University of Kansas

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Eisa Mohamed Abdellatif1985 Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student)
Francine R. AbeZoology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20042010 Edward O. Wiley (grad student), Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Robin Kurian Abraham2016 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Byron Alexander George Eickwort (grad student)
David E. AlexanderAnimal flight biomechanics, evolution of animal flight
Blythe E. Alexander Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2011 Rudolf Jander (grad student)
Helen M. AlexanderEcology Mark Rausher (grad student)
Kaitlin Elizabeth Allen Tapondjou2021 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Mabel Alvarado Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2018 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Marina Anciaes2006 Richard Prum (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Michael J AndersenSystematics and biogeography of birds Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20082013 Robert G. Moyle (grad student)
Marshall Lee Andersen1978 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Robert P. AndersonBiogeography, mammalogy2001 Robert M. Timm (grad student)
Brendan Matthew AndersonPaleobiology, Evolution, Paleoclimatology, Geosciences, Earth Sciences Geology20112013 Alison Olcott Marshall (grad student)
Lyall I. Anderson Paul A. Selden (grad student)
Temashio Anderson Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Robin Madeline Andrews1971 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Ernest Edward Angino1961 Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student)
Kenneth Barclay ArmitageEcology Biology
David Michael Armstrong1971 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
Gloria Arratiabiology of fishes, early teleost diversity, paleontology
Peter Ashlock
Sharon M. AshworthEcology Biology2003 Kelly Kindscher (grad student)
William R. AtchleyComputational biology, molecular evolution1970 George W. Byers (grad student)
Stephen M. Baca Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student)
Samik Bagchi2017 Sharon A. Billings (post-doc)
Rollin H. Bakermammalogy1948 Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Anthony J. BarleyHerpetology, systematics Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2014 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Brian Lee BeattyAnatomy, paleobiology, histology, feeding, marine mammals 20032006 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Robert Beer
William J. Bell
Nasbah Hunter Ben Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Daniel J. BennettEntomology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2010 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Bastian BentlageSystematic Biology, Zoology Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 Paulyn Cartwright (grad student)
Thomas Joseph Berger1985 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Amy Betz Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20222024 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Sharon A. BillingsEcosystem ecology, Terrestrial ecology, Biogeochemistry, Soil Science, Soil microbial ecology
Fernando J Bird-Picoherpetology, population genetics, phylogenetics Vertebrate Paleontology Systematics and Ecology19871994 Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student), William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Elmer Clea Birney19661970 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
David C. BlackburnEvolution, amphibian biology Biodiversity Institute Biodiversity Institute20082011 Rafe Marion Brown (post-doc), Linda Trueb (post-doc)
William Louis Bloom
Justin P. BlumenstielEvolutionary Genetics, Transposable Elements
Daniel T BlumsteinThe evolution of behavior and the integration of behavior and conservation biology. EEB19951998 Kenneth Barclay Armitage (post-doc)
Sarah A Bodbyl RoelsMating system evolution, monkeyflowers Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20062012 John K. Kelly (grad student)
Elisa A. Bonaccorso Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2007 Linda Trueb (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Kimberly S. Bostwick2002 Richard Prum (grad student)
John Bedell Bowles1971 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
Brenda Brandon Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
LaRoy S. BrandtEntomology Biology, Genetics19982003 Michael D Greenfield (grad student)
Marc A. Branham
Michael Breedsocial insects, social behavior Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Laura C.V. Breitkreuz Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2018 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Rafe Marion BrownHerpetology, systematics
Kate Buckeridge2015 Sharon A. Billings (post-doc)
Arthur L. Buikema, Jr.1965 Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student)
William Leslie Burger1971 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Ray Donald Burkett1969 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
David A. BurnhamVertebrate Paleontology Geology2007 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Patricia Annabelle Burrowes1997 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
William H. Burtsystematics, distribution, and ecology of mammals1927 Henry H. Lane (research assistant)
George W. Byers
Steven Byrum Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20172019 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
