Duke University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ehab AbouheifEvolutionary Biology2002 Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
Jennifer M. Adeneyavian ecology, conservation Ecology2009 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Susan C. AlbertsEvolution and Development Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology
David E. AlexanderAnimal flight biomechanics, evolution of animal flight19771982 Steve Vogel (grad student)
Ross A. AlfordPopulation, community, and disease ecology, herpetology Zoology19811986 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Martha R. Alonzo-JohnsenPhysiology Biology, Human Development Biology2014 Margaret L. Kirby (grad student)
Jill T. Andersonplant ecological genetics Thomas Mitchell-Olds (post-doc)
Janis Antonovicsevolutionary genetics and genomics, infectious disease
Elizabeth A. ArchieZoology Biology2005 Susan C. Alberts (grad student)
Jennifer M. Arrington2004 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
Aaron C. AshihTheoretical Ecology2001 William G. Wilson (grad student)
Joseph Randle Bailey
Jamie Baldwin FergusAnimal Physiology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Evolution and Development Biology Biology2012 Sonke Johnsen (grad student)
James P. Balhoffevolutionary biology, bioinformatics19992005 Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
Maria Soledad Benitez Ponce Biology20112014 Rytas Vilgalys (post-doc), James S. Clark (post-doc)
Joseph BernardoBiogeography, ecology (especially of salamanders)1991 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Alejandro BerrioEpigenetics, evolution and Behaviour Biology Biology2019 Gregory A. Wray (post-doc), David R. McClay (post-doc)
James Bever Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Sharon A. BillingsEcosystem ecology, Terrestrial ecology, Biogeochemistry, Soil Science, Soil microbial ecology1998 Daniel deB. Richter (grad student)
Benjamin K. BlackmanEvolutionary genetics20092012 John H. Willis (post-doc)
Michael J. Blum Neurobehavioral Toxicology, pesticides, marine toxins, lead, mercury, zebrafish, mammalian toxicology2002 Daniel A. Livingstone (grad student)
Gregory M. BonitoFungal evolution and phylogenetics Biology2009 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Amy Bouck Biology John H. Willis (post-doc)
Richard Conrad BruceAmphibian life history Zoology1968 Joseph Randle Bailey (grad student), Frank John Vernberg (grad student)
William A. Calder, III19631966 Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (grad student)
Charles H. Cannon2000 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
Gongyuan Caoplant evolution Department of Biology2019 Mark Rausher (grad student)
Andrea Case20032005 John H. Willis (post-doc)
Robert Christopher Chambers1984 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Xianrui Cheng Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2012 David R. McClay (grad student)
Patrick I. ChiyoBehavioral Sciences Psychology, Ecology Biology, Zoology Biology Biology2010 Susan C. Alberts (grad student)
Charles N. CiampaglioPaleobiology, Philosophy2002 Daniel W. McShea (grad student)
Keith Clay Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Paul A. Colinvaux Zoology1962 Daniel A. Livingstone (grad student)
Arielle M. Cooley Biology2008 John H. Willis (grad student)
Brian A. CountermanEvolution, drosophila genetics, heliconius20022007 Mohamed A.F. Noor (grad student)
Clifford W. Cunninghamevolution
Susan Faith Dakin1978 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Lisa Davenportanimal behavior
Elena T. Davisprimate behavior, conservation2004 Theresa Pope (grad student)
Donald Max Davis Zoology1969 Joseph Randle Bailey (grad student)
Fred DietrichYeast Genetics
Stephanie DiezmannYeast Genetics Genetics and Genomics2009 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
Luke J. DollarEcology Biology2006 Kenneth E. Glander (grad student)
Kathleen DonohueEcological genetics Ecology and Evolution Ellen L. Simms (grad student)
Norman A. Douglas2007 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
Tanya M. Duncan Biology20052013 Mark Rausher (grad student)
Norman C. EllstrandApplied plant population genetics19781979 Janis Antonovics (post-doc)
Douglas J. EmlenSexual Selection, Animal Weapons, evolution of developmental mechanisms, plasticity Herman Frederik Joseph Leonard Nijhout (post-doc)
Anne-Claire Fabre
