Diane L. Rowe, Ph.D.

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Evolutionary Genetics, Phylogenetics, Mammalogy
"Diane Rowe"


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Rodney L. Honeycutt grad student 2002 Texas A & M
 (Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of hystricognath rodents.)
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Christidis L, Irestedt M, Rowe D, et al. (2011) Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA phylogenies reveal a complex evolutionary history in the Australasian robins (Passeriformes: Petroicidae) Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 61: 726-738
Waters JM, Rowe DL, Burridge CP, et al. (2010) Gene trees versus species trees: reassessing life-history evolution in a freshwater fish radiation. Systematic Biology. 59: 504-17
Rowe DL, Dunn KA, Adkins RM, et al. (2010) Molecular clocks keep dispersal hypotheses afloat: Evidence for trans-Atlantic rafting by rodents Journal of Biogeography. 37: 305-324
Waters JM, Rowe DL, Apte S, et al. (2007) Geological dates and molecular rates: rapid divergence of rivers and their biotas. Systematic Biology. 56: 271-82
Honeycutt RL, Rowe DL, Gallardo MH. (2003) Molecular systematics of the South American caviomorph rodents: relationships among species and genera in the family Octodontidae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 26: 476-89
Rowe DL, Honeycutt RL. (2002) Phylogenetic relationships, ecological correlates, and molecular evolution within the cavioidea (mammalia, rodentia). Molecular Biology and Evolution. 19: 263-77
Adkins RM, Gelke EL, Rowe D, et al. (2001) Molecular phylogeny and divergence time estimates for major rodent groups: evidence from multiple genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 18: 777-91
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