A. Alberto Cadena1977 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
Janalee P. Caldwell Systematics and Ecology1974 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Sydney A. Cameronsystematics and comparative behavior of bees Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Joseph Camin
Jonathan A. CampbellHerpetology1983 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
David C. CannatellaEvolution and Development Biology, Animal Physiology Biology Systematics and Ecology19791985 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Anna CarlsonZoology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2007 Edward O. Wiley (grad student)
Teresa M. CarrollEcology Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2009 James H. Thorp (grad student)
Paulny CartwrightEvolution and Development Biology, Human Development
Paulyn CartwrightSystematic Biology, Zoology Biology
Paulyn Cartwrightinvertebrate zoology
Michelle Marie Caseypaleobiology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20132015 Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc)
Lisa M. CastleEcology2006 Bryan L. Foster (grad student)
Stefan CerbinTransposable elements2021 Justin P. Blumenstiel (post-doc)
Kin Onn Chan2017 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Joanne Chapman Molecular Biosciences2017 Robert L. Unckless (grad student)
Pingfu ChenZoology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2008 Edward O. Wiley (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Jerry R. Choatemammalogy19651969 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student), Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
John Chorn1984 Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student)
Matt ChristopherVertebrate Paleontology20022006 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Joanna J. Cielocha Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2013 Kirsten Jensen (grad student)
Peter Walter Claassen Entomology1915 Samuel John Hunter (grad student)
Donald Ray Clark, Jr.1968 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Richard Cloutier1990 Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student)
Kerry Allen Cobb2016 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
E. Lendell Cockrum Zoology1951 Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Cathy D. CollinsEcology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2009 Bryan L. Foster (grad student)
Joseph (Joe) Thomas CollinsHerpetology1968 William Edward Duellman (research assistant), Frank Bernard Cross (research assistant)
Luis Coloma1997 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Curtis R. CongrevePaleontology, Evolution and Development Biology, Geology Geology20062013 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Daniel J. CrawfordPlant Systematics
Frank Bernard CrossIchthyology, conservation
Martha (Marty) Lynn Crumpherpetology, behavioral ecology, life history1974 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Charity L. CummingsEcology2000 Helen M. Alexander (grad student)
Helio Ricardo da SilvaHerpetology, Anura, Morphology, Systematics, Natural History19921998 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Howell Vann Daly, Jr.systematics of bees1960 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Bryan N. Danforthbees Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Steven R. DavisEntomology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2014 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Matthew P. Davis Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Edward O. Wiley (grad student), W. Leo Smith (post-doc)
Gabriel Augusto Rodrigues de Meloentomology, systematics19931998 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Alan Duncan Dean1992 Sally Kay Mason (grad student)
Shannon C. DeVaneyZoology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2008 Edward O. Wiley (grad student)
Myron Dewey Indigemous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Raul Eduardo Diaz, Jr.Evolution and Development Biology, Zoology Biology, Genetics Anatomy & Cell Biology2012 Paul A. Trainor (grad student)
Timothy L. DicksonEcology2006 Bryan L. Foster (grad student)
Laura Lynnette DornakOrthithology2012 A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Matt DownenFossil spiders, taphonomy Geology20122020 Paul A. Selden (grad student)
William Edward Duellmanherpetology, systematics
Stephen D. DurrantPhylogeny Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Sushil Kumar Dutta
Andrew R Dzialowski(Ecology)19992004 Val H. Smith (grad student)
Anthony (Tony) Allan EchelleZoology Biology, Ecology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology Henry S. Fitch (research assistant)
Alice Fitch EchelleEcology, Evolution, Genetics Henry S. Fitch (research assistant)
Arthur (Sandy) Charles Echternachtherpetology1970 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
David Ray Edds1977 Frank Bernard Cross (research assistant)
Stephen R. Edwards1974 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Paul R. Ehrlichconservation biology, population ecology1957 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
K. Taro Eldredege Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2017 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
D. J. EmryEcology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2008 Helen M. Alexander (grad student)
Michael S. EngelEntomology
Jacob A. EsselstynHerpetology, systematics Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2010 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