Lincoln Fairchild1979 Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Nita A. FarahanyPhilosophy, History of Science, Genetics2006 Alex Rosenberg (grad student)
John Edward Fauth1990 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Olivier Fedrigomolecular evolution, Genomics
Chunmiao FengBotany Biology, Evolution and Development Biology, Molecular Biology Department of Biology20112016 Meng Chen (post-doc)
Lila Fishman John H. Willis (post-doc)
Courtney L. FitzpatrickEvolution and Development Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Biology2012 Susan C. Alberts (grad student)
Lex E. FlagelGenetics Biology John H. Willis (post-doc)
Randall T. FordPhysical Anthropology, General Biology Evolutionary Anthropology2010 Kenneth E. Glander (grad student)
German Forero Medinaavian ecology, conservation Ecology2012 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Norma Lee Fowler1978 Janis Antonovics (grad student)
David A. GarfieldGenetics, Development, Evolutionary Biology Biology2011 Gregory A. Wray (grad student)
Jayne S. GersonZoology Biology, Ecology Biology, Physical Anthropology2000 Kenneth E. Glander (grad student)
Michael A. Gilchrist19962001 Janis Antonovics (grad student), William G. Wilson (grad student)
Kenneth E. GlanderPhysical Anthropology, Ecology Biology
Annette M. Golonkaevolutionary genetics and genomics, infectious disease2002 Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Lauren Gonzales Richard F. Kay (grad student)
Daniel Gonzalez-SocoloskeEcology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology Ecology2013 Kenneth E. Glander (grad student)
Allie M. GrahamEvolutionary Genetics20102012 Mohamed A.F. Noor (research assistant)
Jennifer Gredler20132015 Mohamed A.F. Noor (grad student)
Cecile Gueidan Biology2007 François Lutzoni (grad student)
Alex R GundersonPhysiological and evolutionary ecollogy Biology20072013 Manuel Leal (grad student)
Shreejata GuptaCognitive Ethology, Communication in Non-human primates Evolutionary Anthropology20162016 Kenneth E. Glander (post-doc)
Mark Paul Gustafson1994 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Charles R. HallYeast Genetics2007 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
David Hall Biology1995 Marcy Uyenoyama (grad student)
Wendy (Fineblum) Hall Mark Rausher (grad student)
Patrick Halpin
Danyal HamiGenetics, Evolution and Development Biology, Human Development Genetics and Genomics2011 Margaret L. Kirby (grad student)
Joseph J Hanly
Grant Harrisavian ecology, conservation2004 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Patricia Mary Harris1992 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Reid Norman Harris1986 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Julie Byrd HebertPopulation genetics, Speciation, Plant-Insect Interactions20012002 Mark Rausher (research assistant), Michael J. Wise (research assistant)
Andrew J. Heidelevolutionary genetics and genomics, infectious disease2002 Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Caitlin S Smukowski Heil Biology20092014 Mohamed A.F. Noor (grad student)
Daniel A. HenkFungal evolution and phylogenetics2005 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Terry W. HenkelFungal evolution and phylogenetics2001 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Michelle H. HershFungal evolution and phylogenetics Ecology2009 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
David S. HibbettFungal evolution and phylogenetics Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Valerie M. Hickeyavian ecology, conservation Environment2009 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Brendan P. Hodkinson Biology2011 François Lutzoni (grad student)
Kenneth Hoehn20092013 Mohamed A.F. Noor (research assistant)
Jeffrey W. Hollister Nicholas School of The Environment19951997 Patrick Halpin (grad student)
Julie A. Hollister-SmithZoology Biology2005 Susan C. Alberts (grad student)
John Hopple Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
James W. Horn2005 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
Marion HourdequinPhilosophy, General Biology2005 Alex Rosenberg (grad student)
Dana Hunt
Victor H. HutchisonPhysiological Ecology, Herpetology, Thermal Tolerance, Respiratory Adaptations Zoology1959 Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (grad student), Joseph Randle Bailey (grad student), Irving Emery Gray (grad student)
