Texas A & M University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Shawna Hubert Poultry20152019 Giri Athrey (grad student)
Louis Addae-Wireko Ecosystem Science and Management2014 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
Headley Cadwallader Adelmann1967 John Gilman Mackin (grad student)
James Alfieri Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Biology2018 Giri Athrey (grad student), Heath Blackmon (grad student)
Nicole F. Angeli2017 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Jyot D Antaniflagellar motor, bacteriophage, biophysics Chemical Engineering20162021 Pushkar P. Lele (grad student)
John Stirling Applegarth
Giri AthreyEvolutionary Genetics, Vector Biology, Livestock Genomics Michel A. Slotman (post-doc)
Richard John Baldauf1956 George Edwin Potter (grad student)
Royce Eugene Ballinger1971 Donald Ray Clark, Jr. (grad student)
David W. BapstPaleobiology, Phylogenetics,
Perry Barboza
Peregrine S. Barboza
Andres Barboza Genetics and Genomics2022 Heath Blackmon (grad student)
Apurba K. BarmanEntomology Biology, Botany Biology, Genetics, Systematic Biology2011 Raul F. Medina (grad student)
Kristen Anne Baum2003 Robert Norris Coulson (grad student), William Louis Rubink (grad student)
Christina L. BelangerPaleontology, Paleoceanography, Stratigraphy
Joseph BernardoBiogeography, ecology (especially of salamanders)
Neha BhatHuman Development, Genetics, Cell Biology Biology2013 Bruce B. Riley (grad student)
John W. Bickman
Joseph P. BielawskiGenetics2000 John Gold (grad student)
Heath BlackmonGenome evolution
Chase Brooke Ecosystem Science and Management20152017 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
Christine M. Budke
Isabel C. CaballeroGenetics, Zoology Biology, Conservation Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics and Genomics2017 Charles D Criscione (post-doc)
James J. CaiSingle-cell Biology, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing
Jeffrey Douglas Camper1990 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Claudio Casola20062007 Cedric Feschotte (post-doc)
Sean Chien Biology2022 Heath Blackmon (grad student)
Scott E. ChirhartMammalogy, Systematics, Evolution, Cytogenetics2003 Ira F. Greenbaum (grad student)
James Learned Christiansen
Kristina Chyn2019 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Rebecca Clark
April Ann Torres Conkey20002009 R. Douglas Slack (grad student)
Megan Copeland Biology2022 Heath Blackmon (grad student)
Robert Norris Coulson
Charles D Criscioneparasitology, evolution, ecology
Scott Kevin Davis
Gage Hart Dayton2005 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Robert Hayes Dean1984 James R. Dixon (grad student)
William (Bill) George Degenhardt1960 George Edwin Potter (grad student), William B. Davis (grad student)
J. Andrew DeWoodymolecular ecology/evolution and conservation genomics19921994 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Aaron M. DickeyEvolution and Development Biology, Entomology Biology, Parasitology Biology2010 Raul F. Medina (grad student)
Lawrence Samuel Dillon1954 Jake C. Gaines, Jr. (grad student), Henry Jonathan Reinhard (grad student)
James R. Dixon1961 Lawrence Samuel Dillon (grad student)
Robert Clark Dowler1982 John W. Bickman (grad student), David Schmidly (grad student)
Katherine A. DunnEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2001 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Jorja Elliott Biology2020 Heath Blackmon (grad student)
Mark D. EngstromMammalogy John W. Bickham (grad student), David Schmidly (grad student)
Majid Fasihi HarandiParasitology Department of Veterinary Integrative Biology20102011 Christine M. Budke (research scientist)
Lee A. FitzgeraldHerpetology, ecology, conservation biology
Robert Ryland Fleet1972 Donald Ray Clark, Jr. (grad student)
Dan H. Foley IIILizard Ecology Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences19911994 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Michael R.J. Forstner19911995 Scott Kevin Davis (grad student), James R. Dixon (grad student)
Laurence J. FrabottaEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2005 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Qiuyi (Joey) Fu Horticultural Sciences20202022 Oscar Riera-Lizarazu (grad student)
Daniel Stephen Gallagher1979 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Oranit GiladEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2006 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Haramrit Kaur Gill Horticultural Sciences20202024 Oscar Riera-Lizarazu (grad student)
John Gold
Jacquelyn K. Grace20072014 David J. Anderson (grad student)
William E. Grant
Ira F. GreenbaumMammalogy, Systematics, Evolution, Cytogenetics
Brian David Greene1993 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Charles J. GreenwaldGenetics, Evolution and Development Biology2010 Heather H. Wilkinson (grad student)