W. Sue Fairbanks1992 Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student)
Amanda R. FalkOrnithology, Paleontology, Functional Morphology, Ichnology Biology20072013 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
John Peter Farney1976 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
Christopher J. Fielitz
James S. FindleyMammalogy19501955 Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Henry S. Fitch
Robert C. Fleischer1983 Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student)
Brandy Fogg Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
George Lawrence Forman1969 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
Bryan L. FosterEcology
Alexandra FraserEcology2003 Bryan L. Foster (grad student)
John S. FrostCytogenetics
Darrel Richmond Frost1988 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Allison Marie Fuiten Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Ian W. GappPaleontology, Paleoecology, Geology Geology20072014 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Jon Gelhaus1989 George W. Byers (grad student)
Hugh Howard Genoways1971 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student), Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Laci M. Gerhart BarleyEcology Biology, Climate Change, Botany Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2013 Joy K. Ward (grad student)
Michael Ghedotti Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Edward O. Wiley (grad student)
Sarah Z Gibsonpaleontology, ichthyology Geology20122017 Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student), Paul A. Selden (grad student), Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Cole Gilbert1986 Rudolf Jander (grad student)
Matthew Girard Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2014 W. Leo Smith (grad student)
Jennifer C. GirónEntomology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2015 Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student)
Jennifer M. GleasonEvolutionary behavioral genetics
Katrina E. GobetzVertebrate Paleontology2004 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Thomas Good Systematics and Ecology Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Michael Gottfried1992 Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student)
Allie M. GrahamEvolutionary Genetics
Eli Greenbaum2006 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Michael D GreenfieldEvolution and Evolutionary Biology, Animal Behavior, Animal Communication, Evolutionary Genetics, Sexual Selection
Jesse L. Grismer2016 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Juan M. Guayasamin Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2007 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Grey T. Gustafson Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Andrew E. Z. Short (post-doc)
Russell J. Hall1969 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Eugene Raymond HallMammalogy
Lawrence R. Heaney1979 Robert S. Hoffmann (grad student)
Tracy A. Heathphylogenetics20082010 Mark T. Holder (post-doc)
Claude W. HibbardPaleontology Zoology1934 Henry H. Lane (grad student)
David M. Hillisphylogenetics, molecular evolution, computational biology19811985 William Edward Duellman (grad student), John S. Frost (grad student)
Paul M. Hime Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum20172021 Richard E. Glor (post-doc)
Ismael A. Hinojosa-DiazEntomology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2010 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Robert S. Hoffmannmammalian ecology, systematics
Nancy I. Holcroft BensonZoology2003 Edward O. Wiley (grad student)
Mark T. HolderPhylogenetics
Stanley Holder Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Nicholas Hotton, IIIPermo-Triassic fauna
Katherien Humphrey Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Carl Richard Hutter2019 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student), Richard E. Glor (grad student)
Richard A. J. WilliamsEcology Biology, Virology Biology A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Rudolf Jander
Yikweon Jang Entomology19911997 Michael D Greenfield (grad student)
Ming-Luen JengEntomology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2008 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Kirsten Jensen
Feng-you Jia Entomology19951999 Michael D Greenfield (grad student)
J. Knox Jones, JrMammalogy Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Vernon Lyman Kellogg Entomology18901892 Francis (Frank) Huntington Snow (grad student)
John K. Kellyquantitative and population genetics, plant mating system evolution
Kristina K. KichlerPopulation Genetics, Experimental Evolution
Jon R. Kieckhefer Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2004 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Julien KimmigPaleontology, Sedimentology, Geology Biodiversity Institute Biodiversity Institute20162019 Bruce S. Lieberman (research scientist), Bruce S. Lieberman (collaborator)
Kelly KindscherEcology Biology, Conservation Biology, Botany Biology, Natural Resource Management
David Alan Kizirian1994 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Daniel A. KluzaEcology Biology2002 A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Vanessa A. Koellingspeciation, plant mating systems2008 John K. Kelly (post-doc)
Kayla Kolis Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20152017 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Thomas H. Kunz1971 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
