Heather L. Simpson, Ph.D.

University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, United States
"Heather Simpson"


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Diane L. Marshall grad student 2012 Univ. of New Mexico
 (Genetic diversity, local differentiation, and adaptive evolution in introduced populations of the invasive plant Isatis tinctoria L. (Brassicaceae).)
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Gaskin JF, Schwarzländer M, Gibson RD, et al. (2018) Corrigendum: Geographic population structure in an outcrossing plant invasion after centuries of cultivation and recent founding events. Aob Plants. 10: ply030
Gaskin JF, Schwarzländer M, Gibson RD, et al. (2018) Geographic population structure in an outcrossing plant invasion after centuries of cultivation and recent founding events. Aob Plants. 10: ply020
Marshall DL, Tyler AP, Abrahamson NJ, et al. (2010) Pollen performance of Raphanus sativus (Brassicaceae) declines in response to elevated [CO(2)]. Sexual Plant Reproduction. 23: 325-36
Diggle PK, Abrahamson NJ, Baker RL, et al. (2010) Dynamics of maternal and paternal effects on embryo and seed development in wild radish (Raphanus sativus). Annals of Botany. 106: 309-19
Koontz TL, Simpson HL. (2010) The composition of seed banks on kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) mounds in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland Journal of Arid Environments. 74: 1156-1161
Marshall DL, Reynolds J, Abrahamson NJ, et al. (2007) Do differences in plant and flower age change mating patterns and alter offspring fitness in Raphanus sativus (Brassicaceae)? American Journal of Botany. 94: 409-18
Marshall DL, Abrahamson NJ, Avritt JJ, et al. (2005) Differences in plastic responses to defoliation due to variation in the timing of treatments for two species of Sesbania (Fabaceae). Annals of Botany. 95: 1049-58
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