Danielle M. GreerOrnithology2010 R. Douglas Slack (grad student)
Ricky L. HammerSystematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology2010 James Manhart (grad student)
Amy J. HammettMicrobiology Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture2011 Heather H. Wilkinson (grad student)
April D. HarlinEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2004 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Kaya Harper2023 Heath Blackmon (grad student), Alex Keene (grad student)
Louise Hayes1992 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Fred Samuel Hendricks1975 James R. Dixon (grad student)
John M. Heraty Jim Woolley (grad student)
Toby J. Hibbitts2000 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Carl E HjelmenGenome Size, Genetics, Drosophila, Entomology, Genome Evolution Entomology Biology Entomology20192018 J. Spencer Johnston (grad student), Heath Blackmon (post-doc), Aaron M. Tarone (post-doc)
Rodney L. HoneycuttEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy
Ryan M. HuebingerGenetics, Oceanography Biology2007 John W. Bickham (grad student)
Mohamed A Ibrahim Poultry20172021 Giri Athrey (grad student)
Colleen M. IngramEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2005 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Anitha IsaiahMicrobiome, Anaerobes, Bile acids, Gut microbiota
John J. Jacisin2016 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
John P. JanovecBotany Biology2000 James Manhart (grad student)
Seth J. Johnson Entomology Winfield Sterling (grad student)
Jerry Douglas Johnson1984 James R. Dixon (grad student)
J. Spencer Johnston
Adam G. Jones
Michelle M JonikaEvolutionary Biology, Computational Biology, Genetics, Genomics Biology2018 Heath Blackmon (grad student)
Andrew C. KasnerOrnithology2004 R. Douglas Slack (grad student)
Chelsey Arthur Ketchersid1974 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Abigail A KimmittBehavioral Ecology, Evolution, Molecular Biology, Neuroendocrinology, Speciation Ecology and Conservation Biology20212021 Jacquelyn K. Grace (post-doc)
Christopher P. Kofron1980 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Anke Konradmolecular evolution, comparative genomics, bioinformatics VIBS20142019 Vaishali Katju (post-doc)
George Martin Krise, Jr.
Brandi L. KutilGenetics, Molecular Biology2006 Heather H. Wilkinson (grad student)
Su J. KwakGenetics, Molecular Biology2006 Bruce B. Riley (grad student)
Jeekin Lau Horticultural Sciences20212024 Oscar Riera-Lizarazu (post-doc)
Pablo A. Lavin-Murcio1998 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Anna Michelle LawingVertebrate evolution, herpetology, climate change biology
Daniel Jacob Leavitt2012 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Jessica E. LightMammal systematics
Liang-Li LiuOrnithology2006 R. Douglas Slack (grad student)
Charles R. Long
Hernán López-FernándezEvolutionary Ecology, Phylogenetics, Ichthyology, Macroevolution2004 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student), Kirk O. Winemiller (grad student)
Catherine L. MaloneEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2000 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
James ManhartSystematic Biology, Evolution and Development Biology
Elizabeth Ann Marchio2019 David Scott (grad student)
Jeff M. MartinBison Biology, Wildlife Sciences, Conservation Paleobiology Rangeland, Wildlife, & Fisheries Management20162020 Peregrine S. Barboza (grad student)
Mariana Mateos
Charles Michael Mather1976 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Cole W. MatsonToxicology, Genetics, Ecology Biology, Environmental Sciences Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences19992004 John W. Bickham (grad student)
Karen McBee1985 John W. Bickham (grad student)
Raul F. MedinaEvolution and Development Biology, Entomology Biology, Parasitology Biology
Robert Melde20192021 Vaishali Katju (research assistant)
Bonny B. MillimakiHuman Development, Genetics, Zoology Biology, Cell Biology2010 Bruce B. Riley (grad student)
Kenyon B. Mobleysexual selection, mating systems, population genetics, fishes2007 Adam G. Jones (grad student)
José Manuel Mora1991 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Arnulfo Moreno-ValdezEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2000 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Lydia Morley Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Daniel Spalink (grad student)
Daniel Osorio20172021 James J. Cai (grad student)
John D. Oswaldinsect systematics, insect collections
Kimberly A. Paczolt2012 Adam G. Jones (grad student)
Mahesh PadanadHuman Development, Genetics, Molecular Biology2011 Bruce B. Riley (grad student)
Charlyn G. Partridge2009 Adam G. Jones (grad student)
Bryan T. PhillipsGenetics, Animal Physiology Biology2004 Bruce B. Riley (grad student)