James C. LamsdellPalaeontology, Paleontology, Palaeobiology, Paleobiology, Macroevolution, Macroecology, Evolution, Arthropods Geology20102014 Paul A. Selden (grad student)
Henry H. LaneZoology
Rhiannon J. LaVinePaleontology, evolutionary biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2020 Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc)
Julian C. Lee1977 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Edgar Lehr20052006 William Edward Duellman (post-doc)
Jianwei Li2012 Sharon A. Billings (post-doc)
Bruce S. LiebermanPaleontology, Evolution and Development Biology
Jason A. LillegravenVertebrate paleontology, mammal evolution William A. Clemens (grad student)
Hangkyo LimEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology19992006 Michael D Greenfield (grad student)
Angela Lindsay-Nunn American Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Charles W. LinkemHerpetology, systematics Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Andres Lira NoriegaEcology Biology, Botany Biology, General Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2014 Jorge Soberon (grad student)
Charles Long Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Quinn LongEcology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2010 Bryan L. Foster (grad student)
Richard B. Loomis1956 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
George H. Lowery Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
John D. LynchHerpetology1969 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Anne M. Maglia2000 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Sean P. Mahermammals, biogeography, disease Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20042010 Robert M. Timm (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
D. Luke Mahler20142015 Richard E. Glor (post-doc)
Crystal Maier Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student)
Alex J MailePhylogenetics, Ichthyology, Deep-sea2023 Matthew P. Davis (grad student), W. Leo Smith (grad student)
Luis Malaret1985 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Tara N. Marriagequantitative and population genetics, plant mating system evolution Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2009 John K. Kelly (grad student), Maria E. Orive (grad student)
Larry D. MartinVertebrate Paleontology
Rene P. Martin Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20172022 W. Leo Smith (grad student)
Enrique Martinez-MeyerEcology Biology, Geography, Genetics2002 A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Ana Mendoza Maya Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20222024 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Richard L. Maydenmolecular and morphological traits, systematics, ecology, and historical biogeography of freshwater fishes1985 Edward O. Wiley (grad student)
Leroy Ritter McClenaghan1977 Michael S. Gaines (grad student)
Clarence Erwin McClungchromosomal basis of heredity1902 Samuel Wendell Williston (grad student)
David S. McLeod Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2010 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Amy M. McMillan Entomology19921998 Michael D Greenfield (grad student)
Kristina M. McNysetZoology2005 Edward O. Wiley (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Claire A. McPartlin Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2010 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Emily Jane McTavishComputational biology, genomic evolution, phylogeography Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20132016 Mark T. Holder (post-doc)
Heidi Mehl Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Daniel J. Meinhardt2002 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Joseph R. Mendelson, IIIZoology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics1997 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Anne M. MichelsEcology Biology, Zoology Biology, Genetics, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture2000 Norman A. Slade (grad student)
Charles Duncan Michenersystematics, social insects, social behavior, evolution
Kathryn E. MickleZoology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2012 Edward O. Wiley (grad student), Hans-Peter Schultze (grad student)
Peter E. MidfordComparative Methods, Behavior Mark T. Holder (post-doc)
Kyungjin Min2017 Sharon A. Billings (grad student)
Robert Minckley Entomology Entomology19921994 Michael D Greenfield (post-doc), Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Wendell Lee MinckleyConservation Biology, Aquatic Ecology, Ecological & Systematic Ichthyology Zoology19571959 Frank Bernard Cross (grad student)
Julius Penalba Mojica Ecology & Evolutionary Biology20062011 John K. Kelly (grad student)
Richard Roman Montanucci1972 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Jennifer Moody-WeisEcology2007 Helen M. Alexander (grad student)
Rachel Moore Biodiversity Institute20052006 Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc)
Randall Lee Morrison1993 Sally Kay Mason (grad student)
Michael Eugene Morrison1994 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Cheryl A. MurphyEcology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 Bryan L. Foster (grad student)
Corinne E. MyersPaleontology, Paleoecology, Geology Geology2013 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Daniel A. Najera Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2009 Rudolf Jander (grad student)