Jason A. JacksonFungal evolution and phylogenetics Ecology2010 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Susan Kay JacobsonHuman dimensions of wildlife management, biological conservation and sustainable development in developing countries, natural resource education and park program planning and evaluation, environmental education and communications, park interpretation1987 Lynn A. Maguire (grad student)
Timothy Y. JamesFungal evolution and phylogenetics2003 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
M. Alejandra Jaramillo2001 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
Sonke JohnsenAnimal Physiology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Evolution and Development Biology
Marc T. J. Johnsonevolution, ecology, quantitative genetics, ecological genetics, plant-insect, herbivory, sex20072008 Mark Rausher (post-doc)
Suzanne L. Joneson Biology2009 François Lutzoni (grad student)
Lucas N. Joppaavian ecology, conservation Ecology2009 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Peter Michael KappelerBehavioral ecology Zoology1992 Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Laura A. KavanaughYeast Genetics Genetics and Genomics2008 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
Ömür Kayikci Paul M. Magwene (grad student)
Peter Kilham1972 Daniel A. Livingstone (grad student)
Margaret L. KirbyGenetics, Evolution and Development Biology, Human Development
Chris Klingenbergevolution, morphometrics, quantitative genetics19971999 Herman Frederik Joseph Leonard Nijhout (post-doc)
Peter H. Klopferbehavioral ecology Susan Oyama (collaborator)
Katharine Korunes20142019 Mohamed A.F. Noor (grad student)
Katerina S. KuceraGenetics, Women's Studies Genetics and Genomics2011 Huntington F. Willard (grad student)
Michael LaBarbera1976 Stephen A. Wainwright (grad student)
Peter A. Larsen
Amy L. Lawton-RauhEvolutionary genetics Thomas Mitchell-Olds (post-doc)
Young Wha W. Lee Genetics and Genomics2009 John K. Kelly (grad student), John H. Willis (grad student)
Jeffrey David Leimberger1989 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Emily J Levy Biology2016 Susan C. Alberts (grad student)
Patrick J. Lewis Evolutionary Anthropology2003 Steven E. Churchill (grad student)
Dana Lin Jenny Tung (post-doc)
Shian-Ren LiouFungal evolution and phylogenetics2000 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Irene Liuevolutionary biology20142014 Stephen Nowicki (post-doc), Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Daniel A. LivingstoneNeurobehavioral Toxicology, pesticides, marine toxins, lead, mercury, zebrafish, mammalian toxicology
Scott R. Loarieavian ecology, conservation Environment2008 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Dagan A. LoiselGenetics2007 Susan C. Alberts (grad student)
Sarah J. Longoichthyology, convergent evolution, ventilatory anatomy, spring-actuated feeding20172020 Sheila N. Patek (post-doc)
Philippe P. LudiYeast Genetics2006 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
François Lutzoni19901995 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Deirdre C LyonsDevelopment, Evolution20092016 David R. McClay (post-doc)
Paul M. MagweneEvolution and Development Biology, Genetics
Paul M. Magweneevolutionary genomics, quantitative genetics, computational biology, systems biology
Paul S. Manos
Carlos MariscalPhilosophy of Biology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy, Evolutionary Biology, Evolutionary Genomics, Astrobiology, Philosophy of Astrobiology, Universal Biology, LUCA, Origins of Life Philosophy Philosophy20082014 Alex Rosenberg (grad student), Robert Brandon (grad student)
Noland H. Martin2004 John H. Willis (grad student)
Cole W. MatsonToxicology, Genetics, Ecology Biology, Environmental Sciences Nicholas School of the Environment20052011 Richard T. Di Giulio (post-doc)
Colin Maxwell Paul M. Magwene (grad student)
Anyimilehidi Mazo-Vargasevolution
David M. McCandlishPaleobiology, Philosophy Biology Biology2012 Daniel W. McShea (grad student), Paul M. Magwene (grad student)
David R. McClay
Steven Andrew McCollum1993 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Tami R. McDonald Biology2011 François Lutzoni (grad student)
Suzanne McGaugh20092012 Mohamed A.F. Noor (post-doc)
Daniel C. McIntyre Genetics and Genomics2012 David R. McClay (grad student)
Daniel W. McSheaPaleobiology, Philosophy