Carlos Adres PinzonGenome Editing VTPP20142017 Charles R. Long (grad student)
Glenn A. ProudfootEcology, Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics19992005 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Jerry Lee Putnam1970 Lawrence Samuel Dillon (grad student)
Nicholas L. Ratterman2012 Adam G. Jones (grad student)
Zena Rawandoozi Horticultural Sciences2020 Oscar Riera-Lizarazu (post-doc)
Beth A. Reinkevisual signaling, aquatic ecology, evolutionary ecology Anna Michelle Lawing (post-doc)
Breann M. S. Richeyinvasion biology, anthropogenic impacts, animal behavior Ecology and Conservation Biology2020 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
Jimmy Daren Riedle2014 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Oscar Riera-LizarazuPlant Genetics and Breeding
Bruce B. RileyEvolution and Development Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Carlos V. Rivero-Blanco1979 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Douglas Clark Robinson1968 Richard John Baldauf (grad student)
Diane L. RoweEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2002 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Sarah N. Ruckman20182020 Heath Blackmon (grad student)
Daniel Saenz2004 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Katie K SanbonmatsuSystematics, Phylogenetics, evolution, plants Ecology and Conservation Biology Daniel Spalink (grad student)
James Glenn Saxon1970 James R. Dixon (grad student), Howard G. Applegate (grad student)
Christopher Michael Schalk2016 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Sunny K. Scobell2011 Adam G. Jones (grad student)
Dawn A. SherryOrnithology2006 R. Douglas Slack (grad student)
Rachel Short20162020 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
Leila Siciliano-Martina Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2016 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
Kyle Simpson Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Daniel Spalink (grad student)
Jack W. Sites, Jr.1980 James R. Dixon (grad student), John W. Bickman (grad student)
R. Douglas SlackOrnithology
Michel A. SlotmanEvolutionary Genetics, Medical Entomology
Clayton M. Small Biology2012 Adam G. Jones (grad student)
Nicole Limunga Smolensky2014 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Hojun SongInsect systematics, locust biology
Daniel Spalink
Winfield Sterling Entomology1969 Perry Lee Adkisson (grad student)
Michael R. Strand Entomology1985 S. Bradleigh Vinson (grad student)
Philip D. Sudman19861989 Ira F. Greenbaum (grad student)
Todd M. SwannackForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Ecology Biology2007 James R. Dixon (grad student), William E. Grant (grad student)
Carol D. SwartzToxicology, Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology2004 John W. Bickham (grad student)
Elly M. SweetHuman Development, Molecular Biology2010 Bruce B. Riley (grad student)
Cristiane H. Taniguti Horticultural Sciences20212024 Oscar Riera-Lizarazu (post-doc)
Martin K. TerryBotany Biology, Genetics, Archaeology Anthropology2005 James Manhart (grad student)
Robert Allen Thomas1976 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Mathias W. ToblerEvolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy2008 Rodney L. Honeycutt (grad student)
Michael Louis Treglia2014 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Robert G. TrujilloGenetics, Molecular Biology2005 John W. Bickham (grad student)
Hitoshi Tsujimoto Zach Adelman (post-doc)
Priscilla Tucker1984 John W. Bickham (grad student)
Tom Turner John Gold (post-doc)
Shruti VemarajuEvolution and Development Biology, Neuroscience Biology2011 Bruce B. Riley (grad student)
Wesley VermillionVertebrate Paleontology Ecosystem Science and Management20142016 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
Mindy L. WalkerMammalogy, Systematics, Evolution, Cytogenetics2005 Ira F. Greenbaum (grad student)
Danielle Kathryn Walkup2018 Lee A. Fitzgerald (grad student)
Xiaoxue WangGenetics, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture2006 John Gold (grad student)
Tsuyoshi WatanabeOrnithology2006 R. Douglas Slack (grad student)
Laura S. WeberOrnithology2012 R. Douglas Slack (grad student)
Jeshu K. WeerasingheMammalogy, Systematics, Evolution, Cytogenetics2002 Ira F. Greenbaum (grad student)
James West Ecosystem Science and Management2018 Anna Michelle Lawing (grad student)
Martin John Whiting1993 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Thane Richard WibbelsMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Zoology Biology1988 David William Owens (grad student)
Jeff K. Wickliffe John W. Bickham (grad student)
John Alton Wiest, Jr.1978 James R. Dixon (grad student)
Heather H. WilkinsonGenetics, Evolution and Development Biology
Travis J Williams Poultry20172023 Giri Athrey (grad student)
Jim Woolley
Henry Hubert Ziller1969 George Martin Krise, Jr. (grad student)