Yoshinori J. Nakazawa UejiEcology Biology, Geography2009 A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Warrit Natapot Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2007 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student), Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Annalise M. NawrockiEvolution and Development Biology, Human Development Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 Paulny Cartwright (grad student)
Kathleen R. NuckollsEcology Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Systematics and Ecology2010 Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student), Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Arpad S. NyariSystematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Zoology Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2011 A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Brian J. O'NeillEcology Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Conservation Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2014 James H. Thorp (grad student)
Jamie R. OaksPhylogenetics Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2013 Mark T. Holder (grad student), Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Karen Veronica Olson2021 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Maria E. OriveGenetics, Botany Biology
Miguel A. Ortega-HuertaEnvironmental Sciences, Ecology Biology2002 A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
William Overal1980 George W. Byers (grad student)
Robert L. Packard Rollin H. Baker (grad student), Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Gary C. Packard1966 Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student)
Monica PapesEcology Biology2009 A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
David Pennock Systematics and Ecology Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Walker PettMolecular Evolution20172018 Mark T. Holder (post-doc)
Amanda A. Piercebehavioral genetics Jennifer M. Gleason (research assistant)
Raymond PierottiMarine mammals, seabirds, ecology, behavior, evolutionary ecology, behavioral ecology, Indigenous knowledge
Dwight Rich Platt1966 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Michael Van Plummer1976 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Alexis F. Powell A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Jennifer B. Pramuk2004 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Gregory K. Pregill1979 William Edward Duellman (grad student), Larry D. Martin (grad student), Edward O. Wiley (grad student), Linda Trueb (grad student)
Richard Prum
Lourdes A. Pugener2002 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Rebecca Ann Pyles1988 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Erin J. QuestadEcology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2008 Bryan L. Foster (grad student)
Dennis Grant Rainey1955 Eugene Raymond Hall (grad student)
Alexis S. ReedEcology Biology, General Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Climate Change Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 Sharon A. Billings (grad student)
Gerald T. Regan1972 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Klaus Reinhold Entomology19951997 Michael D Greenfield (post-doc)
Chester Bernard Rideout1974 Robert S. Hoffmann (grad student)
Molly G. Rightmyer2006 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student), Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Alycia L. RodePaleontology, Paleoecology2004 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Rafael L. RodriguezEntomology Biology19982002 Michael D Greenfield (grad student)
F. James Rohlf1962 Robert R. Sokal (grad student)
Sievert A. RohwerOrnithology Zoology1971 Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student)
Arturo Roig-Alsina Entomology Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Andrea RomeroTropical Ecology, Systematics, Mammalian Ecology, Host/parasite Relationships Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2013 Robert M. Timm (grad student)
Jerome G. Rozen, Jr.Systematics, Entomology Entomology1951 Charles Duncan Michener (collaborator)
Patricia E. RybergBotany Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2009 Edith L. Taylor (grad student)
Brian James SandersonSex ratio, selfish genes20072009 Jennifer M. Gleason (research assistant)
Jamel S. Sandidgequantitative and population genetics, plant mating system evolution2005 John K. Kelly (grad student)
Erin E. Saupe Geology20082014 Paul A. Selden (grad student)
Alan H. Savitzky19721978 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Coby SchalChemical ecology, behavior, insect communication Entomology19761983 William J. Bell (grad student)
Gary D. Schnellornithology, mammalogy1969 Richard Fourness Johnston (grad student)
Edwin Scholes2006 Richard Prum (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Hans-Peter SchultzeSystematic Biology, Paleontology, Anatomy Biology
Richard A. Seigel1984 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Paul A. SeldenPaleontology, Evolution and Development Biology, Ecology Biology
Christopher A. Sheil2003 Linda Trueb (grad student)
ChulWoo Shin Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2015 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Andrew E. Z. ShortEntomology
Cameron D. SilerHerpetology, systematics Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2011 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Fernando A. Silveira Entomolohy Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
John E. Simmons William Edward Duellman (research assistant), Linda Trueb (research assistant)
