Change | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Sharon A. Billings (grad student) |
Gerald T. Regan | | | | 1972 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Klaus Reinhold | | Entomology | 1995 | 1997 | Michael D Greenfield (post-doc) |
Chester Bernard Rideout | | | | 1974 | Robert S. Hoffmann (grad student) |
Molly G. Rightmyer | | | | 2006 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student), Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Alycia L. Rode | Paleontology, Paleoecology | | | 2004 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Rafael L. Rodriguez | Entomology Biology | | 1998 | 2002 | Michael D Greenfield (grad student) |
F. James Rohlf | | | | 1962 | Robert R. Sokal (grad student) |
Sievert A. Rohwer | Ornithology | Zoology | | 1971 | Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student) |
Arturo Roig-Alsina | | Entomology | | | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Andrea Romero | Tropical Ecology, Systematics, Mammalian Ecology, Host/parasite Relationships | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | 2013 | Robert M. Timm (grad student) |
Jerome G. Rozen, Jr. | Systematics, Entomology | Entomology | | 1951 | Charles Duncan Michener (collaborator) |
Patricia E. Ryberg | Botany Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2009 | Edith L. Taylor (grad student) |
Brian James Sanderson | Sex ratio, selfish genes | | 2007 | 2009 | Jennifer M. Gleason (research assistant) |
Jamel S. Sandidge | quantitative and population genetics, plant mating system evolution | | | 2005 | John K. Kelly (grad student) |
Erin E. Saupe | | Geology | 2008 | 2014 | Paul A. Selden (grad student) |
Alan H. Savitzky | | | 1972 | 1978 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Coby Schal | Chemical ecology, behavior, insect communication | Entomology | 1976 | 1983 | William J. Bell (grad student) |
Gary D. Schnell | ornithology, mammalogy | | | 1969 | Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student) |
Edwin Scholes | | | | 2006 | Richard Prum (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Hans-Peter Schultze | Systematic Biology, Paleontology, Anatomy Biology | | | | |
Richard A. Seigel | | | | 1984 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Paul A. Selden | Paleontology, Evolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology | | | | |
Christopher A. Sheil | | | | 2003 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
ChulWoo Shin | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2015 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Andrew E. Z. Short | Entomology | | | | |
Cameron D. Siler | Herpetology, systematics | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2011 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Fernando A. Silveira | | Entomolohy | | | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
John E. Simmons | | | | | William Edward Duellman (research assistant), Linda Trueb (research assistant) |
Marianna V.P. Simões | Spatial ecology, Entomology, Systematics, Taxonomy | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2013 | 2017 | Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Norman A. Slade | Ecology Biology | | | | |
Hobart Muir Smith | herpetology | | | 1936 | Edward Harrison Taylor (grad student) |
W. Leo Smith | | | | | |
Val H. Smith | | | | | |
James Dale Smith | | | | 1969 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
Arnold Kenneth Smith, Jr. | | | | 1973 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Allan H. Smith-Pardo | Entomology | | | 2005 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
W. Andrew Snedden | | Entomology | 1995 | 2001 | Michael D Greenfield (post-doc) |
Jorge Soberon | Ecology Biology, Botany Biology, General Biology | | | | |
Pamela S. Soltis | Botany | Systematics and Ecology | | 1986 | James L. Hamrick (grad student), William Louis Bloom (grad student) |
Robert G. Sprackland | Herpetology, systematics, physiology | | 1985 | 1987 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
Thomas M. Stanley | Paleontology, Geology, Biostatistics Biology | | | 2000 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
William P. Stephen | | Entomology | | 1952 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Margaret Stevens | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Lois Stevens | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Alycia L Stigall | paleobiology, biogeography, macroevolution, brachiopods | Geology | 1999 | 2004 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Karl Stockhammer | | | | | |
Luke Strotz | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2016 | 2018 | Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc) |