Tom Meagher Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Edgar Mauricio Medina TovarOrigin and evolution of fungi, evolutionary cell biology Biology20122019 Nicolas E. Buchler (grad student)
Charlotte E. MillerBiomechanics Daniel Schmitt (post-doc)
Thomas Mitchell-Olds
Jennifer L. Modliszewski Biology2012 John H. Willis (grad student)
Julius Penalba Mojica Thomas Mitchell-Olds (post-doc)
Kirk A. MoloneyEcology, Genetics Botany1986 Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Peter J. MorinEcology Biology, Microbiology Biology1982 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Nathan D. MortonPhilosophy Philosophy2013 Alex Rosenberg (grad student)
Leonie C. MoyleEvolution2002 Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Martha M. MuñozEvolutionary Biology, Phylogenetics, Ecophysiology Biology20152017 Sheila N. Patek (post-doc)
Ted Daniel Murphy Zoology1963 Joseph Randle Bailey (grad student)
Jennifer A. NelsonTheoretical Ecology2006 William G. Wilson (grad student)
Herman Frederik Joseph Leonard Nijhout
Juliet Furneaux Noor
Mohamed A.F. NoorEvolutionary Genetics
Philip M. Novack-GottshallPaleobiology, Paleoecology19992004 Daniel W. McShea (grad student)
Stephen NowickiAnimal Communication, Birdsong
Heath E. O'Brien2006 François Lutzoni (grad student)
Kara J. O'Keefeevolutionary genetics and genomics, infectious disease2002 Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Todd Hampton Oakleyevolution, vision, invertebrate zoology, phylogenetics19962001 Clifford W. Cunningham (grad student), Cliff Cunningham (grad student)
Francois Odendall Mark Rausher (post-doc)
David William Osgood Zoology1968 Joseph Randle Bailey (grad student)
Kyla Selvig Ost Andrew Alspaugh (grad student)
Jeri L. ParrentFungal evolution and phylogenetics2006 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Susan Paulsen Mark Rausher (grad student)
Peter Bretton Pearman1991 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Joseph Pechmann1994 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Karen Marie Petras1995 Peter H. Klopfer (grad student)
Stuart L. Pimmavian ecology, conservation
Jeffrey Edward Podos1996 Stephen Nowicki (grad student), Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Jelmer Poelstra Anne Daphne Yoder (post-doc)
Theresa Popeprimate behavior, conservation
Russell Powell Philosophy20042008 Alex Rosenberg (grad student)
Kevin M. Preuss Biology20042010 Herman Frederik Joseph Leonard Nijhout (grad student)
Anne J. Pringle2001 Janis Antonovics (grad student), Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Kathleen Pryer1995 Brent Drennen Mishler (grad student)
Ryan C. Range2005 David R. McClay (grad student)
Mark Rausher
Valerie C. Reeb2005 François Lutzoni (grad student)
Jennifer M. ReiningaGenomics Paul M. Magwene (post-doc)
William J. Resetarits Jr.1988 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Hannah T. ReynoldsFungal evolution and phylogenetics Biology2011 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Ho K. Rho Biology2011 David R. McClay (grad student)
Chris Richards Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Janneke H. Ris LambersEcology Biology, Botany Biology, Evolution and Development Biology2001 James S. Clark (grad student)
Kathryn Ritz20142016 Mohamed A.F. Noor (grad student)
Alex Rosenberg
Callum F. RossEvolutionary morphology, neuroscience Biological Anthropology and Anatomy William L. Hylander (grad student)
Kimberly A. Rosvallbehavioral ecology, neuroendocrinology Biology2009 Stephen Nowicki (grad student)
Cullen Roth Paul M. Magwene (grad student)
Catherine Rushworth2015 Thomas Mitchell-Olds (grad student)
Matt Rutter Biology20022006 Charles B. Fenster (post-doc)
Carla Rydholm2006 François Lutzoni (grad student)
Kieran SamukAdaptation, Speciation, Evolution, Genetics Biology20162021 Mohamed A.F. Noor (post-doc)
Marcelo R. Sánchez-Villagra Evolutionary Anthropology19931998 Richard F. Kay (grad student), Kathleen K. Smith (grad student)
Lindsay R. Saunders Biology2012 David R. McClay (grad student)
Robert J. Schmidt1984 John E. Boynton (grad student)
Knut Schmidt-Nielsen
Johanna SchmittPlant ecological genomics and evolutionary ecology; mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity19811982 Janis Antonovics (post-doc)
Ruth Shaw Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Christina B. SheedyGenetics, Cell Biology, Evolution and Development Biology Genetics and Genomics2012 Huntington F. Willard (grad student)
