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Richard Gerald Harrison grad student 2005 Cornell
 (The genetics of speciation and the origin of genomic divergence.)
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Firneno TJ, Semenov G, Dopman EB, et al. (2023) Quantitative Analyses of Coupling in Hybrid Zones. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology
Yu Y, Huang LL, Xue FS, et al. (2023) Partial reuse of circadian clock genes along parallel clines of diapause in two moth species. Molecular Ecology
Kunerth HD, Bogdanowicz SM, Searle JB, et al. (2022) Consequences of coupled barriers to gene flow for the build-up of genomic differentiation. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Unbehend M, Kozak GM, Koutroumpa F, et al. (2021) bric à brac controls sex pheromone choice by male European corn borer moths. Nature Communications. 12: 2818
Michielini JP, Dopman EB, Crone EE. (2020) Changes in flight period predict trends in abundance of Massachusetts butterflies. Ecology Letters
Wadsworth CB, Okada Y, Dopman EB. (2020) Phenology-dependent cold exposure and thermal performance of Ostrinia nubilalis ecotypes. Bmc Evolutionary Biology. 20: 34
Kerr NZ, Wepprich T, Grevstad FS, et al. (2019) Developmental trap or demographic bonanza? Opposing consequences of earlier phenology in a changing climate for a multivoltine butterfly. Global Change Biology
Kozak GM, Wadsworth CB, Kahne SC, et al. (2019) Genomic Basis of Circannual Rhythm in the European Corn Borer Moth. Current Biology : Cb
Coates BS, Kozak GM, Kim KS, et al. (2019) Influence of host plant, geography and pheromone strain on genomic differentiation in sympatric populations of Ostrinia nubilalis. Molecular Ecology
Coates BS, Dopman EB, Wanner KW, et al. (2018) Genomic mechanisms of sympatric ecological and sexual divergence in a model agricultural pest, the European corn borer. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 26: 50-56
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