Jeet Sukumaran | phylogenetics, biogeography, phylogeography, | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2012 | Mark T. Holder (grad student), Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Stephanie J. Swenson | | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2007 | Michael S. Engel (grad student) |
Robert K. Swihart | | | | 1985 | Norman A. Slade (grad student) |
Valerie Switzler | | Indigenous Nations Studies | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Kevin L. Tang | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | | Edward O. Wiley (grad student) |
Walter Paulin Tapondjou Nkonmeneck | | | | 2022 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Edith L. Taylor | Botany Biology | | | | |
Edward Harrison Taylor | | | | 1927 | Clarence Erwin McClung (grad student), Henry H. Lane (grad student) |
Julie Taylor | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2018 | 2019 | Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student) |
Denise Giselle Thibaudeau | | | | 1991 | Sally Kay Mason (grad student) |
James H. Thorp | Ecology Biology | | | | |
Lisa K. Tiemann | Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Microbiology Biology | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | | 2011 | Sharon A. Billings (grad student) |
Robert M. Timm | Tropical Ecology, Systematics, Mammalian Ecology, Host/parasite Relationships | | | | |
Omar Torres-Carvajal | | | | 2005 | Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Michael Tourtellot | | | | | William J. Bell (grad student) |
James C. Trager | Taxonmy, community ecology of ants | Entomology | 1974 | 1977 | Charles Duncan Michener (grad student) |
Scott Louis Travers | | | | 2019 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Linda Trueb | | | | 1968 | William Edward Duellman (grad student) |
Ronald William Turner | | | | 1971 | J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student) |
Robert L. Unckless | Evolution/Ecology | | | | |
Robert Charles Waltner | | | | 1979 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Joy K. Ward | Ecology Biology, Climate Change, Botany Biology | | | | |
Robert Gravem Webb | herpetology, systematics, biogeography | | | 1960 | Henry S. Fitch (grad student) |
Jeffrey Logan Weinell | | | | 2022 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
Corey K. Welch | Physiological Ecology, biogeography | Systematics and Ecology | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Luke Jarett Welton | | | | 2012 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student) |
David Henry Wenrich | | | 1911 | 1912 | Clarence Erwin McClung (grad student) |
Anna Whitaker | | Museum Sciences | 2018 | 2020 | Julien Kimmig (grad student) |
Chris Widga | Paleontology; Archaeology; Paleoecology; Stable isotopes | Anthropology | | | Jack L. Hofman (grad student) |
Erik R. Wild | Herpetology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology | | 1988 | 1997 | William Edward Duellman (grad student), Linda Trueb (grad student) |
Edward O. Wiley | Zoology | | | | |
Deborah Williams | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Scott Williamson | Genetics, Biostatistics Biology | | | 2003 | Maria E. Orive (grad student) |
Samuel Wendell Williston | Paleontology | | | | |
Pamela Wilson | | Systematics and Ecology | | | Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
Lawrence M. Witmer | | | 1983 | 1987 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
Brett C. Woods | Ecology Biology, Animal Physiology Biology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | | 2001 | Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student), Raymond Pierotti (grad student) |
April M. Wright | Computational biology, phylogenetics | | 2016 | 2017 | Mark T. Holder (post-doc) |
David F. Wright | Macroevolution, Paleontology, Phylogenetics, Echinoderm paleobiology, Crinoidea | | | | |
Heather A. York | Mammals, Bats, Neotropical Ecology | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2001 | 2007 | Robert M. Timm (grad student) |
Jiaye Yu | | | 2008 | 2010 | Mark T. Holder (post-doc) |
Jin-Ho Yun | Algal biotechnology, biomass conversion, biorefinery, evolutionary engineering, microalgal-bacterial interaction | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2011 | 2014 | Val H. Smith (grad student) |
Za Xicuo Za Xicuo | | | | 2016 | Rafe Marion Brown (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student) |
Zhou Zhonghe | | | | 1999 | Larry D. Martin (grad student) |
Yihong Zhou | | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology | 2006 | 2008 | Michael D Greenfield (post-doc) |
Derrick J. Zwickl | Phylogenetics, computational biology | | | | Mark T. Holder (post-doc) |