John A. SilanderPlant community ecology Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Ellen L. Simmsplant/microbe evolution1983 Norman L. Christensen (grad student), Donald Smiley Burdick (grad student)
Michael George Simpson1983 Patricia G. Gensel (grad student)
Daniel A. Skelly Paul M. Magwene (post-doc)
Michael A. SliferYeast Genetics2007 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
Curtis A. SmithTheoretical Ecology2006 William G. Wilson (grad student)
Stacey Dewitt Smithphylogenetics, trait evolution, evolutionary genetics
Robin Smith Mark Rausher (grad student)
Daniel I. SpeiserZoology Biology, Animal Physiology Biology, Ecology Biology Biology2010 Sonke Johnsen (grad student), Sonke Johnson (grad student)
Jason E. StajichMycology, evolution, comparative genomics, bioinformatics20012006 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
Kurt Frederick Steinwascher1978 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Laurie S. Stevisonspeciation genetics, recombination, population genetics Biology20072011 Mohamed A.F. Noor (grad student)
Donald Strattonecological genetics Janis Antonovics (post-doc)
Andrea L. Sweigart2006 John H. Willis (grad student)
David SwoffordPhylogenetics
Joseph Anthony TravisEcological Genetics1980 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Erin A. Tripp2008 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
Yi-Hsin E. Tsai Biology2009 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
J. Scott Turner Knut Schmidt-Nielsen (post-doc)
Marcy Uyenoyama
Mariana M. Valeavian ecology, conservation Ecology2007 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Cory M. ValleyGenetics2007 Huntington F. Willard (grad student)
Josh Van Buskirkevolution, ecology, behavior19841990 Henry M. Wilbur (grad student)
Kyle S. Van Houtanavian ecology, conservation2006 Stuart L. Pimm (grad student)
Edward P. VenitPaleobiology, Philosophy2007 Daniel W. McShea (grad student)
Sara ViaEcological Genetics, Genetics of Reproductive Isolation1983 Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Rytas VilgalysFungal evolution and phylogenetics
Jamie Wagner Mark Rausher (grad student)
Katherine D. Walton Biology2007 David R. McClay (grad student)
Samuel S.-H. Wangcerebellum; brain evolution19941997 George J. Augustine (post-doc)
John P. Waresmolecular ecology, diversity Zoology19952000 Cliff Cunningham (grad student)
Danielle A. Way Biology Ram Oren (post-doc)
Tad Weaver Ecology1969 William Dwight Billings (grad student)
Jennifer R. WeidmanYeast Genetics2006 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
Peter D. WeiglEcology, Conservation, Flying Squirrels Daniel A. Livingstone (grad student)
Jennifer Wernegreen
Mark W. WestneatPhylogenetics, Systematics, Biomechanics, Evolution19911992 John G. Lundberg (grad student), Stephen A. Wainwright (post-doc), Stephen Nowicki (post-doc)
Bayly S. WheelerGenetics Genetics and Genomics2010 Huntington F. Willard (grad student)
Diana WheelerEntomology Biology, Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Molecular Biology1982 Herman Frederik Joseph Leonard Nijhout (grad student)
Mary K. Whitson2001 Paul S. Manos (grad student)
Huntington F. WillardGenetics, Cell Biology, Evolution and Development Biology
Gwendolyn C. WilliamsFungal evolution and phylogenetics Biology2014 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
John H. Willis Michael Robert Lynch (post-doc)
Charles G. WillisEcological genetics Biology2013 Kathleen Donohue (grad student)
William G. WilsonTheoretical Ecology
Michael J. Wise2003 Mark Rausher (grad student)
Catherine WorkmanPhysical Anthropology, Ecology Biology Evolutionary Anthropology2010 Kenneth E. Glander (grad student)
Gregory A. Wray1987 David R. McClay (grad student)
Kevin Wright Mark Rausher (grad student)
Shu-Yu Wu2007 David R. McClay (grad student)
Carrie Wu John H. Willis (post-doc)
Robert E. WyattEvolution, Ecology, Plant Biology, Bryology, Pollination Janis Antonovics (grad student)
Rebecca YahrFungal evolution and phylogenetics2004 Rytas Vilgalys (grad student)
Anne Daphne Yoder1992 Kathleen K. Smith (grad student), Matt Cartmill (grad student)
Sun Kyeong Yu Philosophy2008 Alex Rosenberg (grad student)
Zhihong ZhangYeast Genetics2005 Fred Dietrich (grad student)
Matthew N ZippleSocial behavior, maternal care, life history, sexual selection, sexual conflict Biology20152021 Susan C. Alberts (grad student)