Kathlyn M. Smith, Ph.D.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI
"Kathlyn Smith"


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Daniel Claude Fisher grad student 2010 University of Michigan
 (Life histories of female American mastodons (Mammut americanum): Evidence from tusk morphology, stable isotope records, and growth increments.)
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D'Emic MD, Whitlock JA, Smith KM, et al. (2013) Evolution of high tooth replacement rates in sauropod dinosaurs. Plos One. 8: e69235
Smith KM, Fisher DC. (2013) Sexual Dimorphism and Inter-Generic Variation in Proboscidean Tusks: Multivariate Assessment of American Mastodons (Mammut americanum) and Extant African Elephants Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 20: 337-355
Smith KM, Fisher DC. (2011) Sexual dimorphism of structures showing indeterminate growth: Tusks of American mastodons (Mammut americanum) Paleobiology. 37: 175-194
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