Yoel Stuart, Ph.D.

Biology, Organismic and Evolutionary Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Yoel Stuart"


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Jonathan Losos grad student 2013 Harvard
 (Character Displacement and Community Assembly in Anolis Lizards.)


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Brandon Javier Varela research assistant 2017- UT Austin
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De Lisle SP, Bolnick DI, Stuart YE. (2024) Predictable and Divergent Change in the Multivariate Matrix during Parallel Adaptation. The American Naturalist. 204: 15-29
Siddiqui R, Swank S, Ozark A, et al. (2024) Inferring the evolution of reproductive isolation in a lineage of fossil threespine stickleback, . Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 291: 20240337
Crawford DL, Thompson MC, Conn T, et al. (2023) Convergence or Redundancy: Alternative Views about the Evolutionary Genomics of Character Displacement. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Poore HA, Stuart YE, Rennison DJ, et al. (2023) Repeated genetic divergence plays a minor role in repeated phenotypic divergence of lake-stream stickleback. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution. 77: 110-122
Roesti M, Groh JS, Blain SA, et al. (2022) Species divergence under competition and shared predation. Ecology Letters
Swank S, Elazegui E, Janidlo S, et al. (2022) Attempting genetic inference from directional asymmetry during convergent hindlimb reduction in squamates. Ecology and Evolution. 12: e9088
Voje KL, Bell MA, Stuart YE. (2022) Evolution of static allometry and constraint on evolutionary allometry in a fossil stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Swank S, Sanger TJ, Stuart YE. (2021) (Non)Parallel developmental mechanisms in vertebrate appendage reduction and loss. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 15484-15497
Stuart YE, Sherwin JW, Kamath A, et al. (2021) Male and female Anolis carolinensis maintain their dimorphism despite the presence of novel interspecific competition. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Stuart YE, Travis MP, Bell MA. (2020) Inferred genetic architecture underlying evolution in a fossil stickleback lineage. Nature Ecology & Evolution
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