Marianna V.P. SimõesSpatial ecology, Entomology, Systematics, Taxonomy Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20132017 Andrew E. Z. Short (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Norman A. SladeEcology Biology
Hobart Muir Smithherpetology1936 Edward Harrison Taylor (grad student)
W. Leo Smith
Val H. Smith
James Dale Smith1969 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
Arnold Kenneth Smith, Jr.1973 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Allan H. Smith-PardoEntomology2005 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
W. Andrew Snedden Entomology19952001 Michael D Greenfield (post-doc)
Jorge SoberonEcology Biology, Botany Biology, General Biology
Pamela S. SoltisBotany Systematics and Ecology1986 James L. Hamrick (grad student), William Louis Bloom (grad student)
Robert G. SpracklandHerpetology, systematics, physiology19851987 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Thomas M. StanleyPaleontology, Geology, Biostatistics Biology2000 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
William P. Stephen Entomology1952 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Margaret Stevens Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Lois Stevens Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Alycia L Stigallpaleobiology, biogeography, macroevolution, brachiopods Geology19992004 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Karl Stockhammer
Luke Strotz Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20162018 Bruce S. Lieberman (post-doc)
Jeet Sukumaranphylogenetics, biogeography, phylogeography, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2012 Mark T. Holder (grad student), Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Stephanie J. Swenson Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2007 Michael S. Engel (grad student)
Robert K. Swihart1985 Norman A. Slade (grad student)
Valerie Switzler Indigenous Nations Studies Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Kevin L. Tang Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Edward O. Wiley (grad student)
Walter Paulin Tapondjou Nkonmeneck2022 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Edith L. TaylorBotany Biology
Edward Harrison Taylor1927 Clarence Erwin McClung (grad student), Henry H. Lane (grad student)
Julie Taylor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20182019 Bruce S. Lieberman (grad student)
Denise Giselle Thibaudeau1991 Sally Kay Mason (grad student)
James H. ThorpEcology Biology
Lisa K. TiemannEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Microbiology Biology Ecology & Evolutionary Biology2011 Sharon A. Billings (grad student)
Robert M. TimmTropical Ecology, Systematics, Mammalian Ecology, Host/parasite Relationships
Omar Torres-Carvajal2005 Linda Trueb (grad student)
Michael Tourtellot William J. Bell (grad student)
James C. TragerTaxonmy, community ecology of ants Entomology19741977 Charles Duncan Michener (grad student)
Scott Louis Travers2019 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Linda Trueb1968 William Edward Duellman (grad student)
Ronald William Turner1971 J. Knox Jones, Jr (grad student)
Robert L. UncklessEvolution/Ecology
Robert Charles Waltner1979 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Joy K. WardEcology Biology, Climate Change, Botany Biology
Robert Gravem Webbherpetology, systematics, biogeography1960 Henry S. Fitch (grad student)
Jeffrey Logan Weinell2022 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
Corey K. WelchPhysiological Ecology, biogeography Systematics and Ecology Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Luke Jarett Welton2012 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student)
David Henry Wenrich19111912 Clarence Erwin McClung (grad student)
Anna Whitaker Museum Sciences20182020 Julien Kimmig (grad student)
Chris WidgaPaleontology; Archaeology; Paleoecology; Stable isotopes Anthropology Jack L. Hofman (grad student)
Erik R. WildHerpetology, Systematics, Evolution, Ecology19881997 William Edward Duellman (grad student), Linda Trueb (grad student)
Edward O. WileyZoology
Deborah Williams Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Scott WilliamsonGenetics, Biostatistics Biology2003 Maria E. Orive (grad student)
Samuel Wendell WillistonPaleontology
Pamela Wilson Systematics and Ecology Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
Lawrence M. Witmer19831987 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Brett C. WoodsEcology Biology, Animal Physiology Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2001 Kenneth Barclay Armitage (grad student), Raymond Pierotti (grad student)
April M. WrightComputational biology, phylogenetics20162017 Mark T. Holder (post-doc)
David F. WrightMacroevolution, Paleontology, Phylogenetics, Echinoderm paleobiology, Crinoidea
Heather A. YorkMammals, Bats, Neotropical Ecology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20012007 Robert M. Timm (grad student)
Jiaye Yu20082010 Mark T. Holder (post-doc)
Jin-Ho YunAlgal biotechnology, biomass conversion, biorefinery, evolutionary engineering, microalgal-bacterial interaction Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20112014 Val H. Smith (grad student)
Za Xicuo Za Xicuo2016 Rafe Marion Brown (grad student), A. Townsend Peterson (grad student)
Zhou Zhonghe1999 Larry D. Martin (grad student)
Yihong Zhou Ecology and Evolutionary Biology20062008 Michael D Greenfield (post-doc)
Derrick J. ZwicklPhylogenetics, computational biology Mark T. Holder (post-doc)