Marc J. Lajeunesse, Ph.D.

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
Evolutionary Ecology, Plant-Insect Interactions
"Marc Lajeunesse"


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Anurag A. Agrawal grad student 2009 Cornell
 (A comparative and meta-phylogenetic synthesis of host specificity in parasites.)
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Stockwell JD, Doubek JP, Adrian R, et al. (2020) Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in lakes. Global Change Biology
Cohen JM, Lajeunesse MJ, Rohr JR. (2018) A global synthesis of animal phenological responses to climate change Nature Climate Change. 8: 224-228
Rúa MA, Antoninka A, Antunes PM, et al. (2016) Home-field advantage? evidence of local adaptation among plants, soil, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi through meta-analysis. Bmc Evolutionary Biology. 16: 122
Lajeunesse MJ. (2016) Facilitating systematic reviews, data extraction and meta-analysis with the metagear package for R Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 7: 323-330
Chamberlain SA, Hovick SM, Dibble CJ, et al. (2012) Does phylogeny matter? Assessing the impact of phylogenetic information in ecological meta-analysis. Ecology Letters. 15: 627-36
Parachnowitsch AL, Lajeunesse MJ. (2012) Adapting with the enemy: local adaptation in plant-herbivore interactions. The New Phytologist. 193: 294-6
Parker JD, Burkepile DE, Lajeunesse MJ, et al. (2012) Phylogenetic isolation increases plant success despite increasing susceptibility to generalist herbivores Diversity and Distributions. 18: 1-9
Lajeunesse MJ. (2011) On the meta-analysis of response ratios for studies with correlated and multi-group designs Ecology. 92: 2049-2055
Lajeunesse MJ. (2011) phyloMeta: a program for phylogenetic comparative analyses with meta-analysis. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 27: 2603-4
Carmona D, Lajeunesse MJ, Johnson MTJ. (2011) Plant traits that predict resistance to herbivores Functional Ecology. 25: 358-367
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